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WeedHex last won the day on June 4 2021

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  1. There is no data to figure out what the problem is precisely. Make sure ur core configuration is correct since you say it only happens in ch2.
  2. void CGraphicDevice::EnableWebBrowserMode(const RECT& c_rcWebPage) { if (!ms_lpd3dDevice) return; D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS& rkD3DPP = ms_d3dPresentParameter; g_isBrowserMode = true; if (D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY == rkD3DPP.SwapEffect) return; g_kD3DPP = rkD3DPP; g_rcBrowser = c_rcWebPage; //rkD3DPP.Windowed=TRUE; //rkD3DPP.FullScreen_PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE; rkD3DPP.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY; rkD3DPP.BackBufferCount = 1; IDirect3DDevice8& rkD3DDev = *ms_lpd3dDevice; HRESULT hr = rkD3DDev.Reset(&rkD3DPP); if (FAILED(hr)) return; STATEMANAGER.SetDefaultState(); } Try with this.
  3. Is it supposed to work also in dungeons?
  4. In char_battle.cpp file In the function: bool CHARACTER::Damage(...) In the skills statement: if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_MELEE || type == DAMAGE_TYPE_RANGE || type == DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC) These boys iCriticalPct -= GetPoint(POINT_RESIST_CRITICAL); iPenetratePct -= GetPoint(POINT_RESIST_PENETRATE); are getting calculated after the Korean nerf used for skills (If you have 100% critical, your skills won't be always critical like normal hits). Using a determinated amount of resistance in the gameplay you can lead the real bonus to reach 0%, so no critical skills in PvP (Mob doesn't have the bonus by default). To fix the problem you should just move the resist calculation after the critical check >0. Eg: if (iCriticalPct) { iCriticalPct -= GetPoint(POINT_RESIST_CRITICAL); // OLD YMIR CALCULATION if (iCriticalPct >= 10) iCriticalPct = 5 + (iCriticalPct - 10) / 4; else iCriticalPct /= 2; if (number(1, 100) <= iCriticalPct) .... }
  5. It's because you're using a stupid extended system from some "dev" I think.
  6. I don't think so, if you don't abuse of it. If I remember well the effects are loaded in another step, after the entergame.
  7. Which library are you talking about, the one needed from game file?
  8. Are you sure about what you're doing?? Btw try to post your uitooltip.py
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