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About Originale

  • Birthday 03/04/1989


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  1. Hello everyone Here after 2 years of absence I decided to resume development mt2 I'm on a source old ira i really like are work I am having a compilation problem with Visual Studio 2019 and with the libsql project of its sources Error C4430 missing type specifier - int is taken into account by default. Note: C ++ does not support int by default Error C3646 'm_sem': unknown substitution specifier Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for my bad english
  2. Hello I have a weird bug with VirtualBox under Windows 10 64bits. When I try to open VirtualBox no window appears for time the processes are well launched. Thank you for your help PS: I have already tried to uninstall and reinstall several times. I even do a clean installation of Windows 10.
  3. Hello Community Here I am trying to depacker the new proto 18.0/19.0 When I want to unpack my item_proto I do not return the value in words but in numbers. I'll let you know if anyone has already bugged and can help me Thank you
  4. Replace const byte* to CryptoPP::byte* for cipher.h
  5. Good evening, I want to recompile the customer's lib "cryptopp, lzo, ect" but here I have an error "Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol" I was careful to compile with the good toolset "vc140" then "Runtime Library MT" I would like some help for me to understand what is wrong thank you in advance Cdt Originale
  6. No delete this add flags in ProtoReader.cpp in src/db
  7. Hello vanilla I always meet bug And I can not find any where it can come core game.core bt full PS: I noticed that its coming from your new Unique function, I disable the call functions now the game starts. thanks, cdt Originale
  8. Yes I know very well that it is not used But for some it will give them a bug in the db and item_proto
  9. Hello Vanilla, I am currently testing your new source I find very nice the new mode of compilation with Clang-devel. But I find its pity that you are taken again your source 68k you would have of resumption of 0. There is always some classic bug as for the subType "SMALL" in your source "SAMLL" And I find that the debug mode and release is a great interest. I have already modified your source to my convenience and debug already a bug with ani.cpp you miss a comma in your file ani.cpp your game has the line "data / pc2 / shaman"
  10. Hello I have a problem with the system Shoulder_sash I have all succeeded in implanting, without any errors The problem is when I want to wear a sash My character becomes invisible I use P3NG3R item_scale with some missing add-on I really do not see any where its can come so I need help DEV
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