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  1. I am searching a talking animation in fbx extension for importing it on unity. Does anyone know any link for downloading something similar/same to that?I searched a lot of websites and found nothing(for free).
  2. Hello, I am searching for someone who developed on unity a hololens app.I have a small trouble.I can pay him. Thanks
  3. What types are available in mob_drop_item? Are there any types that you can drop for example from a level and as the player's level gets higher , the chance gets lower?
  4. from where can i change the appearance of horse for a specific level for ex level 22? 2) I get this sysslog but there is no such monster in regen. Jul 24 17:06:29 :: no sectree for spawn at 241975 -597 mobvnum 20052 mapindex 44 . Is this sysslog a reason for server get down? 20052 is a mining npc . I searched in source but i found nothing . 4)Are there any tutorials for removing an existing empire? UP
  5. Is there any public files for a similar map like yours?
  6. Can someone explain me how exactly PyObject in C++ works?
  7. I've done it serverside, I just send in the packet of atlas map the vnum of the npc and get the locale_name clientside.
  8. Yes i've done it.This is only clientside that you sent. I was getting as a parameter an array of char , and when i was trying finding the length of the array , the sizeof(array)/sizeof(char) in function was (pointer's array)/sizeof(char)=>4
  9. I've fixed it , I created a packet with vnum and i parse the name with this function.But i can see only the first four letters of the npc and i can't see the full name. aAtlasMarkInfo.m_strText = CPythonNonPlayer::Instance().GetMonsterName(vnum); Any ideas?
  10. I am trying to parse mob names in minimap from clientside and not serverside And i am trying modify the following function I copy pasted and modified this function(PythonNonPlayer.cpp) Probably i can't find which field is the vnum of the monster.I debugged the binary and TAtlasMarkInfo's values were Do you know from which packet all these are coming serverside?Can anyone help me with this ?
  11. What's auto& 's meaning exactly?I just read this.. automatically detects and assigns a data type to the variable with which it is used Why are you using the address symbol? & (I know only C that's why i am asking about address symbol)
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