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Windows opening at the wrong position


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4 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

Can we edit the playable area? I think the best method to solve the height problem is to subtract some pixel, if it's possible.
(So the taskbar will not hide the bottom of the client)

isn't this what marty said above?


2 hours ago, martysama0134 said:

I cut it in order to see the whole client in 1920x1080 res (otherwise the Windows taskbar will eat up some pixels), Set titlebarSize to 0, otherwise set titlebarSize to 0 only if m_pySystem.GetHeight() >= 1000.

auto titlebarSize = (m_pySystem.GetHeight() >= 1000) ? 10 : 0;



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20 minutes ago, HaiosMotan said:

isn't this what marty said above?



No, actually what Marty suggested there is to not substract the titlebar from the position 'y', but then you are where the coast breaks again because the taskbar will hide the bottom of the client.

I asked to actually shrink the playable area (not position y substaction) so the titlebar can be 100% visible while the taskbar will not hide the bottom of the client.

Edited by TMP4
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19 hours ago, martysama0134 said:

I used GetWindowRect to calculate the dropshadow area automatically:

		AdjustSize(m_pySystem.GetWidth(), m_pySystem.GetHeight());

		if (Windowed)
			m_isWindowed = true;
			RECT rc{};
			auto windowWidth = rc.right - rc.left;
			auto windowHeight = (rc.bottom - rc.top);
			//TraceError("windowWidth %d == %d windowHeight %d == %d", windowWidth, m_pySystem.GetWidth(), windowHeight, m_pySystem.GetHeight());
			RECT rc2{};
			auto windowWidth2 = rc2.right - rc2.left;
			auto windowHeight2 = (rc2.bottom - rc2.top);
			//TraceError("windowWidth2 %d windowHeight2 %d", windowWidth2, windowHeight2);
			auto windowWidthDiff = windowWidth2 - windowWidth;
			auto windowHeightDiff = windowHeight2 - windowHeight;
			//TraceError("windowWidthDiff %d windowHeightDiff %d", windowWidthDiff, windowHeightDiff);
			//TraceError("GetLastError %d", ::GetLastError());
			constexpr auto taskbarSize = 80;
			auto dropshadowSize = (windowWidthDiff / 2 != 0) ? (windowWidthDiff / 2 - 1) : 0;
			CMSApplication::SetPosition(((GetScreenWidth() - windowWidth) / 2) - dropshadowSize, (GetScreenHeight() - windowHeight - taskbarSize) / 2);
			m_isWindowed = false;
			SetPosition(0, 0);

This one is for 1920x1080 res


Old way with second window:

		AdjustSize(m_pySystem.GetWidth(), m_pySystem.GetHeight());

		if (Windowed)
			m_isWindowed = true;
			RECT rc{};
			auto windowWidth = rc.right - rc.left;
			auto windowHeight = (rc.bottom - rc.top);
			//TraceError("windowWidth %d == %d windowHeight %d == %d", windowWidth, m_pySystem.GetWidth(), windowHeight, m_pySystem.GetHeight());
			RECT rc2{};
			auto windowWidth2 = rc2.right - rc2.left;
			auto windowHeight2 = (rc2.bottom - rc2.top);
			//TraceError("windowWidth2 %d windowHeight2 %d", windowWidth2, windowHeight2);
			auto windowWidthDiff = windowWidth2 - windowWidth;
			auto windowHeightDiff = windowHeight2 - windowHeight;
			//TraceError("windowWidthDiff %d windowHeightDiff %d", windowWidthDiff, windowHeightDiff);
			//TraceError("GetLastError %d", ::GetLastError());
			auto dropshadowSize = (windowWidthDiff / 2 != 0) ? (windowWidthDiff / 2 - 1) : 0;
			constexpr auto taskbarSize = 80;
			CMSApplication::SetPosition(((GetScreenWidth() - windowWidth) / 2) - dropshadowSize, (GetScreenHeight() - windowHeight - taskbarSize) / 2);
			constexpr auto taskbarSize = 73;
			constexpr auto titlebarSize = 10;
			if (bAnotherWindow)
				CMSApplication::SetPosition(GetScreenWidth() - windowWidth - dropshadowSize, GetScreenHeight() - windowHeight - taskbarSize);
				SetPosition(-dropshadowSize, -titlebarSize);
			m_isWindowed = false;
			SetPosition(0, 0);


