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Everything posted by Gurgarath

  1. Kind of, I was able to allow players to go under the bridges but I didn't do any more synchronization than that and eventually removed it. It's a pretty long task so I do not really advise you to do it unless you know what to do
  2. Hello, to do so you must allow the game (and the server if you don't want weird issues) to have the Z-axis support. It's way more than just mdattr
  3. Hello, I forgot the exact name, but it is in "sound\common" and it's probably "walk_dirt_n.wav". Good idea you have there by the way! Have a nice day
  4. In addition of what Shogun said, you can use the same stuff or configuration up to MySQL 5.7. I also discourage you to use any old MySQL version for multiple reasons. MySQL 5.8 includes breaking changes to reserved fields such as "window". To make it work with your sources, you must backtick ` all new reserved fields. That's about it.
  5. Excellent tool! I would look forward for something reading the mob_proto.txt fields value instead of something using mysql_connection. Other than that this really good to gather useful metrics. Good job!
  6. In his case your remove the add_affect from your quest, and pass it to item type 18 and remove the remove item and basically just transform your quest into a setqf check which isn't that worth overall (even more for a 5sec check). Using my method you just have to use "case item_vnum:" and it will get the job done
  7. No, it will unfortunately not work at all, you are removing the item as well as adding a "POINT_SP" affect out of nowhere and do not effectively return when the chrono is still running. First of all, @Jimmermania, if you have an HP bug triggered by the Elixir, you should look forward to fixing this bug INSTEAD of adding a workaround with the elixir. [Hidden Content] However, a correct way to fix that would be to use the "PulseManager" library (courtesy of @ martysama0134). So basically you add this into your project and include it (#include "PulseManager.h"). [Hidden Content]
  8. I think you have 37 pages on the topic, the guy has released sources for free and has given an enhanced version of the basic 2014 with constant support and updates. It is the best free base that you can use or think of. The rest is up to you and your own knowledge and skills
  9. Hello, Thank you for your share, this is however a bad practice for those reasons: You can check of the server the function "SpawnMob" and "SpawnMobRange" and set the "bSpawnMotion" to false. Removing an effect that has a purpose (it means the monster is resurrected / summoned) is not considered correct because it will just make the whole function useless as well; so you can also consider removing those arguments as well and change the rest of the code. The effect can just be turned off manually on the game using any "Graphic On Off" system, even the light version that got released here should do the trick if I remember correctly. However, there isn't yet a good version of it released, but Mali has shown good progress toward the complete and working one. Just not attaching the effect on the server, or not displaying it in the client would have had the same effect, but those two solutions are also not recommended. Once again, thank you for sharing with us and I hope those little tricks will help you!
  10. Hello guys, Today I had the need to make a quest that had to trigger an action upon taking a goto. I didn't find any vanilla way to do it, so here we are, maybe it will be useful to someone. Please note that I did that on the fly, quickly and it's very rudimental, so if you have any comments about it, feel free to tell me or to contribute to this. I would be grateful as well. The tutorial is written for any vanilla 2014 files, so edit as you should for you. [Hidden Content] You can also refine it with other checks. But now you are able to check for example when someone is crossing a goto portal. Enjoy!
  11. Hello, It has to do with Anti-Flags. On the item_proto, you will have ANTI_SELL, ANTI_MYSHOP, things like this. You just have to remove them to make all item "shop-able" and "private shop-able".
  12. Hello, are you using by any chance a laptop, or a small screen with increased scaling on Windows? I do have the exact same issue in windowed mode because I use a 125% scaling. Which makes the windowed game have a lower resolution. If I crank it up, it will go outside of the border, exactly like you. Basically, remove the scaling on Windows or play in fullscreen and it will work fine. I think enabling DPI awareness on the client would fix this issue. I didn't try because this is fixing the issue when I put a bigger resolution than the one usable:
  13. The console is 99% of the time not going to cause any harm (basically it allows to show collisions or go into minimal ui mode) or really minor harm (like about GM or module reload, stuff like this). I reckon however that this is a good idea to avoid giving access to this piece of the code in Distribute as there is no reasons to use it, basically at all and a very few admins actually use it.
  14. You shouldn't worry about the console because either someone will activate it, meaning that they will inject some python code or whatever, or they will not, but they will still be able to use the functions whatsoever, even if the console itself is deactivated. What I say is; in order for someone to be able to use the console, he must do some code injection, and if he is able to, even if you disable the console, he will be able to call the functions the console helps you to use. You cannot do much harm with the console however, it's mostly for debug / admin purposes. The only thing is something about GM logo or GM detector, you can check on here, Koray shared something about it if I remember correctly.
  15. Excellent, always felt weird to me that the Ninja becomes invisible and your average monster just casually follows the invisible man around
  16. Astonishing work from you, as well as an excellent asset for the community as a whole. Despite all the downside imaginable to willingly share something that cost you considerable time to complete and energy to fiddle for what is conceivably a limited appraise. Just as Distraught recently, or others before you (Mali, xP3NG3Rx and so on), I personally think you greatly deserve your place amongst the Honorable members of this community, for the quality as well as the will to make the community move forward and I believe everyone agrees with that, ASIKOO being the first. Thank you!
  17. This is the truth in many communities unfortunately, this is also in many layers of the emulation. Some people will buy leaked files without the knowledge or the ability to make them run just to grab money out of gullible players and it hurts to whole scene. You must be extra careful to what you buy, to who you buy it and to which server you play. Always favour the hard-working and / or renowned man as he is more often not ready to jeopardize his whole reputation or work, only to get a few bucks. You have more often the guarantee of the quality and of not getting scammed, both as an admin and as a player.
  18. Compile on a 32 bits machine, it will be way easier and won't requiere you to change anything
  19. Memory Leak, crash, any %, speedrun, world record (0m32s) (It happens when loading and """"unloading"""" chunks of the maps.) Some random ideas : - Allow to save multiple textures, let's say, rock textures, and allow to select them right off the bat. Like "folders" within the texture selection that allows to select multiples textures at once, like you can with layer folders in photoshop. - Create a intermediary brush between "0" (very faint) and "1". Like, one with still a visible circle but smaller than the brush number one. - Allow more options on prt (trees) files: it lacks the "no shadow" options and it would be interesting to place a tree sideways or slightly tilted, without having to create a whole prt for this.
  20. The fact that it goes ABSOLUTELY well for this character is the cherry on the cake. Insane job as always! Edit: I noticed the hand is clipping through his right thigh in the first animation
  21. It would be interesting to allow for Drag&Drop in panes where it is actually meaningful, most notably "Msm" "Effect" and "Fly", where it could make up for a good gain of usability and speed.
  22. Thank you, another excellent release! #honorablefordistraught
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