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Metin2 Environmental Login Background

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With this guide you can render map(s) to your login screen. Some server back in 2012 used this kinda login (DaRealFreak) and I found it pretty cool, so I did this tutorial maybe people will use it again. At def LoadMap(self): there is a list called environments where I set 17 location for you. You can edit/extend it as you wish. The client choose a random location from that list. Somebody will surely comment that it's make the client opening slower. Yes it does, but as you can see in the video that's minimal. Also if you use a client with intro video logo then it doesn't matter because that's longer than it's 1-1,5 second loading time. But if you think it's not acceptable then either optimize it somehow or stay with image background ?

This is the hidden content, please
You can disable the environmental background by editing INTERACTIVE_LOGIN = 1 at the top to INTERACTIVE_LOGIN = 0.
Here's a basic intrologin.py with this environmental background if you want to compare: 
This is the hidden content, please
This is the hidden content, please

Original idea by DaRealFreak in 2012.


Edited by TMP4
background.Destroy() was missing
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@TMP4 Tested and got an error:

0819 17:45:01302 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0819 17:45:01302 ::   File "uiPhaseCurtain.py", line 59, in OnUpdate

0819 17:45:01302 ::   File "networkModule.py", line 147, in __ChangePhaseWindow

0819 17:45:01302 ::   File "introLogin.py", line 306, in Open

0819 17:45:01302 ::   File "introLogin.py", line 346, in LoadMap

0819 17:45:01302 ::   File "ui.py", line 2802, in GetChild

0819 17:45:01302 :: KeyError
0819 17:45:01302 :: : 
0819 17:45:01302 :: 'bg1'
0819 17:45:01302 :: 

0819 17:45:01302 :: CPythonBackground::GetFarClip m_eViewDistanceNum=0



I'll be always helpful! ? 

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31 minutes ago, ReFresh said:

@TMP4 Tested and got an error:

  Reveal hidden contents
0819 17:45:01302 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0819 17:45:01302 ::   File "uiPhaseCurtain.py", line 59, in OnUpdate

0819 17:45:01302 ::   File "networkModule.py", line 147, in __ChangePhaseWindow

0819 17:45:01302 ::   File "introLogin.py", line 306, in Open

0819 17:45:01302 ::   File "introLogin.py", line 346, in LoadMap

0819 17:45:01302 ::   File "ui.py", line 2802, in GetChild

0819 17:45:01302 :: KeyError
0819 17:45:01302 :: : 
0819 17:45:01302 :: 'bg1'
0819 17:45:01302 :: 

0819 17:45:01302 :: CPythonBackground::GetFarClip m_eViewDistanceNum=0



In a default client bg1 is the name of the background/serverlist image. That's what we hide in this release because it would cover the rendered map. self.GetChild("bg1").Hide()

Your client probably have other name for the image or something. Post your intrologin.py and locale/xy/ui/loginwindow.py and I'll help.

Edited by TMP4
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7 minutes ago, ReFresh said:



  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents


bg1 is missing from your loginwindow.py, you only have bg2.
So just simly not use bg1 in intrologin.py, remove self.GetChild("bg1").Hide() from my code.

Edited by TMP4
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I've had the idea for quite a while to use this rendered background not only at the login but also at the character (or empire) selection. There you could load in the map (or even position) where the character last logged out. Would be a pretty cool feature in my opinion ?

Edited by Summex
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2 hours ago, ReFresh said:

@TMP4 And this problem? (it's disabling shadows, of course it's some error):

  Reveal hidden contents
0819 18:32:01149 :: CPythonBackground::GetFarClip m_eViewDistanceNum=0



I'm on it, I need some time.

Edit: Fixed the shadow bug. background.Destroy() was missing.

Edit2: Fixed that harmless syserr too. I edited def LoadMap(self):

If there are any more problem please let me know, I will try to fix it ASAP.

Edited by TMP4
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3 hours ago, TMP4 said:

I'm on it, I need some time.

Edit: Fixed the shadow bug. background.Destroy() was missing.

Edit2: Fixed that harmless syserr too. I edited def LoadMap(self):

If there are any more problem please let me know, I will try to fix it ASAP.

My dear, nice system i like it!

There is one "bug". You can zoom in & zoom out on login screen.

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release kraken GIF

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5 minutes ago, FBI said:

My dear, nice system i like it!

There is one "bug". You can zoom in & zoom out on login screen.

Thank you ;D It is a default behavior of Metin2 but I may try to lock the zoom / mouse wheel in the future. (Or enable right click to rotate)
Anyway at least users can see it's a live map, not a picture ?

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A slightly different idea than mine that I wrote a long time ago, but the effect is the same ? 
Remember to use along with this:

Otherwise, sky clouds clipping will be visible when logging in aaaand very annoying ? 


