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[40250] Reference Serverfile + Client + Src [15 Available Languages]


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8 hours ago, narcisxb said:
Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error (active)	E1574	static assertion failed with "set<T, Compare, Allocator> requires that Allocator's value_type match T (See N4659 26.2.1 [container.requirements.general]/16 allocator_type) Either fix the allocator value_type or define _ENFORCE_MATCHING_ALLOCATORS=0 to suppress this diagnostic."	UserInterface	C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\set	57	
Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error (active)	E0020	identifier "CFlyTarget" is undefined	UserInterface	C:\Users\Narcis\Documents\Desktop\Client & Serverfiles 40250 _ 2014\ClientVS19\source\GameLib\FlyTarget.h	17	

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error (active)	E0020	identifier "CFlyTarget" is undefined	UserInterface	C:\Users\Narcis\Documents\Desktop\Client & Serverfiles 40250 _ 2014\ClientVS19\source\GameLib\FlyTarget.h	18	

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error (active)	E0020	identifier "CFlyTarget" is undefined	UserInterface	C:\Users\Narcis\Documents\Desktop\Client & Serverfiles 40250 _ 2014\ClientVS19\source\GameLib\FlyTarget.h	23	

Binary source active errors. Binary seems to compile fine with VS2019 but these errors are present. 

Honestly idk, I don't have this error and I'm not a c++ expert nor the programmer of Metin2 ? It may be some VS bug, I suggest you to delete the the .vs folder (hidden, you have to enable hidden folders in windows) it will auto-recreate it after you open visual studio (I usually solve vs bugs this way..) plus you can set the solution's element's C++ Language standard to ISO C++17 from Preview (all of them). 

1 hour ago, SmyleMDFK said:

Hy .. where i find the comand list for that .. i want to change becouse if i put clear for freebsd the comand make clean server.. :

start cd /usr/metin2/server && sh start.sh close cd /usr/metin2/server && sh close.sh clear cd /usr/metin2/server && sh clear.sh backup cd /usr/metin2/server && sh backup.sh questcompile cd /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english/quest && python make.py dbclean cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake clean dbcompile cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake gameclean cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake clean gamecompile cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake

/root/.cshrc (you have to enable hidden files-folders in your ftp client or use a FreeBSD text editor..)


I push a little update because some map's stone.txt were not GF-like. Metins were increased and ores was not present.
If anybody find similar issue please report it to me.

2021.10.01: - Replaced a1-a3, b1-b3, c1-c3, desert_01, flame_01 and trent02's stone.txt with original.
              They were modified for some reason, other maps are original.

You can download

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 the right stone.txts if you don't want to redownload the serverfile just for this.

Edited by TMP4
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13 hours ago, rawtrand said:

Nice . THX can you insert the FOXFS on next update ?

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Edit: This its compile with all libs you need for this serverfiles but you need to update the cryptopp to 6_0_0_0 from arhive. The cryptopp lib for 6_0_0_0 its compiled in cryptopp\build\RelWithDebInfo the static just raname.

You need to update the client src to cryptopp


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6 hours ago, narcisxb said:

How exactly do you compile DumpProto? When I m edditing it and build it I can t compile item_proto. It always goes up to 71052 (biggest vnum that came by default) and then freezes and stops.

I'm not doing anything special. Perhaps run it in the VS for debug and when it stops it may show why.

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46 minutes ago, narcisxb said:

What VS version do you use to compile it?

VS19 community.

I put _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1; to the c++ preprocessors in order to use stdext::hash_map in VS19 because dump_proto is old and needs that.

Quote from hash_map:

#error <hash_map> is deprecated and will be REMOVED. Please use <unordered_map>. You can define \
_SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.

I'm sure it is removed in VS22. 

You can try to change every 

#include <hash_map>


#include <unordered_map>

and every




in dump_proto's source if you are using VS22. Or you can try the boost/unordered_map.hpp too.
No support for that from me tho.

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1 hour ago, AdiMit said:

Hiya ?

What settings (and where) should I change (server-side) to make the server work fully offline/localhost (

Thanks in advance ?

Kind regards!

Check the video in the first post, I literally show off how to start the server on localhost and how to connect.

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7 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

Check the video in the first post, I literally show off how to start the server on localhost and how to connect.

