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TAUMP last won the day on October 23 2019

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  1. It's already posted in one tutorial, but why not make it a separate post 1.1) common/tables.h typedef struct SQuickslot { BYTE type; BYTE pos; } TQuickslot; BYTE pos; // Replace / edit: UINT pos; 1.x) length.h paste MAX_QUICKSLOT = 500 // You can adjust to the UINT limit 1.2) game/char.h BYTE bItemGrid[INVENTORY_AND_EQUIP_SLOT_MAX]; // Replace / edit: UINT bItemGrid[INVENTORY_AND_EQUIP_SLOT_MAX]; void SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, BYTE bOldPos, BYTE bNewPos); // Replace / edit: void SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, UINT bOldPos, UINT bNewPos); bool GetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot); // Replace / edit: bool GetQuickslot(UINT pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot); bool SetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot & rSlot); // Replace / edit: bool SetQuickslot(UINT pos, TQuickslot & rSlot); bool DelQuickslot(BYTE pos); // Replace / edit: bool DelQuickslot(UINT pos); bool SwapQuickslot(BYTE a, BYTE b); // Replace / edit: bool SwapQuickslot(UINT a, UINT b); void ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, BYTE bOldPos); // Replace / edit: void ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, UINT bOldPos); void SetWear(BYTE bCell, LPITEM item); // Replace / edit: void SetWear(UINT bCell, LPITEM item); LPITEM GetWear(BYTE bCell) const; // Replace / edit: LPITEM GetWear(UINT bCell) const; bool RefineInformation(BYTE bCell, BYTE bType, int iAdditionalCell = -1); // Replace / edit: bool RefineInformation(UINT bCell, BYTE bType, int iAdditionalCell = -1); bool SwapItem(BYTE bCell, BYTE bDestCell); // Replace / edit: bool SwapItem(UINT bCell, UINT bDestCell); 1.3) game/char_battle.cpp SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, vec_bSlots, 255); // Replace / edit: SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, vec_bSlots, MAX_QUICKSLOT); SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, vec_bSlots, 255); // Replace / edit: SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, vec_bSlots, MAX_QUICKSLOT); SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, WEAR_UNIQUE1, 255); // Replace / edit: SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, WEAR_UNIQUE1, MAX_QUICKSLOT); SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, WEAR_UNIQUE1, 255); // Replace / edit: SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, WEAR_UNIQUE1, MAX_QUICKSLOT); 1.3) game/char_item.cpp LPITEM CHARACTER::GetWear(BYTE bCell) const // Replace / edit: LPITEM CHARACTER::GetWear(UINT bCell) const void CHARACTER::SetWear(BYTE bCell, LPITEM item) // Replace / edit: void CHARACTER::SetWear(UINT bCell, LPITEM item) SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, 255); // Replace / edit: SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, MAX_QUICKSLOT); BYTE bCell = Cell.cell; // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = Cell.cell; if (m_pointsInstant.bItemGrid[bCell] == iExceptionCell) // Replace / edit: if (m_pointsInstant.bItemGrid[bCell] == (UINT)iExceptionCell) if (m_pointsInstant.bItemGrid[bCell] == iExceptionCell) // Replace / edit: if (m_pointsInstant.bItemGrid[bCell] == (UINT)iExceptionCell) BYTE bPage = bCell / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 2); // Replace / edit: UINT bPage = bCell / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 2); BYTE bPage = bCell / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 2); // Replace / edit: UINT bPage = bCell / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 2); BYTE p = bCell + (5 * j); // Replace / edit: UINT p = bCell + (5 * j); BYTE p = bCell + (5 * j); // Replace / edit: UINT p = bCell + (5 * j); BYTE bCell = item->GetCell(); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = item->GetCell(); BYTE bCell = item->GetCell(); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = item->GetCell(); BYTE bCell = item->GetCell(); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = item->GetCell(); bool CHARACTER::RefineInformation(BYTE bCell, BYTE bType, int iAdditionalCell) // Replace / edit: bool CHARACTER::RefineInformation(UINT bCell, BYTE bType, int iAdditionalCell) SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, Cell.cell, 255); // Replace / edit: SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, Cell.cell, MAX_QUICKSLOT); bool CHARACTER::SwapItem(BYTE bCell, BYTE bDestCell) // Replace / edit: bool CHARACTER::SwapItem(UINT bCell, UINT bDestCell) BYTE bEquipCell = item2->GetCell() - INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; // Replace / edit: UINT bEquipCell = item2->GetCell() - INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; BYTE bInvenCell = item1->GetCell() // Replace / edit: UINT bInvenCell = item1->GetCell(); BYTE bCell1 = item1->GetCell(); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell1 = item1->GetCell(); BYTE bCell2 = item2->GetCell(); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell2 = item2->GetCell(); BYTE bOldCell = item->GetCell(); // Replace / edit: UINT bOldCell = item->GetCell(); 1.4) game/char_quickslot.cpp void CHARACTER::SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, BYTE bOldPos, BYTE bNewPos) // Replace / edit: void CHARACTER::SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, UINT bOldPos, UINT bNewPos) if (bNewPos == 255) // Replace / edit: if (bNewPos == MAX_QUICKSLOT) bool CHARACTER::GetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot) // Replace / edit: bool CHARACTER::GetQuickslot(UINT pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot) bool CHARACTER::SetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot & rSlot) // Replace / edit: bool CHARACTER::SetQuickslot(UINT pos, TQuickslot & rSlot) bool CHARACTER::DelQuickslot(BYTE pos) // Replace / edit: bool CHARACTER::DelQuickslot(UINT pos) bool CHARACTER::SwapQuickslot(BYTE a, BYTE b) // Replace / edit: bool CHARACTER::SwapQuickslot(UINT a, UINT b) void CHARACTER::ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, BYTE bOldPos) // Replace / edit: void CHARACTER::ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, UINT bOldPos) 1.5) game/cmd_general.cpp for (BYTE i=0; i<INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; ++i) // Replace / edit: for (UINT i=0; i<INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; ++i) 1.6) game/cmd_gm.cpp ch->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, 255); // Replace / edit: ch->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, MAX_QUICKSLOT); BYTE cell = 0; // Replace / edit: UINT cell = 0; BYTE cell = 0; // Replace / edit: UINT cell = 0; BYTE cell = 0; // Replace / edit: UINT cell = 0; 1.7) game/exchange.cpp m_pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell(), 255); // Replace / edit: m_pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell(), MAX_QUICKSLOT); BYTE bCell = rod->GetCell(); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = rod->GetCell(); 1.8) game/input_main.cpp case SHOP_SUBHEADER_CG_SELL2: { if (uiBytes < sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE)) // Replace / edit: if (uiBytes < sizeof(UINT) + sizeof(BYTE)) BYTE pos = *(c_pData++); // Replace / edit: UINT pos = *reinterpret_cast<const UINT*>(c_pData++); BYTE count = *(c_pData); sys_log(0, "INPUT: %s SHOP: SELL2", ch->GetName()); CShopManager::instance().Sell(ch, pos, count); return sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE); // Replace / edit: return sizeof(UINT) + sizeof(BYTE); } ch->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, p->ItemPos.cell, 255); // Replace / edit: ch->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, p->ItemPos.cell, MAX_QUICKSLOT); 2.0) game/item.cpp pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, wCell, 255); // Replace / edit: pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, wCell, MAX_QUICKSLOT); m_pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, m_wCell, 255); // Replace / edit: