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Everything posted by Gurgarath

  1. Beautiful as always, keep up the good work
  2. Congratulations on this. It took you many many hours to download, upload, sort, add tags, create mini-tutorials, all of this to avoid dead links in the future. I am not even talking about the structure you've made. You did really great, congratulations!
  3. I guess you are going to have another ban. You cannot just come, ask, then leave when you have what you want without somehow sharing or giving infos
  4. I am not a pro in 3D at all so feel free to correct me but I want to answer. Metin2 use some kind of an old skeletton, it's fairly old and bugged. Also the animations they use are probably motion-captured animations. I think the game would benefit from new more modern skelettons.
  5. Well, thank you but in this case it is not a bug it is a feature. The mob was intended to teleport on you because it is supposed to go under the sand dunes to resurface on you. I think the animation bug is intended as well, to give the time to attack the turtle without her attacking you, as the mob was the hardest boss to kill at that time. Also, it was intended for warriors with two handed swords to kill the turtle, probably because they hit hard enough to break the shell of the turtle (supposition). This feature was so great that it created the biggest bost fight at the time with whole guilds fighting the turtle. Also, before the implementation of ResistFist, people used to work around this by going polymorphed will full buff, wielding no weapon. Thanks anyway, but I would just keep the turtle as it is!
  6. Many servers having a concept based on altering the empire system was only made for one purpose: reduce the number of people chosing the blue empire. Nothing out of the ordinary was created and this is a problem. First of all, people will always tend to prefer one empire because of nostalgia and many people will chose the blue empire because that's where the majority of people is. Creating a loophole, but anyway. To fully alter the way empire work, or simply their number, you will need some knowledge, but you will also have to understand the artistic direction of the game, their choice, how the game was made and why there is three empire. In my personnal opinion, Metin2, as it is, need to have three empire. Because it was designed like this in the lore, one empire being more oriented on commerce, one more based on war and so on. But this specific aspect of the game was a bit lost with time and the lore can still change if you want to change it. I won't even mention all the things that were supposed to happen and that were eventually ditched. Most importantly, the game is made for three empire. Lore being aside, maps are designed for three empire, almost all of the original maps were divided in three part, all of them ending on a center that is HIGHLY disputed. Think about desert and the oasis, think about Orc map with the Orc Parties, think about snow mountain, flame map and so on. The only map that was not divided in three at the time was the Temple of Hwang and the DT fights were among the most large-scaled fights and this is still a place where people gather to fight now. So, if you want to reduce or increase the number of empire, think about the lore and think about the maps, because otherwise it will lose a lot of interest, same for events. I think it can be something exciting, but only if the game is changed to really handle it at 100%, otherwise it would just feel like something is missing.
  7. It's an interesting addition, but sometimes it's taking ressources for nothing. For ground textures, it can go unnoticeable. For water texture it's great, and for effects it will noticeably make the whole thing heavier, which is not really what we want, considering the effect system is not the most optimized. Carry on this project! It seems highly remarkable however, I am interested to see in-game footage of this!
  8. #Topic Cleaned Thank you for sharing, some people will use it for sure and it will step up the quality for sure, many people doesn't especially know about it.
  9. Hello, If you are talking about the textures and the models being "glitched out", it's called a LOD. It's displayed when you are not directly looking at it or when it's in the distance. Fog partially covers it. You can remove lods if you want to, some people want to remove them, some others don't, it's usually made for performance and there is two schools when it comes to LODs in metin2. If you are talking about the terrain "deformation", once again, it's because the game was not meant to be played without the fog. It can, don't get me wrong, but either it will be ugly or unplayable because of the performance drops. Long story short, generally avoid removing the fog, or try not to remove it in this kind of map. It will make the game look a bit "uglier" and glitchy
  10. Dead Download Link Moved Topic If someone has the archive of this topic, can you send it to us? Thank you!
  11. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello guys, Backstory: This is really a problem that is kind of hard to detect because it could have occured only on the wedding map. I said could have because Ymir decided to remove this bridge and to put a normal bridge instead. As far as I checked, this bridge was dropped before 2005. This is a bridge in the style of the wedding map and it has a collision bug. I don't know if it is the reason why they decided not to use it, but anyway. The Bug: It has a collision bug, the collision is not stuck to the model and also, the height is, for some reason, too high, almost twice as big as the actual bridge size. Here is a video of the bug: [Hidden Content] I've used a work around for a map I did in 2017 by putting two bridges and rotating them, but when I was looking at these maps again today I've simply decided to fix it completely using 3DS max. So here is the fixed collision, I also decided to reduce the height of it to make it stick to the actual model. Fixed Version: [Hidden Content] Download: [Hidden Content] Instructions: Simply replace the existing file into "zone\ymir work\zone\b\obj". Enjoy and best regards. Gurgarath
  12. Hi, It is normal? I guess. You will always deal more damage riding a horse.
  13. Top notch quality with every one of your work, from presentation to release itself. Good job!
  14. Excellent work! It's just mastermind because we all tried to fix memory leaks by ourselves and try to analize them while in fact we can simply tell the game to return 0 to every memory it stores once it used it. Excellent. Deserved +1
  15. Here you go boys, for the sake of nostalgia. [Hidden Content]
  16. VegaS closed the topic because it is not made to discuss or have an argument about it. If you want more informations, it was a general shutdown that was completely out of our control and our sphere of ability. It was hitting the provider and was not a local problem. The whole machine was down and we were unable to access it by any means and it had to undergo manual maintenance. Sorry for the downtime, but it had nothing to do with team.
  17. You don't have the correct function. Check every source with sash, it has it. Note that this topic isn't an help request.
  18. Dead Download Link Moved Topic If someone has the archive of this topic, can you send it to us? Thank you!
  19. In my opinion, the game design of the current Devil's Catacombs is top notch. Back then, the Devil Tower was the hardest (and only) dungeon in the game with good rewards (chests, books and an exclusive blacksmith). It was when level 75 players were really rare and they were neither with level 66 armors nor level 75 weapons. It was a really hard dungeon and when the new floors opened with the Grim Reaper at the top, it was very hard. Later on, the catacombs opened and it was a really good teaser. You had to climb on top of the tower to kill the boss to finally do the opposite: go way below the earth at the exact same spot, but under the tower to continue the fight. So the current game design and in-lore continuity is really good and makes sense. However, I won't be against what you said, it would be even greater to mix those two areas into a brand new realm. It could provide a welcomed idea and continuity, because fight against demons in metin2 stopped after the catacombs, which became a regular dungeon. Go for it!
  20. https://gyazo.com/d119f0bb8ea74c624e5c242e9e38a3ab
  21. I've been running my server very smoothly with MySQL8 for a long time already and as Asikoo said, it doesn't requiere this much. You just need to wrap `window` like I shown, because it became "protected" in MySQL8. He explained the rest of the guide accurately.
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