Sorry, I should have been more precise as to what I was trying to do. What I meant was running the server completely offline (as in when you don't have the access to the Internet).

confused cat GIF

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21 minutes ago, AdiMit said:

Sorry, I should have been more precise as to what I was trying to do. What I meant was running the server completely offline (as in when you don't have the access to the Internet).

It is for that. You don't need Internet at all. You only need a router because it is a VM what needs to get a local IP address.

If you don't have a router, then you can create a Host-only adapter in Virtualbox where you can turn on it's DHCP server and that will act like a router's DHCP server. Here is a tutorial: link (The host only adapters moved from settings to tools in newer Virtualbox version if you can't find it)

But again, that only needed when you don't have any router. If you are in a wired connection you 99,99% have one and follow the video.

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13 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

It is for that. You don't need Internet at all. You only need a router because it is a VM what needs to get a local IP address.

If you don't have a router, then you can create a Host-only adapter in Virtualbox where you can turn on it's DHCP server and that will act like a router's DHCP server. Here is a tutorial: link (The host only adapters moved from settings to tools in newer Virtualbox version if you can't find it)

But again, that only needed when you don't have any router. If you are in a wired connection you 99,99% have one and follow the video.

Thank you so much! Now everything is crystal clear ? 

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confused cat GIF

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First of all: Thanks for sharing.

I downloaded the files and setup the VM exactly as showed in the video.
The VM's network adapter is in bridge mode.
Then I added the IP to the root/serverinfo.py and regenerated/replaced it.

However I cannot connect to the server: "Error while connecting to the server"

Any ideas where could be the problem? Thanks


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9 minutes ago, Akaii said:

First of all: Thanks for sharing.

I downloaded the files and setup the VM exactly as showed in the video.
The VM's network adapter is in bridge mode.
Then I added the IP to the root/serverinfo.py and regenerated/replaced it.

However I cannot connect to the server: "Error while connecting to the server"

Any ideas where could be the problem? Thanks

Did you set your IP? I have to ask because lots of people setting the IP what I got in the video, but you have to set your IP what you got from your DHCP server.

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13 hours ago, narcisxb said:

Can you link an extractor for season1? After extracting, editing and repacking with Eter client won t work anymore.

Place this to season1/interface/oxevent and you can repack it with Eternexus: 

This is the hidden content, please

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22 hours ago, Akaii said:

First of all: Thanks for sharing.

I downloaded the files and setup the VM exactly as showed in the video.
The VM's network adapter is in bridge mode.
Then I added the IP to the root/serverinfo.py and regenerated/replaced it.

However I cannot connect to the server: "Error while connecting to the server"

Any ideas where could be the problem? Thanks

I switched to a host only network and now it is working.
Dunno why bridge isn't workin in this case. I'm using bridge mode for several other things without any problems.


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Small update, mostly convenience.

2021.10.18: - Changed "localhost" to "" in Ch3-4 CONFIG files (just to be uniform with Ch1-2).
            - Changed the test server numbers from 11-12 to 21-22 in serverinfo.py to avoid state conflict.
            - Changed folder "horse_event1" to "pony" in mob_proto (20119 & 20219) so they will work better.
            - Commented 2410 from metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02/regen.txt since that group_group not exists.
            - Fixed metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01/boss.txt (changed Yonghan with Mighty Ice Witch, 8 hours).
            - Applied two fix regarding the client position & playarea size:
              1. https://metin2.dev/topic/27934-fixwindows-opening-at-the-wrong-position/
              2. https://metin2.dev/topic/22740-fix-clients-height-taskbar-collision-after-vsupdate/
            - Added the old Tim extractor because Eternexus can't extract every file. (Eternexus_readme.txt)
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After changing item_name.txt and item_proto in /usr/metin2/server/db/ I can't login to the game and  "Error while  connecting to server" but when im typing some randoms login and password, shows me "Account name or password are incorrrect" and after  I put the original item_name and item_proto in, it all works. Someone explain me how to fix it ? i would be grateful

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4 hours ago, Bitek113 said:

After changing item_name.txt and item_proto in /usr/metin2/server/db/ I can't login to the game and  "Error while  connecting to server" but when im typing some randoms login and password, shows me "Account name or password are incorrrect" and after  I put the original item_name and item_proto in, it all works. Someone explain me how to fix it ? i would be grateful

you have to rename the files placed in /usr/metin2/server/share/conf/ 

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