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[40250] Reference Serverfile + Client + Src [15 Available Languages]


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12 minutes ago, MarcoJorge said:

how to solve this i get when doing razador


0413 01:57:52791 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20387] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc/flame_bridge_block_chain/bridge_block_chain.msm] ERROR. Vai encontrar outro caminho.

0413 01:57:54062 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20385] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc/flame_dungeon_npc/flame_npc.msm] ERROR. Vai encontrar outro caminho.

0413 01:57:54063 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:\Ymir Work\effect\monster2\yellowred1_big.mse) Erro

0413 01:57:05060 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20388] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc/flame_door_npc/flame_door_npc.msm] ERROR. Vai encontrar outro caminho.




So first of all only the 3rd line is a real 'error':

1126 22:25:14406 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:\Ymir Work\effect\monster2\yellowred1_big.mse) Error

That effect file is missing in every client, Ymir/Webzen forgot to include it.

The 1st, 2nd and 4th line is not an error. It is just a notice that it will try to find in another path ("Will Find Another Path." in english). And it actually finds.
If you are bothered with that syserrs I suggest you to either comment out from the source or move to logs.txt what are only presents in debug mode.
I'm not gonna remove that syserr because it is a reference release.

About that effect file, since Ymir/Webzen forgot to include it, I can't really conjure it up for you ?
You have 2 option:

  1. Remove it from flame_npc.msm: https://pastebin.com/0hbbAyvW
  2. Use yellowred1_great.mse because that is exists, but maybe different.
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1 hour ago, TMP4 said:

So first of all only the 3rd line is a real 'error':

1126 22:25:14406 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:\Ymir Work\effect\monster2\yellowred1_big.mse) Error

That effect file is missing in every client, Ymir/Webzen forgot to include it.

The 1st, 2nd and 4th line is not an error. It is just a notice that it will try to find in another path ("Will Find Another Path." in english). And it actually finds.
If you are bothered with that syserrs I suggest you to either comment out from the source or move to logs.txt what are only presents in debug mode.
I'm not gonna remove that syserr because it is a reference release.

About that effect file, since Ymir/Webzen forgot to include it, I can't really conjure it up for you ?
You have 2 option:

  1. Remove it from flame_npc.msm: https://pastebin.com/0hbbAyvW
  2. Use yellowred1_great.mse because that is exists, but maybe different.

About this effect, it was actually in some clients back then (2015 for example) but it was removed a few years ago. I have no clue why, but whe should be able to find it if we dig a bit. It is the effects on his legs.




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8 minutes ago, VinceMacKenzie said:

Hey. Somehow could i upload the vdi as converted for run on VPS? If yes, how? 

That's not how it's works.

  • Install FreeBSD13 (if you can't choose 13, then install 12 and upgrade)
  • Then install mysql55-server, python27 via pkg.
  • Upload metin2_server+src.tar.gz to /usr and metin2_mysql.tar.gz to /var/db then extract both on vps via tar -xf name.tar.gz command
  • If you choose 32bit FreeBSD then install the packages mentioned in Libs.txt to install libs, if you choose 64bit FreeBSD then use the libs in Libs.zip

Many people make the mistake of choosing a hosting where they are not able to select FreeBSD as OS or install a custom iso file for their VPS.
I'm not saying it's not possible to install FreeBSD even there, but definitely not a beginner level:

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18 minutes ago, Avrack said:

Hello, when I try to log as admin I get this error (language switched to czech):  

ld-elf32.so.1: /server/share/bin/game: Undefined symbol "rand@FBSD_1.6"

(If I create new account or just new character under admin it works)

Hello, FBSD_1.6 refers to FreeBSD 13.0. I suppose you are in a vps since I'm 100% sure admin character works in the VM.

Does your VPS have FreeBSD13 installed?

On 11/22/2021 at 11:35 PM, TMP4 said:

The game & db compiled in FreeBSD13 may not run in FreeBSD12.
If you don't want to update your VPS to FreeBSD13, I suggest you to compile the source in FreeBSD12.2 x32.
If you install these packages via pkg the source should compile without an issue in FreeBSD12.2 x32 too:

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2 hours ago, TMP4 said:

Hello, FBSD_1.6 refers to FreeBSD 13.0. I suppose you are in a vps since I'm 100% sure admin character works in the VM.

Does your VPS have FreeBSD13 installed?

Yes, I'm on VPS but I dont have FreeBSD 13.0 but FreeBSD 12.2 (x64)

I get this error even when I kill some monsters (example: I kill "wolf" = OK, but if I kill "old wolf" it crash server with this error)


EDIT: My bad, it works fine after compiling source on vps.

