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About 4peppe

  • Birthday 02/25/1999


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  1. If applied correctly, everything works fine; To also have the translations of the items in the strings you need to replace in server -> conf -> item_names.txt the item names with [IN;VALUEOFITEM] The only flaw I'm finding is that it translates the names of the mobs but not those of the npcs;
  2. @blaxis The fix for the problem is the following: go to Client -> src -> UserInterface -> GameType.h // search for typedef struct packet_shop_item // and make sure the order of the variables is as follows typedef struct packet_shop_item { DWORD vnum; DWORD price; BYTE count; BYTE display_pos; long alSockets[ITEM_SOCKET_SLOT_MAX_NUM]; TPlayerItemAttribute aAttr[ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM]; #if defined(__BL_SHOP_SOLD__) // this if with the following variables must be the last char szBuyerName[/*CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN*/24 + 1]; char szBuyTime[19 + 1]; #endif } TShopItemData; go to Server -> game -> src -> packet.h // look for struct packet_shop_item // and make sure the order is the same as the file edited before struct packet_shop_item { DWORD vnum; DWORD price; BYTE count; BYTE display_pos; long alSockets[ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM]; TPlayerItemAttribute aAttr[ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_NUM]; #if defined(__BL_SHOP_SOLD__) char szBuyerName[CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1]; char szBuyTime[19 + 1]; #endif };
  3. it works perfectly! Could you tell me how to remove the effect from your system ?
  4. @ TMP4 i updated the vm as per changelog but when i try to compile i get this error, can you help me? edit: i solved, the problem was (obviously) the depend file i left the old
  5. Hi, thanks for the release! Unfortunately in my client the icons of the dews are displayed but not of the waters, can you help me? Syerr is empty! EDIT: Fixed: Icon files were missing in my client
  6. it may be useful to someone it may be useful to someone
  7. in my case the problem occurs only with automatic potions and/or some items that occupy only 1 slot
  8. The system has a bug: if you add it as is the effect will disappear from automatic potions and if there are other items that use this effect. The solution is as follows, you simply need to create a folder called slot1 and add files from 00.sub to 12.sub in it, the files and folder in question can be found in: client->ymir_work->ui->public->slotactiveeffect @ Mali
  9. Go to the server_src->game->char_item.cpp and search for: case USE_POTION: Comment the line below: item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1); // turn it into //item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);
  10. Go to the server_src->game->char_item.cpp and search for: AggregateMonster(); Comment the line below: item->SetCount(item->GetCount()-1); // turn it into //item->SetCount(item->GetCount()-1);
  11. Hi, i have found a bug: when you have the mouse on the button, and you press the I to close the inventory, the tooltip remains open, you have to move the mouse from the button and close the inventory to do so that doesn't happen; Here is the fix: look in the file client->root->uiinventory.py, inside class InventoryWindow(ui.ScriptWindow) (it's the third def Close(self) you'll find): def Close(self): self.Hide( add below: if app.ENABLE_SORT_INVEN: for i in xrange(len(self.tooltipInfo)): self.tooltipInfo[i].Hide()
  12. I found the solution: look in the file client->root->uiinventory.py, inside class InventoryWindow(ui.ScriptWindow) (it's the third def Close(self) you'll find) : def Close(self): self.Hide() add below: if app.ENABLE_SORT_INVEN: for i in xrange(len(self.tooltipInfo)): self.tooltipInfo[i].Hide()
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