m_pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, m_wCell, MAX_QUICKSLOT); bool CItem::EquipTo(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE bWearCell) // Replace / edit: bool CItem::EquipTo(LPCHARACTER ch, UINT bWearCell) 2.1) game/item.h bool EquipTo(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE bWearCell); // Replace / edit: bool EquipTo(LPCHARACTER ch, UINT bWearCell); 2.2) game/item_manager.cpp o->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell(), 255); // Replace / edit: o->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell(), MAX_QUICKSLOT); 2.3) game/mining.cpp BYTE bCell = rkOldPick.GetCell(); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = rkOldPick.GetCell(); BYTE bCell = rkOldPick.GetCell(); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = rkOldPick.GetCell(); 2.4) game/packet.h typedef struct command_quickslot_add { BYTE header; BYTE pos; TQuickslot slot; } TPacketCGQuickslotAdd; // Replace / edit: typedef struct command_quickslot_add { BYTE header; UINT pos; TQuickslot slot; } TPacketCGQuickslotAdd; typedef struct command_quickslot_del { BYTE header; BYTE pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotDel; // Replace / edit: typedef struct command_quickslot_del { BYTE header; UINT pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotDel; typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; BYTE pos; BYTE change_pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotSwap; // Replace / edit: typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; UINT pos; UINT change_pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotSwap; typedef struct packet_item_del { BYTE header; BYTE pos; } TPacketGCItemDel; // Replace / edit: typedef struct packet_item_del { BYTE header; UINT pos; } TPacketGCItemDel; struct packet_quickslot_add { BYTE header; BYTE pos; TQuickslot slot; }; // Replace / edit: struct packet_quickslot_add { BYTE header; UINT pos; TQuickslot slot; }; struct packet_quickslot_del { BYTE header; BYTE pos; }; // Replace / edit: struct packet_quickslot_del { BYTE header; UINT pos; }; struct packet_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; BYTE pos; BYTE pos_to; }; // Replace / edit: struct packet_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; UINT pos; UINT pos_to; }; typedef struct SPacketCGRefine { BYTE header; BYTE pos; BYTE type; } TPacketCGRefine; // Replace / edit: typedef struct SPacketCGRefine { BYTE header; UINT pos; BYTE type; } TPacketCGRefine; typedef struct SPacketCGRequestRefineInfo { BYTE header; BYTE pos; } TPacketCGRequestRefineInfo; // Replace / edit: typedef struct SPacketCGRequestRefineInfo { BYTE header; UINT pos; } TPacketCGRequestRefineInfo; typedef struct SPacketGCRefineInformaion { BYTE header; BYTE type; BYTE pos; DWORD src_vnum; DWORD result_vnum; BYTE material_count; // Replace / edit: typedef struct SPacketGCRefineInformaion { BYTE header; BYTE type; UINT pos; DWORD src_vnum; DWORD result_vnum; BYTE material_count; 2.x) game/fishing.cpp // 2x times BYTE bCell = rod->GetCell(); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = rod->GetCell(); 2.5) game/questlua_global.cpp BYTE bCell = (BYTE) lua_tonumber(L,-1); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = lua_tonumber(L, -1); BYTE bCell = (BYTE) lua_tonumber(L,-1); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = lua_tonumber(L, -1); 2.6) game/questlua_item.cpp BYTE bCell = pItem->GetCell(); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = pItem->GetCell(); 2.7) game/questlua_pc.cpp BYTE bCell = (BYTE)lua_tonumber(L, 1); // Replace / edit: UINT bCell = lua_tonumber(L, 1); 2.8) game/safebox.cpp LPITEM CSafebox::GetItem(BYTE bCell) // Replace / edit: LPITEM CSafebox::GetItem(UINT bCell) bool CSafebox::MoveItem(BYTE bCell, BYTE bDestCell, BYTE count) // Replace / edit: bool CSafebox::MoveItem(UINT bCell, UINT bDestCell, BYTE count) 2.9) game/safebox.h bool MoveItem(BYTE bCell, BYTE bDestCell, BYTE count); // Replace / edit: bool MoveItem(UINT bCell, UINT bDestCell, BYTE count); LPITEM GetItem(BYTE bCell); // Replace / edit: LPITEM