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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
martysama0134 martysama0134 12/15/24 good boy 77nick77 77nick77
Adalet Adalet 12/15/24 I hope you never, never, never touch any metin2 source, ever again. God help us ur code is absolutely fucking garbage. At first I thought you fucked some parts of the nova source on purpose to try to be cheeky, but nah u just have no idea what you are doing. Elowinz Elowinz
Helia01 Helia01 11/14/24 супер sevdokimov sevdokimov
Realshadow Realshadow 11/10/24 A really helpful and handsome guy <3 Aigo Aigo
Realis Realis 11/09/24 I like the way he works and he is among the most skilled people in his field that I have ever met. Mitachi Mitachi
Mitachi Mitachi 11/09/24 An exceptional person—knowledgeable, trustworthy, and genuinely friendly. You can count on him; he truly knows what he’s doing! Realis Realis
Exynox Exynox 10/28/24 The only hope for metin2 not to die is this guy, let's make it ARM Macromango Macromango
TMP4 TMP4 10/22/24 You're a legend mate. Thanks for everything :) KushyKush KushyKush
xP3NG3Rx xP3NG3Rx 10/22/24 You're doing some great work here! I'm not going to pretend I'm entitled to your time so whenever you get a chance and if you feel like - could you please shed some light, maybe reply with a few steps on what's your method of deobfuscating the metin2 exe which you added in the folder with the root meta from the post link below ? https://metin2.dev/topic/15649-official-unpacked-updates-metin2-no-spam/?do=findComment&comment=166382&_rid=12389 It would be really helpful to learn more about how this is done so that when they update the game / client launcher, we don't have to wait until somebody like you can do it 👍 ikevin127 ikevin127
xP3NG3Rx xP3NG3Rx 10/22/24 You're doing some great work here! I'm not going to pretend I'm entitled to your time so whenever you get a chance and if you feel like - could you please shed some light, maybe reply with a few steps on what's your method of deobfuscating the metin2 exe which you added in the folder with the root meta from the post link below ? https://metin2.dev/topic/15649-official-unpacked-updates-metin2-no-spam/?do=findComment&comment=166382&_rid=12389 It would be really helpful to learn more about how this is done so that when they update the game / client launcher, we don't have to wait until somebody like you can do it 👍 ikevin127 ikevin127
xP3NG3Rx xP3NG3Rx 10/16/24 One of the few members whose, if you remove his contributions from the timeline, m2 would not be the same. Mitachi Mitachi
xP3NG3Rx xP3NG3Rx 10/16/24 Great code, really helped the community by publishing his work. Deso Deso
xP3NG3Rx xP3NG3Rx 10/16/24 Legend Helia01 Helia01
xP3NG3Rx xP3NG3Rx 10/15/24 Legend Owsap Owsap
xP3NG3Rx xP3NG3Rx 10/15/24 Legend Owsap Owsap
Ulthar Ulthar 10/15/24 )) sevdokimov sevdokimov
meneleos meneleos 10/11/24 thk u sahann2 sahann2
realmoulinrouge realmoulinrouge 09/06/24 Big man helped a brother in need to get sshd up and running, my man took sshd by the neck and made it work no problem astroNOT astroNOT
Raylee Raylee 08/11/24 good floreasca01 floreasca01
Distraught Distraught 07/02/24 Good floreasca01 floreasca01
Mitachi Mitachi 05/08/24 Guy who shows passion and professionality in his work. Nelson229 Nelson229
Nelson229 Nelson229 05/07/24 I've always liked his work, feed+ for the G Mitachi Mitachi
Mitachi Mitachi 04/30/24 911/10, short code, no mess, everything works + support with everything. Rare! Makaveli Makaveli
Ulthar Ulthar 04/01/24 Great man <3 Juki Juki
Mali Mali 04/01/24 Not many people who would likely share everything free like this guy! Big LovE! Juki Juki
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