isn't there any way of using

HWND taskBar = FindWindow(L"Shell_traywnd", NULL);

to find the exact height of the taskbar? some use big taskbar(default) others use "Use small taskbar buttons".

tried 2 ways from the comments and both leave gaps between m2 client and taskbar(ofcourse,i can increase the number of pixels for me,but it could make it worse for others)

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11 hours ago, HaiosMotan said:

isn't there any way of using

HWND taskBar = FindWindow(L"Shell_traywnd", NULL);

to find the exact height of the taskbar? some use big taskbar(default) others use "Use small taskbar buttons".

tried 2 ways from the comments and both leave gaps between m2 client and taskbar(ofcourse,i can increase the number of pixels for me,but it could make it worse for others)

//after void GetWindowRect(RECT* prc);
//add this

bool GetWindowRect(HWND hWnd, LPRECT lpRect);

//after void CMSWindow::GetWindowRect(RECT* prc) {...}
//add this

bool CMSWindow::GetWindowRect(HWND hWnd, LPRECT lpRect)
	return ::GetWindowRect(hWnd, lpRect);

//under unsigned __GetWindowMode(bool windowed) {...}
//add this
int CPythonApplication::getTaskBarHeight()
	RECT rect{};
	HWND taskBar = FindWindow("Shell_traywnd", NULL);
	if (taskBar && GetWindowRect(taskBar, &rect)) {
		return rect.bottom - rect.top;

//now you can use this function
int taskbarSize = getTaskBarHeight();

I have windows 10
The standard size of the taskbar is 40.
Every time we raise the taskbar up, 41 is added.
It works strangely.


Edited by Helia01
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10 hours ago, TMP4 said:

Can we edit the playable area? I think the best method to solve the height problem is to subtract some pixel, if it's possible.
(So the taskbar will not hide the bottom of the client)

As far as I remember, this topic fixes it and play around with the playable area.


11 hours ago, HaiosMotan said:

isn't there any way of using

HWND taskBar = FindWindow(L"Shell_traywnd", NULL);

to find the exact height of the taskbar? some use big taskbar(default) others use "Use small taskbar buttons".

tried 2 ways from the comments and both leave gaps between m2 client and taskbar(ofcourse,i can increase the number of pixels for me,but it could make it worse for others)

I personnally use this to get my metrics. Note that I am using W11 and that Taskbar isn't really easy to tweak without going into regedit. Only available option is to hide it and the metrics catch it greatly.

			RECT work_area{0,0,0,0};
			SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &work_area, 0);

			// Get Screen Size with Taskbar
			const int32_t work_area_width = work_area.right - work_area.left;
			const int32_t work_area_height = work_area.bottom - work_area.top;
			// Get Application (caption) Size
			const int32_t caption_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXPADDEDBORDER);

			// Get Maximum Available Resolution
			const int32_t screen_width = GetScreenWidth();
			const int32_t screen_height = GetScreenHeight();

			// Get Metin2.cfg desired size
			const int32_t window_width = m_pySystem.GetWidth();
			const int32_t window_height = m_pySystem.GetHeight();

			// Get Taskbar Size
			const int32_t taskbar_height = GetScreenHeight() - work_area_height;
			TraceError("Caption Height %d", caption_height);
			TraceError("Taskbar Height %d", taskbar_height);
			TraceError("Screen Resolution %dx%d", screen_width, screen_height);
			TraceError("Maximum Available Resolution %dx%d", work_area_width, work_area_height);
			TraceError("CFG Resolution %dx%d", window_width, window_height);



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