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[40250] Reference Serverfile + Client + Src [15 Available Languages]


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3 hours ago, garofolo said:

Hello everyone after makes some tests and put server online with beta i found a serius bug in the game is CRASH CORE!

I really recommend nobody to use these files as base for some server.



this is related when player use teleport and is random. 

So entity_view.cpp:19 is an empty line by default:


But you did install this because I just checked your profile and your recent activity:

So your line 19 is:


Should I explain further?

Disclaimer: I'm not saying Ikarus's fix is bad. I just saying you installed something what caused you problems, and you came here to blame.

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30 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

So entity_view.cpp:19 is a fcking empty line by default:


But you did install this because I just checked your profile and your recent activity:

So your line 19 is:


Should I explain further?

Disclaimer: I'm not saying Ikarus's fix is bad. I just saying you installed something what caused you problems, and you came here to blame.

no friend the attempt to use the ikarus fix to fix the bug that's all

and it didn't work either.

even trying to repair the crash it was not possible anyway for that reason I came here to expose the situation so that everyone can see and test it in their own way.

with the FIX or not the core crash remains the same.


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well i find this all very interesting as just because you have a core crash you start blaming the server files which i have found is incorrect as i have been running this particular server quite happily for a long time and it is quite happy to run in the background with out problem

no i would suggest you start to took at the system you have it running on and the way you have it setup and maybe even the you connect to it 

so just wondering how many years of experience with this server do you have as some of us have many many years and it all works fine here


so i guess i may upset a few but thats life....





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56 minutes ago, granpa123 said:

Bem, eu acho tudo isso muito interessante, porque você tem uma falha no núcleo e começa a culpar os arquivos do servidor que eu descobri que estão incorretos, pois tenho executado esse servidor em particular com bastante satisfação por um longo tempo e é muito bom executá-lo no fundo sem problema

não, eu sugiro que você comece a analisar o sistema em que está sendo executado e a maneira como o configurou e talvez até mesmo como você se conecta a ele 

então, gostaria de saber quantos anos de experiência com este servidor você tem, já que alguns de nós têm muitos anos e tudo funciona bem aqui


então acho que posso incomodar alguns, mas é a vida ....





hello friend, when you leave the server online only for you to perform tests, it will not generate any game.core, have you already published a server with these files with large-scale players?

because that is my point here.

of course it could be some system I added but it was such simple modifications and I already have a few years of experience with metin2. I'm here posting an identified failure and just trying to find solutions.

thank you anyway.

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19 hours ago, garofolo said:

hello friend, when you leave the server online only for you to perform tests, it will not generate any game.core, have you already published a server with these files with large-scale players?

because that is my point here.

of course it could be some system I added but it was such simple modifications and I already have a few years of experience with metin2. I'm here posting an identified failure and just trying to find solutions.

thank you anyway.

Disable ENABLE_GOTO_LAG_FIX for testing and when it crash copy here your bt and bt full. Copy full log from your PuttY, do not take just a picture.

Then we cand find out what made your server crash and where.

I ask this because your last crash was a ENABLE_GOTO_LAG_FIX's line what I'm not intended to check and test. But if the crash happens pointing to a default line then yes of course I can take a look.



of course it could be some system I added but it was such simple modifications and I already have a few years of experience with metin2.

By the way just in your char.cpp from the other topic I see


These aren't simple nor small modifications. And it's just one of your cpp file. Still you can copy bt log, but you'll need to upload the files where it will point to otherwise I can't see your lines to check.

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On 1/30/2023 at 11:39 AM, TMP4 said:

Sorry but what do you expect from me in this situation with this little information?
I just warped to the OX map (game99) and even started an event, did not crash for me. Warped to another game99 map (gm_guild_build), did not crash.

I don't know when it crash for you, what do you do when it crash, or is it crash because of a modification you made.
To find out or at least to have a clue why it crashed for you, do a gdb and copy the output of bt and / or bt full here.

cd /usr/metin2/server/game99
file game
core game.core
bt full

But if you see it's coming from a new system then please kindly open a new topic in q&a.


I already had this error more times but I deleted the src folder and uploaded it, it solved it or create freebsd again and it solved it but now it's always and the last update I made in the source a long time ago and it's been working fine until this happened.

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3 hours ago, TheGamer said:


I already had this error more times but I deleted the src folder and uploaded it, it solved it or create freebsd again and it solved it but now it's always and the last update I made in the source a long time ago and it's been working fine until this happened.

