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WorldEditor ReMIX

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so after working about 3-4 yrs with this program's older 29 version

I found out

-that it can randomly select objects without the user's permission

-somehow the object's Z direction at rotation can bug

-somehow the object's position at height base can bug

-several mse effects can't correctly load \ position themselves

-there are smaller bugs at replacing skyboxes

-also several effect can make it crash? not bandicoot but there are buggy mse scripts too?XD


maybe I would throw money to Marty if this program could make server txt's and it could load npc's metinestones and other stuff too...



Edited by 66Dragon99
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So if I understand the height bar still bugs and skips the -310 - +310 parts for no reason

several objects are looks right but ingame they go under the ground or upper

yes I've tried v34 but it seems like it may need more updates later :D:D



after editing a map while trying to edit an effect the whole effect viewer part's camera just goes to nowhere and does not shows the sura with thx xyz parts on the baseposition of the effect viewer. v34



Edited by 66Dragon99
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Another day another bug to report:

After editing effects somehow the color editor commited sudoku and crashed the whole WE client...

EDIT UNDO DOESN'T WORK BUT THERE EXIST ON THE LEFT SIDE!!! i tried to use it but it's fake and not works at all so I lost 30minutes of editing some cancerous looking rainbow armor effect. yaay


Edited by Metin2 Dev
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When we open the map without first placing property in the ymir work folder, the areadata.txt files will be automatically replace with nothing. The map will be without objects despite the later addition of property. The solution then is to replace the map with the appropriate areadata.txt files.





While gumming textures, the button of this function is pressed. When we change the tool, the eraser button will return to original form, but in fact the eraser function is still activated. This is a tiny bug, but it causes confusion, because until we actually turn off the gumming function, we won't be able to paint the area.




No information is displayed in these places despite loading the environment (however, they display correctly in the first tab):




Information about the selected object will not appear if you drag the mouse to select it:


Edited by Metin2 Dev
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On 11/15/2020 at 6:28 AM, Tatsumaru said:


Information about the selected object will not appear if you drag the mouse to select it:


The 4th problem is now fixed.




V35 out!

  • Enabled large address aware
  • Fixed selected object text area
  • "About box" a little bit larger
Edited by Metin2 Dev
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On 12/12/2020 at 7:48 AM, Tatsumaru said:


New icons, I think that with these icons the program is more pleasing to the eye.


This is the hidden content, please

If you have a psd of it, send it to me.

I prefer something like "map, model (icon & text), effect, fly" ?


On 11/15/2020 at 7:28 AM, Tatsumaru said:


No information is displayed in these places despite loading the environment (however, they display correctly in the first tab):



The 3rd problem is now fixed.



V36 out!

  • Fixed displayed script name and version in environment tab
Edited by Metin2 Dev
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On 11/15/2020 at 6:28 AM, Tatsumaru said:


While gumming textures, the button of this function is pressed. When we change the tool, the eraser button will return to original form, but in fact the eraser function is still activated. This is a tiny bug, but it causes confusion, because until we actually turn off the gumming function, we won't be able to paint the area.

The 2nd problem is now fixed.


This will keep the eraser still active.

In reality I'd prefer directly disabling it like this:


(probably for the next rev)


V37 is out!

  • Added Config option CENTERED_WINDOW to center the program window when opened
  • Added global/local position in the f11 info board (https://metin2.download/picture/JbjDNh9UeHvuAaNH7HR20rlbRP4wV5s2/.gif)
  • Fixed moving with WASD if ctrl was pressed (e.g. ctrl+s)
  • Fixed when switching height brushes, the eraser remained active but not the relative button


Edited by Metin2 Dev
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3 hours ago, martysama0134 said:

In reality I'd prefer directly disabling it like this:


(probably for the next rev)

It works like this in version 24.


You can't sculpt the terrain in version 37. When selecting any sculpting tool activates the texturing option. This is a new and a serious bug.

By the way, maybe you will look at old problems again. Today you certainly have more experience, so the chances of a solution are better.