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10 hours ago, Avrack said:

Yes, I'm on VPS but I dont have FreeBSD 13.0 but FreeBSD 12.2 (x64)

I get this error even when I kill some monsters (example: I kill "wolf" = OK, but if I kill "old wolf" it crash server with this error)


EDIT: My bad, it works fine after compiling source on vps.

Yes basicly things you compile in FreeBSD13 are not compatible with older FreeBSD. There is forward compatibility only.
(But I wonder how did you compile in x64 system but anyway, glad you managed it)

3 hours ago, Pavel123 said:

Hello! When creating a character, the text moves out of the description. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks!


Some locales have the jobdescs and probably empiredesc txts for the newer select design, I wonder why it has only been reported now ?

Anyway I'll fix it today and update the Mega drive, thank you that you reported ?

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Can someone help me?

I'm using the .VDI server files ok?

.. So



When I enter at game with (local) its fine, but When I enter in another PC with my IP, when Character select, games down.

I was open 13000, 13010, 13020, 13030, 13061, 13099 11000 TCP ports on my router.

Can someone help's me? Thank you so much!

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6 minutes ago, BloodSky said:

Can someone help me?

I'm using the .VDI server files ok?

.. So



When I enter at game with (local) its fine, but When I enter in another PC with my IP, when Character select, games down.

I was open 13000, 13010, 13020, 13030, 13061, 13099 11000 TCP ports on my router.

Can someone help's me? Thank you so much!

You are looking for this modification:

I should add this with today's update?

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One question, I am installing multi language, but curiously it does not update the language column in account and therefore I cannot enter the game, but every 30 minutes or so it lets me enter the game and use the selected language... the question is If you have any kind of protection or delay of packets that does not allow updating at the moment?

my system works, I just have that problem that it does not update me instantly when I change language

1 hour for that image xd



Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal




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1 hour ago, josehdelaro said:

One question, I am installing multi language, but curiously it does not update the language column in account and therefore I cannot enter the game, but every 30 minutes or so it lets me enter the game and use the selected language... the question is If you have any kind of protection or delay of packets that does not allow updating at the moment?

my system works, I just have that problem that it does not update me instantly when I change language

1 hour for that image xd



There is no extra protection or so for packets. If that multi lang system is free then I suggest you to open a topic in questions & answers providing the code to check, otherwise ask help from the author.


Little update:

2021.11.28: - Added ENABLE_PROXY_IP. It is for when you have an internal IP and you try to connect with an
              external IP, you will be kicked after charselect. If you want to use it then set BIND_IP:
              internal & PROXY_IP: external in the CONFIG files (and uncomment!) + open ports in your router.
            - Fixed some empiredesc_*.txt & jobdesc_*.txt in some locale files.

About the ENABLE_PROXY_IP: Use that feature when your server have an internal/private IP address like Virtualbox, AWS, Google Cloud. It will solve the "kick after charselect" issue when you or your friend tries to connect from outside of your local network. For an avarage VPS what does not have internal/private IP, you don't need to use this feature. 

About the empiredesc & jobdesc: Some locales had those files in a newer format (for newer charselect) that's why it glitched when you clicked the "next" button (see some comments above). Basicly the 4 base languages were good (en/de/hu/fr) other were in the newer format, so if you use those, then redownload the client and get the fixed empiredesc & jobdesc files.

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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42 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

There is no extra protection or so for packets. If that multi lang system is free then I suggest you to open a topic in questions & answers providing the code to check, otherwise ask help from the author.


Little update:

2021.11.28: - Added ENABLE_PROXY_IP. It is for when you have an internal IP and you try to connect with an
              external IP, you will be kicked after charselect. If you want to use it then set BIND_IP:
              internal & PROXY_IP: external in the CONFIG files (and uncomment!) + open ports in your router.
            - Fixed some empiredesc_*.txt & jobdesc_*.txt in some locale files.

About the ENABLE_PROXY_IP: Use that feature when your server have an internal/private IP address like Virtualbox, AWS, Google Cloud. It will solve the "kick after charselect" issue when you or your friend tries to connect from outside of your local network. For an avarage VPS what does not have internal/private IP, you don't need to use this feature. 

About the empiredesc & jobdesc: Some locales had those files in a newer format (for newer charselect) that's why it glitched when you clicked the "next" button (see some comments above). Basicly the 4 base languages were good (en/de/hu/fr) other were in the newer format, so if you use those, then redownload the client and get the fixed empiredesc & jobdesc files.

I download from metin2.download but not seeing new

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8 minutes ago, mtak44 said:

I download from metin2.download but not seeing new

Use the mega link, the Metin2 Download links will be up to date in a few minutes.

