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  4. Hi, @ Mitachi. Thank you for your work! I noticed your system requires WEAR_COSTUME_MOUNT. Did that come from this Costume Mount System by EnZi? Should we implement it first and then your system? I'm personally starting with TMP4's base files.
  5. [Hidden Content] gur.com/a/uVBaV0u Hi ! i tried decrypt with zonearchiver and epack32 and same problem can someone help me? ty
  6. I updated based on the tutorials here on the forum, to compile clientsource in visual studio 2022 and C++20, the compilation was error-free and the game works well, however, after 15/20h with the client open, if you are running items in switchbot or macro (automatically populate potions id 70020), the client crashes (stops working), allocates memory until it reaches approximately 4GB and ends with the error "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Libray - Runtime Error!" No other errors were detected, there are no errors in the syserr or in the compilation, in debug mode there are no warnings either. Anyone who has experienced something similar or has any idea what could be causing this problem, I have already checked by comparing all the files individually with other sources and no discrepancies were found. I thank you for your attention.
  7. Thanks sir! I implemented that with no issue.
  8. There should be no issue implementing that. The changes are related to the networking layer. The package transport should be untouched.
  9. Adapt your qc's sourcecode to support functions within trigger chat strings.
  10. Hello i have a couple of questions regarding LUA scripting for a quest. 1. Can i use the npc.chat."some text" function with a function that returns a string? I tried but it didn't work. Example: ```lua npcVNUM.chat.someFuncReturningString() ``` 2. by using the 'define' keyword can i define an array on the top of the lua script? Because although i tried, when i compile my code, i get error when trying to iterate this array. When Im using the same array as a local variable there it's no problem, it compiles. Thanks for your time.
  11. Your right, i'm gonna add control for it. Update; It's done.
  12. Please upload also the client:D
  13. Hello,Can anyone help me? I had already installed this Python system in the client but I had to remove the root after a backup, now I can't insert it anymore. Can anyone help me? Syserr game.py
  14. It is possible not to receive objects if you do not have their level
  15. Great job @ Tatsumaru . Any skybox for this map? any suggestions?
  16. Hi! When you upgrade a jewelry with gems, the tooltip only shows stats instead of all 3. The stats are given, only the tooltip doesnt shows.. Tried to copy this code and made a 3rd line but that didnt work affectType1, affectValue1 = item.GetAffect(0) affectList1=[0, max(1, affectValue1*10/100), max(2, affectValue1*20/100), max(3, affectValue1*40/100)] affectType2, affectValue2 = item.GetAffect(1) affectList2=[0, max(1, affectValue2*10/100), max(2, affectValue2*20/100), max(3, affectValue2*40/100)] Do you have any solution for this?
  17. Last week
  18. [Hidden Content] Hello, Aura, uitooltip does not appear in the window, what could be the problem? can anyone help?
  19. i think its the bp system not full... me add my server the system and not read killing mobs and etc.. mission not working i add 20 kill monster mission i kill monsters and not working... 0/20 only xD and i kill 2000 xD
  20. This topic is making me ecstatic! First time I have seen such assets and trust me I have crawled the net and the archives a lot to find an old client and old informations on the game. I love to understand what was there back then, how they changed it, why and so on. This map with that minimap looks like a first iteration of the Chunjo map and it looks fantastic. I think the village map is still around in our client nowadays. It would really be fantastic to find an old client. It is definitely a gem. We should definitely archive everything that we can to piece the things together. About PCBang, there was also a feature on China that would disallow people to get addicted, after 3h of overtime, you would receive half of the rates, and after 5h, you would not get anything from playing the game. There was also skills for Sura with which you could only target dead bodies to "aspire" something from them. Many scrapped things from the game that I would love to properly understand and even, see by myself.
  21. Download Easy , simple presentation page made for oldgodsmt2 server , You can modify it as you want .
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