The first old problem is that mixedtextures and shadows are sheared on the joins 256x256 (black grid).



The other old problem is the inability to move the tree.


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal


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6 hours ago, Tatsumaru said:

You can't sculpt the terrain in version 37. When selecting any sculpting tool activates the texturing option. This is a new and a serious bug.

Fixed in v38.



V38 is out!

  • Fixed the height brush regression from v37
Edited by Metin2 Dev
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// Size
	BYTE					m_byShadowMapPower;
	const BYTE				m_byMaxShadowMapPower;
	const BYTE				m_byMinShadowMapPower;
	DWORD					m_dwShadowMapSize;


is it Possible to increase those values for exporting bigger Shadowmaps for example 1024x1024 idk if these are the correct Values,

i like the work you do but there are still some things to solve,

for example the saving of the msf data dont work,

or while rendering the shadows with F6 it sometimes skips Cells if the map is bigger than 3x3 means you have to split the Map.

The Watermarker is dissapearing while editing sometimes for whatever reason.

The Worldeditor sometimes crashes just random "i guess thats because of the 32bit compile" i guess before an update to 64bit its not really fixable

Edited by ToXiC4000


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2 hours ago, ToXiC4000 said:

The Watermarker is dissapearing while editing sometimes for whatever reason.


That's related to when you're editing an ambience effect, or close to one.

2 hours ago, ToXiC4000 said:

The Worldeditor sometimes crashes just random "i guess thats because of the 32bit compile" i guess before an update to 64bit its not really fixable

With the large address aware enabled, it should reduce this.


2 hours ago, ToXiC4000 said:

is it Possible to increase those values for exporting bigger Shadowmaps for example 1024x1024 idk if these are the correct Values,

This means the previous 256x256 shadowmap.dds files will be useless. (this will require an internal conversion or to regenerate them)

The generated result looks like this:


If you want to test it, check __trash/we_remix_v38_shadowtest.rar


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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I've been using 2k shadowmaps and above in the past and it doesn't really solve a lot of things, it's still kinda weird and doesn't give a lot of change in the final render. If you aim to upgrade shadows, try to base yourself upon Dynamic shadows that occurs on Instances instead of the static shadowmap shadow. But it requieres quite a lot of work.

Thanks for your updates Marty, it's really useful.

Edited by Gurgarath

coming soon

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"This means the previous 256x256 shadowmap.dds files will be useless. (this will require an internal conversion or to regenerate them)

The generated result looks like this:



Yes it does make a difference it would help me alot if there is a way to config it the same way as with the "height configuration" with the slider for like setting a max value, if it is to much i can understand that, its only my opinion.


"This means the previous 256x256 shadowmap.dds files will be useless."


Whoever in the Year 2021 uses 256x256 textures... c_c

i have written a batchscript wich let me replace all Textures to the resolutions i need, also i could use the same technique as for my Skill upscaling cause The Client can load 4k Textures with no Problem


thats for example shadowmap.dds 4096x4096

i know that i asked a guy to help me alot of in the Past before and yes he testet it out 3 Years ago


ive tested it also the Ram Usage / Vram Usage on Newer or Old Graficscards "because i have both in my Setup"


Setup Conf:

64Gb Ram 3200mhz

SSD only

CPU Intel 10900X OC running 4,75Ghzx20

GPU1 : GTX 680

GPU2 : RX 460

GPU3 : RTX 2070 Super OC

GPU4 : RTX 3070

and i loaded a 11x11 Map and No it doesnt make a big difference cause it only loads the current 9 Cells "the 1 active and the 8 around it" i would normaly work with the World Edit Source and test it myself out cause i still dont know why you work alone on it but well.


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal


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why can't I see the tree objects? everything is in the right place wtf

0122 01:28:53257 :: CMapOutdoor::LoadArea 451
0122 01:28:53502 :: Update::Load spent 1160 ms

0122 01:28:55303 :: Update::Load spent 360 ms

0122 01:28:02758 :: Update::Load spent 240 ms
and instantly freezes and closes when I add height to make a hill or idk it just died instantly

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