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41 minutes ago, mtak44 said:

I want ask a question. Server run on virtualbox but how to open root server?

It depends what you consider as a root server.

Like you can open the ports in your router and set the newly added PROXY_IP, then players can join your server run under Virtualbox. However I don't consider that as a root server, better to call it as home-root.

If you use a dedicated machine for the server and run it in your home I would still call it as home-root. Also the PROXY_IP still needed to let players join because your server still have an internal/private ip from your router, and not an external/public ip directly. Lots of people thinks that it's only needed in Virtualbox, but that is wrong and Virtualbox have nothing to do with it, it just about the internal/private ip vs external/public ip..

If you buy a VPS or even dedicated machine from a hosting, then I would call it as a root server. PROXY_IP usually not needed there because the vps gets an external/public ip by default. However there are some platform and service when you still need PROXY_IP like AWS Cloud and Google Cloud platform because there your vms gets an internal/private ip. (Those are very similar as home-root, just your home are actually in the "cloud" ?) But again, for an avarage vps you don't need PROXY_IP or any trick with the networking.

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22 minutes ago, VinceMacKenzie said:

i opened port range 13000-13040 but my friend cannot connect to the server. When he wants choose character it disconnect him. Any Suggest? 
Btw can i add comment in hungarian or do you have any DC contact?

  Please read the topic we were just talking about that today ? (And ports to 13000 to 13040 is not enough, what about auth for example or game99)?

6 hours ago, BloodSky said:

Can someone help me?

I'm using the .VDI server files ok?

.. So

When I enter at game with (local) its fine, but When I enter in another PC with my IP, when Character select, games down.

I was open 13000, 13010, 13020, 13030, 13061, 13099 11000 TCP ports on my router.

Can someone help's me? Thank you so much!

6 hours ago, TMP4 said:

You are looking for this modification:

I should add this with today's update?

3 hours ago, TMP4 said:

Little update:

2021.11.28: - Added ENABLE_PROXY_IP. It is for when you have an internal IP and you try to connect with an
              external IP, you will be kicked after charselect. If you want to use it then set BIND_IP:
              internal & PROXY_IP: external in the CONFIG files (and uncomment!) + open ports in your router.
            - Fixed some empiredesc_*.txt & jobdesc_*.txt in some locale files.

About the ENABLE_PROXY_IP: Use that feature when your server have an internal/private IP address like Virtualbox, AWS, Google Cloud. It will solve the "kick after charselect" issue when you or your friend tries to connect from outside of your local network. For an avarage VPS what does not have internal/private IP, you don't need to use this feature. 

And no, I suppose you can't comment here in hungarian, it is an english board.
And no, I can't provide private help to anyone (in dc or in anywhere). You may want just 15-30mins but that multiplied by everyone (because If I accept your request, I should accept everyone's) would be hella lot time, which I can't afford. Don't forget it's a free release. But you can ask your question in questions & answers or even here if it's closely related to this release and me or someone will probably answer.

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1 hour ago, TMP4 said:

  Please read the topic we were just talking about that today ? (And ports to 13000 to 13040 is not enough, what about auth for example or game99)?

And no, I suppose you can't comment here in hungarian, it is an english board.
And no, I can't provide private help to anyone (in dc or in anywhere). You may want just 15-30mins but that multiplied by everyone (because If I accept your request, I should accept everyone's) would be hella lot time, which I can't afford. Don't forget it's a free release. But you can ask your question in questions & answers or even here if it's closely related to this release and me or someone will probably answer.

i edited every file and run gamecompile but not i also got kicked out ? btw in this server version i dont have service.h only local_service.h any advice? ?

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2 hours ago, TMP4 said:

It depends what you consider as a root server.

Like you can open the ports in your router and set the newly added PROXY_IP, then players can join your server run under Virtualbox. However I don't consider that as a root server, better to call it as home-root.

If you use a dedicated machine for the server and run it in your home I would still call it as home-root. Also the PROXY_IP still needed to let players join because your server still have an internal/private ip from your router, and not an external/public ip directly. Lots of people thinks that it's only needed in Virtualbox, but that is wrong and Virtualbox have nothing to do with it, it just about the internal/private ip vs external/public ip..

If you buy a VPS or even dedicated machine from a hosting, then I would call it as a root server. PROXY_IP usually not needed there because the vps gets an external/public ip by default. However there are some platform and service when you still need PROXY_IP like AWS Cloud and Google Cloud platform because there your vms gets an internal/private ip. (Those are very similar as home-root, just your home are actually in the "cloud" ?) But again, for an avarage vps you don't need PROXY_IP or any trick with the networking.

Thank you!

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