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  1. hi DEV I have a problem with the battlepass system. I changed the hours, the battlepass was prone. but my missions don't appear. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  2. [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content] or download [Hidden Content] Virustotal [Hidden Content]
  3. I have a problem with switchboot. when I put a zodiac item, it uses normal bonuses, not the Zodiac ones. can someone help me solve this please? Quote switchbonus.h #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp> #include "../../common/stl.h" #include "../../common/tables.h" class CSwitchBonus : public singleton<CSwitchBonus> { enum { VNUM_CHANGE_ITEM = 71084, COUNT_CHANGE_ITEM = 1000, }; public: CSwitchBonus(); virtual ~CSwitchBonus(); bool CheckElementsSB(LPCHARACTER ch); bool CanMoveIntoSB(LPITEM item); void OpenSB(LPCHARACTER ch); void ClearSB(LPCHARACTER ch); void CloseSB(LPCHARACTER ch); void SendSBItem(LPCHARACTER ch,LPITEM item); void ChangeSB(LPCHARACTER ch,const TPlayerItemAttribute* aAttr); void SendSBPackets(LPCHARACTER ch,BYTE subheader, int id_bonus = 0, int value_bonus_0 = 0, int value_bonus_1 = 0, int value_bonus_2 = 0, int value_bonus_3 = 0, int value_bonus_4 = 0); };
  4. I have a problem with switchboot. when I put a zodiac item, it uses normal bonuses, not the Zodiac ones. can someone help me solve this please? #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp> #include "../../common/stl.h" #include "../../common/tables.h" class CSwitchBonus : public singleton<CSwitchBonus> { enum { VNUM_CHANGE_ITEM = 71084, COUNT_CHANGE_ITEM = 1000, }; public: CSwitchBonus(); virtual ~CSwitchBonus(); bool CheckElementsSB(LPCHARACTER ch); bool CanMoveIntoSB(LPITEM item); void OpenSB(LPCHARACTER ch); void ClearSB(LPCHARACTER ch); void CloseSB(LPCHARACTER ch); void SendSBItem(LPCHARACTER ch,LPITEM item); void ChangeSB(LPCHARACTER ch,const TPlayerItemAttribute* aAttr); void SendSBPackets(LPCHARACTER ch,BYTE subheader, int id_bonus = 0, int value_bonus_0 = 0, int value_bonus_1 = 0, int value_bonus_2 = 0, int value_bonus_3 = 0, int value_bonus_4 = 0); };
  5. When I started working on this server, I tested this dungeon and it was working fine. now when I want to enter it, it gets blocked and my respective CH drops index dungeon in am in all CH in core1 same as cellelante someone help me please?
  6. Hello, I have a bug related to auto login. More precisely, I save the account, but when I click on it, it connects me automatically and gives me a bug with that account. It lets me enter until the character window, but after I choose my character, it disconnects me from the account. This happens until I reboot the server. after all it returns to normal until I use the auto login function again but this doesn't happen every time, I can say it's random Help me please
  7. this problem solvent now I have the following problem
  8. Hello, I've been struggling for a few days to implement the ingame itemshop system Download Metin2 Download someone help me please
  9. hello, I want to implement the itemshop system in the game, but I get this error. Can someone help me please? [Hidden Content]
  10. everything seems to be ok I think the problem comes from anti hack protection.
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