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[ Dead Download Link ] Vanilla Core 2.4.1 [ We Need You ]


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You need to edit the binary for seeing more than 2kkk.

It's not only the game, but also the client binary.


In this case the game can handle over 2kkk so you'll be able to store such high values. But the client can only use up to 2kkk.

We are the tortured.
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Some Bugs: (German)

- Frisuren ein wenig verbuggt: Nach einer Zeit verschwinden diese und man sieht nur die hΓ€lfte das Kopfs

- Spielminuten werden nicht geloggt

- StΓ€ndig Unsichtbar

- Bei Charselect ist RΓΌstung unsichtbar


Und ehm:

Future plans:
* more error handling
* skilldmg-hack fix
* kickhack fix


ich glaube der kickhack ist schon bei den 40250 gefixt.




Some bugs: (English)


- Hairstyles a little buggy: After a time these will disappear and you can only see half the head

- Minutes are not logged

- Constantly Invisible

- In Charselect armor is invisible

And ehm:

Future plans:
* More error handling
* Skilldmg-hack fix
* Kick hack fix

I think the kick hack is already fixed in 40250.



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  • Premium

I will use this gamefile once it will have less bug(s) than it has.

It has bug(s) that a normal 40250 gamefile hasn't,


But it's a very great job, impressive i suppose, once the bug will have gone, this will be a lot better than gf or sg's gamefiles, but for now it's not viable in a public server.



"Nothing's free in this life.

Ignorant people have an obligation to make up for their ignorance by paying those who help them.

Either you got the brains or cash, if you lack bothΒ you're useless."


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Ok i have found only one bug now.

- The playtime is 0 everytime but after reboot is playtime higher.

- max yang 999.999.999 dont works max limit is above 2,1kkk


# Kannst fΓΌr deine Game ja noch eine Clientexe machen, VorschlΓ€ge:

- Mounts DMG/ Schlagen fixen

- Yang Grenze 999.999.999


I had the same problem with the playtime because I was using another db file not the one which comes with vanilla core.

After I've changed the db file everything seems to work perfectly.

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Ok i have found only one bug now.

- The playtime is 0 everytime but after reboot is playtime higher.

- max yang 999.999.999 dont works max limit is above 2,1kkk


# Kannst fΓΌr deine Game ja noch eine Clientexe machen, VorschlΓ€ge:

- Mounts DMG/ Schlagen fixen

- Yang Grenze 999.999.999


I had the same problem with the playtime because I was using another db file not the one which comes with vanilla core.

After I've changed the db file everything seems to work perfectly.


I know, vanilla need to fix it :D

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You need to edit the binary for seeing more than 2kkk.

It's not only the game, but also the client binary.


In this case the game can handle over 2kkk so you'll be able to store such high values. But the client can only use up to 2kkk.


Have you a Binary with 999.999.999.999 max yang for your Game



EDITΒ²: I have an improvement for the config file. You can make MAX_INVENTAR_SLOT: int for the config file

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Well, I don't have to fix such issues because I stated that you need to use vanilla db. The tables are different from the normal game/db-tables. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to fix the hp overflow for example.

That's why you need the new db cache and if you don't use it, bugs will come. I guess it's clear now that you need both. These are no bugs.


Please give only bug reports when you use both game and db from the vanilla package. If there are still bugs feel free to report them as usual.

We are the tortured.
We're not your friends.
As long as we're not visible.
We are unfixable.

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Hey Vanilla,

i try to use your Core on my VM. I use a DynDns adress and have to change the Internal IP.

How i can bind this now? If i use BIND_IP i got only error like: can't connect to the socket etc.

My Ports are open in my FritzBox etc.

Maybe you can help me or someone other here.


Sry for bad english ^^


Kind regards

  • Love 1

✘ Kolbencrew ✘

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How to use these functions :


game.mysql_real_escape_string(string query)
game.mysql_query(string query)
game.mysql_update_query(string query)
Whether i need add them into questlib.lua and quest_functions ?
 Are these function have return value ?
Could you give me some examples for these functions.
for exp : game.mysql_query("select version( );")


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