Thanks,  it's about the guild mark. Recently I changed DevIL libs to static what the source use to work with guild mark images.

If you find out exactly when the crash happens, please write me.

I may change back the DevIL libs to dynamic if we can't figure it out.

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Just now, .Kuja said:

@ TMP4 OK Thanks  a question come with your files still updates from the Gameforge of Metin2 still pure?

"My goal was to make a reference r40250 serverfile as official as possible compared to what GF had back when their files got leaked in early 2014.
No new systems added, only bug fixes."

The 40k src got leaked (actually stolen xD) in late 2013 and got published to everyone (i think in epvp's forum) in early 2014. It's based on that, nothing new system or so added.

This is meant to use as a base to build your own project, add your (own) systems etc.

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10 hours ago, .Kuja said:

@ TMP4 Entonces, ¿diría los mejores archivos limpios para construir Ok Nice?

Yes, is the best "src clean 40k with source" for working, and it's nice files, working great, shit code remove, c++ update, you can use without problems 😄


Nicks: Nazox Krone Nagato Yahiko Yakiro
Proyecto: Trabajando en el.
Compañeros & firma: DreamHQ  - 2009-2015 [Nostalgia]

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7 hours ago, nazox said:

Yes, is the best "src clean 40k with source" for working, and it's nice files, working great, shit code remove, c++ update, you can use without problems 😄

Thank you 🙂

"without problems" Actually there is 1 problem currently regarding DevIL.

Here's a fix: 

If anyone can't do it, I'll release a new version including this fixed DevIL either today late afternoon/night or tomorrow. This week I have office days so having very less time to do anything.

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7 hours ago, TMP4 said:

gracias <font style=🙂">

"sin problemas" En realidad, hay 1 problema actualmente con respecto a DevIL.

Aquí hay una solución: 

Si alguien no puede hacerlo, lanzaré una nueva versión que incluye este DevIL arreglado ya sea hoy por la tarde/noche o mañana. Esta semana tengo días de oficina por lo que tengo muy poco tiempo para hacer nada.

Thanks for tell the problem, actually I don't see this problem (i don't check), if you can't put the fix, give me few hours and when I come house i can upload. Btw I don't know is me or not but I have problems with msm. If i put new armour , and if add New shapeIndex not work, but if  remove other armour and put low shapeindex armour this working. Of course i know how put new armours, i check values, etc. One Day I can read maybe need change the máx value on src for msm, I want ask if you have this problem, I think too maybe is DumProto, regards 😄.


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Nicks: Nazox Krone Nagato Yahiko Yakiro
Proyecto: Trabajando en el.
Compañeros & firma: DreamHQ  - 2009-2015 [Nostalgia]

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19 minutes ago, nazox said:

Thanks for tell the problem, actually I don't see this problem (i don't check), if you can't put the fix, give me few hours and when I come house i can upload. Btw I don't know is me or not but I have problems with msm. If i put new armour , and if add New shapeIndex not work, but if  remove other armour and put low shapeindex armour this working. Of course i know how put new armours, i check values, etc. One Day I can read maybe need change the máx value on src for msm, I want ask if you have this problem, I think too maybe is DumProto, regards 😄.


The max value is in the msm file, not the src 🙂Increase it, it'll work.


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Mega archive updated, as I promised here's the fix for the DevIL glitch:

2023.02.07: - DevIL had a glitch with uploading guild marks. It's not about the recent change that I linked it
              statically, it existed before, the bug is in the DevIL 1.8.0 itself. Marty helped me to fix the bug, check
              his commit here: https://github.com/martysama0134/libdevil-patched/commit/0d0c155e3c9945a3ef2e6d474b41a0e373719a3e
              If you want to fix this bug, please take these files & folders:
              /usr/metin2/server/src/etc/libdevil (whole folder) and /usr/metin2/server/src/game/src/Makefile
              Be aware of symlinks in libdevil folder, because if you extract it in windows, you'll loose symlinks.
              Here is a tgz of the libdevil folder which you can extract in FreeBSD to keep symlinks:
              And here is the Makefile for the game/src if you don't want to redownload the sf: https://pastebin.com/4rUd2xmY
            - CH1-2 CONFIG files had "" in the DB_ADDR, while CH3-4 CONFIG files had "localhost" in it.
              I changed the latter to "" just to be uniform.
            - The mirrod2db function does not mirror item_proto's specular and mob_proto's mob_color column to the
              database by default, because they just skipped them at saving. I added them, so now the item/mob_proto.txt
              and item/mob_proto table is the same. If we want to be strict, this was not a bug, but I decided to fix it.
              Here is a tutorial: https://pastebin.com/AVd8feg3

I know the previous update was about DevIL static lib, but it is not related to that, but DevIL version 1.8.0 itself.
If you downloaded this serverfile when I updated to FreeBSD 13.1 you do have the bug because pkg version of DevIL was 1.8.0 in that FreeBSD version already, so if you downloaded the serverfile after 2022.05.21 you 100% have this bug and you should apply the fix.

