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Everything posted by Gurgarath

  1. This topic has already been treated in the past, I forward you to it and to my opinion about it! For me, it was just a way for them to secure the transactions in game and to "counter" the over-inflation that happened in the game (I still have on my account yangs I farmed in 2008, imagine the amount of yangs that piled up with milions of players including bots and hardcore players in various servers during 13 years).
  2. Yes exactly, I also managed to fix it long ago on my first server but I rewrote it two weeks ago and made sure to also fix Syncing between both characters and made the pushing occur when the player tries to run too far away, with a better chance to break the auto. I tried to mix the best of 2012 PvP and 2014 PvP. But it's not really a big deal once you start to find the functions that causes this bug. Thanks for sharing you saved a lot of time to most people!
  3. It's machine related, we both tried and it happened but we both have a theme for Windows and it MIGHT be related to that. It might be related to other things though, reverting back to the old theme didn't change much. It definitely needs to be examined further, I tested it on DDMT2 and it happened to me as well, so it's most likely machine related.
  4. Nope I had the good old DX8 and so did Asikoo, on DX9 it was kinda the same bug but the texture became "squarry". I think it's two face of the same piece. I think WOM2 is using DX9 (I am unsure) and it happens for them too. Note : It won't happen if it's a "small" UAC, it must be an UAC that actually hides your whole screen (you will only see the pop-up and they greyed out version of your desktop wallpaper) 7. Is added, I think someone provided a fix here but I am unsure, so I will add it anyway. Thanks! 6. Multiple fps drops on loading mounts, pets and players. @Speachless, thank's. It has been added, I wouldn't mind more details (hints or clue) however
  5. Hello, After some lurking and bugfixings in my own sources and some chit-chat with @ASIKOO , who is one my guinea pig for almost every bugs that I've encountered so far (I always double check so that it's not my fault), we decided that it might be good to create a thread about the "old metin2 bugs". Those bugs are (for the most part) unresolved in most servers, if not none. It might be anything from a poorly handled method to do something to a major bug, or simply anything that has bothered you when playing the game. Feel free to add bugs you know if you ever find them. But note that it must be a real bug affecting vanilla (kraizy) sources and not a bug that you've encountered on a specific server and nowhere else. I'll start with a few that I've noticed so far and that are confirmed. I will update this list if I find more of them or if some of you post them here. If anyone come up with a proper fix (some of them are easy to fix, some are more tricky and can be fixed in various ways) feel free to share it on the forum. 1. Textures blurring out when prompting any UAC check. (Fix in Spoilers) 2. Any character being automatically attacked by another character is unable to move, to run away or to attack (Pre-fix in Spoilers) 3. Teleporting when mounting an entity will completely cancel its walking / running sound. (Fix in Spoilers) 4. The game will try to load a .mss file for every .msa file. 5. The game will try to load indefinitely the motions of a non-existing file. 6. Multiple fps drops on loading mounts, pets and players (Fixes in Spoiler) 7. Some mobs can run away on death instead of playing the death animation. (Fix in Spoilers) That's for the most part of the bugs I currently remember, I will most likely update this list later based on what I remember or what's posted on this topic. Feel free to contribute! Regards, Gurgarath
  6. I think that's what you're looking for. [Hidden Content] I don't know if it is released somewhere or anything, but the effect is in official client for sure.
  7. I actually think it's not, I am doing all the tests on a small VPS and I don't have this bug, I will do further investigations because it seems easy to reproduce but in fact I didn't manage to. However it's interesting me because it seems to be a common bug
  8. Post the "syserr" here but it's just a matter of a few files and shouldn't cause any problems. Maybe with atlasinfo but I don't think the map differs from the old one
  9. Here is the feature I missed, thanks
  10. I don't know if it's intentional or not but I think the slider behaves in a weird way (a bit like old config.exe sliders). Once you start to slide it with the mouse, it will always go from a number directly to another, and those are not "round" numbers as you could expect them to be. Which is kind of frustrating because you are (unless I missed a feature) forced to use the mouse wheel or the arrows to increase / decrease by 0.010 until you find the perfect height. For example with Height base : It will always follow this pattern 0.320, 0.950, 1.580, 2.210 and so on. I think it would be easier to advance the slider in increments of 0.500 and to be able to decrease / increase by 0.100 by using shift + left/right arrows. Keep up the good work! ?️
  11. The system is good, it's useful to translate pieces of text and google translate has improved so it will at least make it understandable if the person can write correctly at first. That's really useful in my opinion. How does it react to hyperlink however? Keep up the good work!
  12. Hey! I completely forgot that Metin2.us has disabled all kind of lightning effect from this map! Thank you for remembering me, however, I don't know if it is near intentional or not, all effects are greyed out, hence the "bland" color of the watery cave. You should find everything you need in this pack : [Hidden Content] Greetings
  13. The idea behind it is really cool and way cleaner than the official way of doing it. However, here are a few inconsistensies that you can see with this function. Of course it needs to be enhanced with further checks (as xP3NG3Rx said above) and your function is neat. For example, with the official (not fully) reversed WJ_MULTI_TEXTLINE and a few checks I came up with this : Good idea and method however, thank you! Edit : Well you answered two minutes before my post and updated your repo, this message may be unrelevant now
  14. Hi, You can use granny preprocessor or a tool that's probably on here, but I suggest granny preprocessor.
  15. That's a brilliant idea, never thought of it before
  16. Hello, Here is the latest official root that we have : [Hidden Content]
  17. If I had a script that automatically back-up database and if the problem was for everyone, I would check it just in case. Like, if you don't do anything stupid that overrides your tables. If it is during shutdown, it's better to simply shutdown and wait for at least seven minutes before stopping the game and db for the cache to be saved to the database. If it is out of thin air to random players, I would definitely check my syserr and my syslog. Any packet loss? Any iddle? Any lags or core-crashes (if you have an auto-restarter)? Then I would check MySQL, if the tables are not corrupted, if a query isn't overflowing a field, if the Sql process is running as it should and so on. If you didn't touch anything related to db cache, and if it happens only in some cases, it's most likely a MySQL problem, check player & item tables as well.
  18. Your tutorials regarding FreeBSD are always top-notch. This is the kind of tutorial we need and even though I've been using FreeBSD for a solid 10 years now I still sometimes use makeshift scripts or manual inspections to get some of these things done. Which was immensely time-consuming to say the least. I would definitely give it a try. You gave a strong explaination and the example file you provided is a good insight of how powerful this tool can be, I also appreciate the tips you give. Just to bounce back on this little sentence; because even if I like to gently mock them, I couldn't agree more. The first Ymir team (and a bit of the second team) was solid and did great things with what they had available in the past. For a C++98 game that was made in the early 2000 (or late 90s), some of the things they did were neat and sometimes ingenious. However, the current team which doesn't update the game or stick to the old coding habits from 20 years ago can be mocked a little bit. But I respect their work anyway. Great tuts, congratulations!
  19. If you compile the game, it's slightly better to use CMAKE and it also works on FreeBSD
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