GetItem(UINT bCell); 3.0) game/shop.cpp m_pkPC->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell(), 255); // Replace / edit: m_pkPC->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell(), MAX_QUICKSLOT); 3.1) game/shop_manager.cpp void CShopManager::Sell(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE bCell, BYTE bCount) // Replace / edit: void CShopManager::Sell(LPCHARACTER ch, UINT bCell, BYTE bCount) 3.2) game/shop_manager.h void Sell(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE bCell, BYTE bCount=0); // Replace / edit: void Sell(LPCHARACTER ch, UINT bCell, BYTE bCount = 0); 3.3) UserInterface/AbstractPlayer.h virtual void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, char IconPosition) = 0; // Replace / edit: virtual void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, UINT IconPosition) = 0; 3.4) UserInterface/GameType.h typedef struct SQuickSlot { BYTE Type; BYTE Position; } TQuickSlot; // Replace / edit: typedef struct SQuickSlot { BYTE Type; UINT Position; } TQuickSlot; 3.5) UserInterface/Packet.h typedef struct command_quickslot_add { BYTE header; BYTE pos; TQuickSlot slot; }TPacketCGQuickSlotAdd; // Replace / edit: typedef struct command_quickslot_add { BYTE header; UINT pos; TQuickSlot slot; }TPacketCGQuickSlotAdd; typedef struct command_quickslot_del { BYTE header; BYTE pos; }TPacketCGQuickSlotDel; // Replace / edit: typedef struct command_quickslot_del { BYTE header; UINT pos; }TPacketCGQuickSlotDel; typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; BYTE pos; BYTE change_pos; }TPacketCGQuickSlotSwap; // Replace / edit: typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; UINT pos; UINT change_pos; }TPacketCGQuickSlotSwap; typedef struct SPacketCGRefine { BYTE header; BYTE pos; BYTE type; } TPacketCGRefine; // Replace / edit: typedef struct SPacketCGRefine { BYTE header; UINT pos; BYTE type; } TPacketCGRefine; typedef struct packet_item_del { BYTE header; BYTE pos; } TPacketGCItemDel; // Replace / edit: typedef struct packet_item_del { BYTE header; UINT pos; } TPacketGCItemDel; typedef struct packet_quickslot_add { BYTE header; BYTE pos; TQuickSlot slot; } TPacketGCQuickSlotAdd; // Replace / edit: typedef struct packet_quickslot_add { BYTE header; UINT pos; TQuickSlot slot; } TPacketGCQuickSlotAdd; typedef struct packet_quickslot_del { BYTE header; BYTE pos; } TPacketGCQuickSlotDel; // Replace / edit: typedef struct packet_quickslot_del { BYTE header; UINT pos; } TPacketGCQuickSlotDel; typedef struct packet_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; BYTE pos; BYTE change_pos; } TPacketGCQuickSlotSwap; // Replace / edit: typedef struct packet_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; UINT pos; UINT change_pos; } TPacketGCQuickSlotSwap; typedef struct SPacketGCRefineInformation { BYTE header; BYTE pos; TRefineTable refine_table; } TPacketGCRefineInformation; // Replace / edit: typedef struct SPacketGCRefineInformation { BYTE header; UINT pos; TRefineTable refine_table; } TPacketGCRefineInformation; typedef struct SPacketGCRefineInformationNew { BYTE header; BYTE type; BYTE pos; TRefineTable refine_table; } TPacketGCRefineInformationNew; // Replace / edit: typedef struct SPacketGCRefineInformationNew { BYTE header; BYTE type; UINT pos; TRefineTable refine_table; } TPacketGCRefineInformationNew; 3.6) UserInterface/PythonNetworkStream.h bool SendQuickSlotAddPacket(BYTE wpos, BYTE type, BYTE pos); // Replace / edit: bool SendQuickSlotAddPacket(UINT wpos, BYTE type, UINT pos); bool SendQuickSlotDelPacket(BYTE wpos); // Replace / edit: bool SendQuickSlotDelPacket(UINT wpos); bool SendQuickSlotMovePacket(BYTE wpos, BYTE change_pos); // Replace / edit: bool SendQuickSlotMovePacket(UINT wpos, UINT change_pos); bool SendShopSellPacketNew(BYTE bySlot, BYTE byCount); // Replace / edit: bool SendShopSellPacketNew(UINT bySlot, BYTE byCount); bool SendRefinePacket(BYTE byPos, BYTE byType); // Replace / edit: bool SendRefinePacket(UINT byPos, BYTE byType); 3.7) UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendRefinePacket(BYTE byPos, BYTE byType) // Replace / edit: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendRefinePacket(UINT byPos, BYTE byType) 3.8) UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGameItem.cpp bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendShopSellPacketNew(BYTE bySlot, BYTE byCount) // Replace / edit: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendShopSellPacketNew(UINT bySlot, BYTE byCount) { if (!