My Q&A topic of this bug: https://metin2.dev/topic/30324-changing-guild-mark-problem-devil-180/ There you can find a video and explanation about the bug.


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6 hours ago, TMP4 said:

The max value is in the msm file, not the src 🙂Increase it, it'll work.


The problem is for me not work :V 


For example, Olympic armour work, because use "shapeIndex 25" but the new weapon after add new value "41000" doesn't work, if u change  to inverse, i mean, 25 on armour using 41000 work, but now olympic doesn't work, how this is a little shit example, i use how reference the last of msm before i'm add the new armor so is this original last msm and work.


    Group ShapeData145
        ShapeIndex            40182   <------Work
        Model                "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2"
        SourceSkin            "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds"
        TargetSkin            "warrior_WC32.dds"    

i'm add the new armour feel like this:


    Group ShapeData146 <---Continuation
        SpecialPath            "d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/"

        ShapeIndex            41000 <---new value (i tried 40183, 40184,  40195, 40200, etc)
        Model                "warrior_lord.GR2"    
        SourceSkin            "warrior_king01.dds"
        TargetSkin            "warrior_king02.dds"

U compile with Dump_Proto, edit msm add in item_proto new value3 (41000) and doesn't work!!

but if you change the warrior costume for example  you change "40182" to "41000" and new armour change "41000" to "40182", now the new armour works, but the costume doesn't work :V so i don't know i can explain well, so i don't know the problem :V thanks again for your time

edit1: in the gift in the end i have mistok and i put 4100 but i mean 41000

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Nicks: Nazox Krone Nagato Yahiko Yakiro
Proyecto: Trabajando en el.
Compañeros & firma: DreamHQ  - 2009-2015 [Nostalgia]

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40 minutes ago, nazox said:

The problem is for me not work :V 


For example, Olympic armour work, because use "shapeIndex 25" but the new weapon after add new value "41000" doesn't work, if u change  to inverse, i mean, 25 on armour using 41000 work, but now olympic doesn't work, how this is a little shit example, i use how reference the last of msm before i'm add the new armor so is this original last msm and work.

i'm add the new armour feel like this:

U compile with Dump_Proto, edit msm add in item_proto new value3 (41000) and doesn't work!!

but if you change the warrior costume for example  you change "40182" to "41000" and new armour change "41000" to "40182", now the new armour works, but the costume doesn't work :V so i don't know i can explain well, so i don't know the problem :V thanks again for your time

edit1: in the gift in the end i have mistok and i put 4100 but i mean 41000

in the ShapeIndex you have to enter the value3 of the itemproto and you don't need to put the SpecialPath because the msm file at the beginning already has it there, unless you put it in another place but it's not recommended.

see this topic it will help you.


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17 minutes ago, TheGamer said:

in the ShapeIndex you have to enter the value3 of the itemproto and you don't need to put the SpecialPath because the msm file at the beginning already has it there, unless you put it in another place but it's not recommended.

see this topic it will help you.


Yeah bro i know,  thanks for your answer, but doesn't work,the patch come deffault in msm you can find "shapeIndex 25" i don't add this, and i have the shapeindex in value 3, but doesn't work, if you use other shapeindex  below 40182 work, but if you create new value upper than 40182 not work

Edited by nazox


Nicks: Nazox Krone Nagato Yahiko Yakiro
Proyecto: Trabajando en el.
Compañeros & firma: DreamHQ  - 2009-2015 [Nostalgia]

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14 minutes ago, nazox said:

Yeah bro i know,  thanks for your answer, but doesn't work,the patch come deffault in msm you can find "shapeIndex 25" i don't add this, and i have the shapeindex in value 3, but doesn't work, if you use other shapeindex  below 40182 work, but if you create new value upper than 40182 not work

show your entire msm and check if your warrior_lord has GR2 with uppercase or lowercase letters because that makes a difference if you have different it won't work.

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