4 hours ago, Summex said:

I've had the idea for quite a while to use this rendered background not only at the login but also at the character (or empire) selection. There you could load in the map (or even position) where the character last logged out. Would be a pretty cool feature in my opinion ?

14 minutes ago, FBI said:

My dear, nice system i like it!

There is one "bug". You can zoom in & zoom out on login screen.


To fix that, you need to do same thing what "Item Shop" window does - disable mouse scroll when window is opened.

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I completely abandoned working on the files for this game. I do not respond to private messages.


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8 minutes ago, Nirray said:


A slightly different idea than mine that I wrote a long time ago, but the effect is the same ? 
Remember to use along with this:

Otherwise, sky clouds clipping will be visible when logging in aaaand very annoying ? 



To fix that, you need to do same thing what "Item Shop" window does - disable mouse scroll when window is opened.

Damn that's next level ? Amazing, epic.

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Thanks for sharing! I've had this idea and done it for a project of mine. If you want to sacrifice a little bit of loading time you can also place monsters (note they will have no collision and will clip through objects) using the chr. methods. (chr.CreateInstance() and then specify the race and the motion).


2 hours ago, Nirray said:


A slightly different idea than mine that I wrote a long time ago, but the effect is the same ? 
Remember to use along with this:

Otherwise, sky clouds clipping will be visible when logging in aaaand very annoying ? 



To fix that, you need to do same thing what "Item Shop" window does - disable mouse scroll when window is opened.

And this is fine AF, really good realisation and good use of it. I love the scenery and the dark-souls mood.

Edited by Metin2 Dev
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I directly lock the Wheel. There may be other short ways. At least it's working.

		app.SetCamera(map_random['dis'], map_random['pit'], map_random['rot'], map_random['height'])

// PythonApplication.h

		void SetMouseHandler(PyObject * poMouseHandler);
		void LockMouseWheel(bool bLock) { m_bLockMouseWheel = bLock; }

		bool						m_isFrameSkipDisable;
		bool						m_bLockMouseWheel;

// PythonApplication.cpp


// PythonApplication.cpp

///Change : void CPythonApplication::OnMouseWheel(int nLen)
void CPythonApplication::OnMouseWheel(int nLen)
	if (m_bLockMouseWheel)

	CCameraManager& rkCmrMgr=CCameraManager::Instance();
	CCamera* pkCmrCur=rkCmrMgr.GetCurrentCamera();
	if (pkCmrCur)

// PythonApplicationModule.cpp

PyObject* appLockMouseWheel(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs)
	bool bLock;
	if (!PyTuple_GetBoolean(poArgs, 0, &bLock))
		return Py_BuildException();

	return Py_BuildNone();
		{ "LockMouseWheel",				appLockMouseWheel,				METH_VARARGS },


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5 minutes ago, blanco said:

How can this be done on the select character screen? I can't find out how to make it work ?

I'm pretty sure it's the same just the bg image name different there to hide.

Later today i'll upload a default 40k client introselect-introcreate.py with this live background.
(With comments # INTERACTIVE_LOGIN so you can see where the codes are)

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7 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

I'm pretty sure it's the same just the bg image name different there to hide.

Later today i'll upload a default 40k client introselect-introcreate.py with this live background.
(With comments # INTERACTIVE_LOGIN so you can see where the codes are)

Yup, I got the background working, it is pretty much the same as you said. However I don't know how to spawn/position the character on the map

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1 hour ago, blanco said:

Yup, I got the background working, it is pretty much the same as you said. However I don't know how to spawn/position the character on the map

Oh I see the problem. For now I don't have enough time to make a good release with the character+map render for the charselect window sorry.

Edited by TMP4
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Missing warp on object, this works on old clients?

0915 00:42:02365 :: 
system.py(line:316) RunMainScript
system.py(line:233) execfile
prototype.py(line:70) <module>
prototype.py(line:61) RunApp
networkmodule.py(line:180) SetLoginPhase
networkmodule.py(line:137) SetPhaseWindow
networkmodule.py(line:149) __ChangePhaseWindow
intrologin.py(line:195) Open
intrologin.py(line:220) LoadMap

Run - <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>:'module' object has no attribute 'Warp'


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6 hours ago, LykosRuleZ said:

Missing warp on object, this works on old clients?

0915 00:42:02365 :: 
system.py(line:316) RunMainScript
system.py(line:233) execfile
prototype.py(line:70) <module>
prototype.py(line:61) RunApp
networkmodule.py(line:180) SetLoginPhase
networkmodule.py(line:137) SetPhaseWindow
networkmodule.py(line:149) __ChangePhaseWindow
intrologin.py(line:195) Open
intrologin.py(line:220) LoadMap

Run - <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>:'module' object has no attribute 'Warp'


Resolved by search Warp in other Binary 

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