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Everything posted by Gurgarath

  1. Are you talking about the destructor? Because there is no "ClearImages" function in clean sources
  2. Where you are right is that SyncHack isn't working, distances aren't remotely good, checks will never trigger. You can fix the SyncPosition function, but it would still be called during ownership and SyncPackets. I preferred to make the check directly into the Attack function so that it doesn't process dirty packets further.
  3. Disclaimer: This fix is intended for correct server data. I really advise you not to ban any player based on data gathered by this, but just to take into consideration that one player appearing a lot in this list (in different maps) is suspicious. I strongly recommend you to inspect which mobs are problematic for false positives, then to fix them. Hello everyone, While working on some clientside thing. I noticed one big exploit that I was able to reproduce. Long story short, I was basically able to extend any collision and be able to reproduce (in a makeshift dirty way) the famous "kill aura" or whatever you call it. Basically allowing you to hit monsters from really far away without any problem. That's one of the most common thing the bots are using. Videos of the bug: Spoiler Videos of the fix: Spoiler The fix Spoiler [Hidden Content] Have a nice day!
  4. Thank you for sharing! Note that you do not need this fix if you use the method below, which remove the need of a server -> client packet which sends NPC informations.
  5. Love me such details. Good job Toki!
  6. Don't worry, mine wasn't supposed to sound harsh as well. It's just funny because this kind of comment is a bit of a meme on the community. However, regarding your message I wasn't able to reproduce it at all. I however managed to trigger the bug by putting negative value. Here is the proper fix for both, I included the theoric fix about what you said, you can "merge" the fixes to make it look more compact but for learning purposes I made it longer. The bug still occured (so still occurs on official binaries) if you add a negative value in fullscreen mode. Which doesn't occur in Windowed mode.
  7. That's a reversed fix. Most likely they fixed it because they got aware of this and decided to fix it. Of course it is very rare, I didn't even know you could abuse it in fullscreen before "reading" the assembly. I would say any server adming caring about things like this and details is a good admin, but that's my two cents on the question. It's a small and free fix anyway, you're free to use it or not
  8. Hello, As a certain someone pointed out with pseudo code, a new fix has made its way onto the official binaries. This fix is really small and specific as it would almost never be triggered, unless you specifically trigger it yourself. How to reproduce? Basically, edit the file metin2.cfg and replace the resolution (WIDTH / HEIGHT) with those three lines. WIDTH 32767 HEIGHT 32767 WINDOWED 0 Unless you have a very unusual and gigantic screen and resolution, it will basically crash, saying that your game doesn't support DirectX, stuff like that. How to fix? Spoiler [Hidden Content] Edit: Additional fix for overflow and negatives values here: Have a nice day!
  9. Metin2 Steam Cards - Can be used as Wallpaper or Loading screens as well (1920*1080)
  10. Hello, do you have a gif or a video trying to reproduce this bug please?
  11. That's how the game works. That's common_drop_item.txt
  12. As far as I remember, it's when OnOverOut / MouseOverOut cannot be called because another action is pending or the piece of UI you are hovering does not support it. It's a very common bug, indeed!
  13. 4) 5) It's by default on every server, it's splash damage, works with all kind of skills
  14. I had a request from him, he was quick, friendly and delivered a really good result! Recommended
  15. Hi, It's as simple as "a protection is released so it has flaws". Staying with the usual pack method will allow for some minor tweaks and is easy to use. Pretty much everything is designed around it, packers as well as unpackers. FoxFS is pretty good and allows for a little bit more speed, but is a bit harder to use and set-up. Also, if you do not make some modifications here and there it will be easy to unpack for pretty much anyone. Keep in mind that the best is always what you do yourself anyway, so if you want security, plan on modifying some stuff, or go for a paid solution, but I cannot vouch for any of them in the market currently.
  16. Hi, A small suggestion would be to allow to switch the selection of nearby objects (can be done within the same square) using tab to quickly select a nearby object. It would come in handy when multiple objectifs are actually inbricked one within another. Only workaround I found was to move all the objects away, to finally reassemble them again.
  17. You are completely right on this. Metin2 movement and PvP was done in pre-2002 actually and worked super well for the limitations at the time (thinking bandwith and usual internet connection outside of Korea) and it gave that fast paced pvp with only very few packets and server usage. It was however reworked in 2013 for the new maps (Level 90 maps) to introduce fall and stuff like this and it ended up creating this issue. The fly problem was not a thing until their "New__" movement and new ownership functions that they made in 2013-2014. Yes and no. They do not bother to update things unless they need it or are "forced" to. The boost::asio implementation was from the same upgraded packet system as Metin2, but was intended for Inferna, not for Metin, at least at that time. About the original topic, that's a good summary and it gives an interesting paths and hint, that is overall a really smart and interesting topic on this! Good job and thank you for sharing!
  18. iSkillBonus = MINMAX(-30, (int) (gauss_random(0, 5) + 0.5f), 30); if (abs(iSkillBonus) <= 20) iNormalHitBonus = -2 * iSkillBonus + abs(number(-8, 8) + number(-8, 8)) + number(1, 4); else iNormalHitBonus = -2 * iSkillBonus + number(1, 5); Most likely it's skillBonus being calculated first, then we have average damage. It mostly focuses on lower values so it's most likely: - Average damage mostly within the -5 / 30% range. Getting 40, then 50 is significantly harder. Getting more than 60 is considered nearly impossible. - Getting 30% skill damage is possible, but still pretty rare.
  19. I have actually went back a couple of days ago to porting my skills to the latest patch. Technically, it just gave me an insight on how messed up some skills are in the game. For example, some Mental warrior skills, or horse skills will trigger the damage BEFORE the actual animation and effect (notably) because of the splash not being correctly used, but this is another topic. Well, back on your question, if you have these issues, you should not follow this fix, the skill is working great by itself, this "fix" is pretty much useless for most people as it will most likely make you double compute the skill (because of the hittingspheres as OtherChoice explained). The explaination I can find is that I probably had a mismatch between the client and the server, or the skilltable and the actual PC files, the latter would be the most realistic explanation on why I did not check and why I ended up with mismatching files considering on what I worked back then. Anyway, if your skill is working great by itself, you should not follow this guide because it can make it worse because it will compute when you launch it and when the hitting spheres will actually hit. Hope I was clear enough, because this post has created confusion
  20. You can use the preprocessor to do so. However enlarging models for the sake of enlarging is commonly a bad practice. The best is to dynamicaly (so c++) adjust it and adjust the bounding sphere / hitbox as well. xP3NG3R and Maso worked on it, maybe it is for sale now I am not sure.
  21. He is very friendly and competent, he delivers good quality content and have a great creativity. I recommend him!
  22. Either fix it yourself (Client time exhauster, dirty division, specific time specifier and so on) or wait for an update
  23. Cryptex is right, it is not properly working on FreeBSD, it is working perfectly fine on Windows though. He will have 225 seconds displayed but the item will vanish after 5. You can also see it above in the thread. It's most likely a time_t mismatch
  24. True, I've completely forgot about this box (that I used to trigger by mistake). Thanks for clarifying it!
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