__CanActMainInstance()) return true; TPacketCGShop PacketShop; PacketShop.header = HEADER_CG_SHOP; PacketShop.subheader = SHOP_SUBHEADER_CG_SELL2; if (!Send(sizeof(TPacketCGShop), &PacketShop)) { Tracef("SendShopSellPacket Error\n"); return false; } if (!Send(sizeof(UINT), &bySlot)) { Tracef("SendShopAddSellPacket Error\n"); return false; } if (!Send(sizeof(BYTE), &byCount)) { Tracef("SendShopAddSellPacket Error\n"); return false; } Tracef(" SendShopSellPacketNew(bySlot=%d, byCount=%d)\n", bySlot, byCount); return SendSequence(); } bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotAddPacket(BYTE wpos, BYTE type, BYTE pos) // Replace / edit: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotAddPacket(UINT wpos, BYTE type, UINT pos) bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotDelPacket(BYTE pos) // Replace / edit: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotDelPacket(UINT pos) bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotMovePacket(BYTE pos, BYTE change_pos) // Replace / edit: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotMovePacket(UINT pos, UINT change_pos) 3.9) UserInterface/PythonPlayer.cpp for (BYTE i = 0; i < QUICKSLOT_MAX_NUM; ++i) // Replace / edit: for (UINT i = 0; i < QUICKSLOT_MAX_NUM; ++i) rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotMovePacket((BYTE) dwGlobalSrcSlotIndex, (BYTE)dwGlobalDstSlotIndex); // Replace / edit: rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotMovePacket((UINT) dwGlobalSrcSlotIndex, (UINT)dwGlobalDstSlotIndex); rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotAddPacket((BYTE)dwGlobalSlotIndex, (BYTE)dwWndType, (BYTE)dwWndItemPos); // Replace / edit: rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotAddPacket((UINT)dwGlobalSlotIndex, (BYTE)dwWndType, (UINT)dwWndItemPos); rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotDelPacket((BYTE)dwGlobalSlotIndex); // Replace / edit: rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotDelPacket((UINT)dwGlobalSlotIndex); void CPythonPlayer::AddQuickSlot(int QuickSlotIndex, char IconType, char IconPosition) // Replace / edit: void CPythonPlayer::AddQuickSlot(int QuickSlotIndex, char IconType, UINT IconPosition) 4.1) UserInterface/PythonPlayer.h void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, char IconPosition); // Replace / edit: void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, UINT IconPosition);
  2. Yep, copy paste from Martysama source, kek
  3. Tutorial is by me and working fine. You just did something bad or missed as i said.
  4. Lol, you have more information from him than me. HF white stupid poor idiot who owns the Romanian discord community, where he strongly supports resellers of purchased systems and resells it there for discord invites, I hope you get banned soon.
  5. Bugs created by yourself I have switchbot and i dont have any problems with that. You have to think when adding, not add according to the tutorial like a demented person. Stop talking shit about bug its included in MartySama.
  6. public authority – authority or authorized person in the exercise of public authority.
  7. ashia2.cz - decision of another OVM - 31.5.2024 titania2.cz - decision of another OVM - 31.5.2024 titaniagame.cz - decision of another OVM - 31.5.2024 quadcore.cz - decisions of law enforcement authorities - 3.5.2022 It can be due to copyright infringement or tax evasion Decision of another OVM These are decisions issued by other public authorities - e.g. the Customs Administration.
  8. So make a part for the itemshop, it's not difficult.
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