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vanilla 2.2 changelog

* Introduced the new Rev system. I'm now going to built up on revisions. Vanilla 2.2 has revision 51204
* C++ version changed to c++11
* Compiler changed to gcc48
* Bugfix: yang limit should work properly
* Bugfix: HP/MP won't be resetting on teleport if overflowing
* Bugfix: Many crashes fixed in cause of false formating arguments
* Bugfix: No guild war crash anymore
* Bugfix: Conversions made to bypass unsigned and signed comparisons
* Bugfix: internal IP fix; If there are errors left, just set the IP in your CONFIG
* Bugfix: Monarch system fixed in dbcache
* Bugfix: 6/7 attributes
* Bugfix: command_log works with every locale
* Bugfix putting things for 0 gold into shops works again
* Bugfix: reload q shouldn't crash anymore. Still NOT recommended but it'll print out errors if the questmanager does not respond
* Bugfix: The speedhack limits got retuned so you won't be teleported back anymore while riding
* Bugfix: You can now use stackable items and remove them with item.remove() without loosing the stacks. Skillbooks etc. will be handled this way too
* Feature: Dbcache can now start without txt-files
* Feature: If you're warped into a non-existing map or non-existing coordinates your coordinates will be resetted to map1 of your village; You won't need unstuckers anymore
* Feature: adminpage_ip set to localhost by default so it'll only listen to itself to prevent attackings from API tool. You can disable it with a CONFIG-option.


New conf.txt options (refers to dbcache):

1 = enabled. Disabled by default. Enable to boot with txt-files instead of sql


New CONFIG options:

package_enable: 0/1
1 = enabled. Disabled by default. Enable to use the package-feature.

log_level: 0/1/2
Sets the logging level. 0 means to logs will be entered in your database.
1 means that the most important tables (hack-logs for example) will be used
2 means that all logging tables will be used

new_test_server: 0/1
Protects your test-server so the gamecore will check if accounts are written into gmlist before granting them implementor-privileges.

new_gm_host_check: 1/0
Checks the gmhost and gmlist for the right ip before granting privileges. Disabled by default.

adminpage_enable: 1/0
Enables the adminpage-features. Disabled by default (say bye bye to API tools)

adminpage_no_localhost: 1/0
Disables the security feature which inserts localhost into your adminpage_ip so it'll only listen to localhost.

item_floor_time: int
Set the time how long a dropped item will be lying on the ground (by monsters)

item_ownership_time: int
Set the time how long a dropped item will be owned by a player (by monsters)

max_rank_points: long int
Set the maximum rank points

movement_speed: int
Set the initial movement speed for players.

belt_all_allow_items: 0/1

Allow Players to store every item in their belt inventory

attr_rare_enable: 0/1
Allow the using of rare attributes (6th and 7th attributes). Default: ON.


New quest-functions:






Please note that the gamefile will be uploaded this evening and will be available for download 00:00 CET.

This changelog will be merged into the first post and added to the second post.

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We are the tortured.
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vanilla 2.2 changelog

New conf.txt options (refers to dbcache):

New CONFIG options:

New quest-functions:




Please note that the gamefile will be uploaded this evening and will be available for download 00:00 CET.

This changelog will be merged into the first post.

HR9Lyjd.png thanks

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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You can disable the need of these both roles. There are 2 CONFIG options for that. One is for the skillbook time delay (set it to 0 and you'll have no time waiting) and the other one is skillbook_always_book, set it to 1 and you won't need enhancers anymore. Same goes with item.remove() quest function.


Bugfix for skillbooks are already there. I fixed every entry for it. It'll now reduce the stack size by 1 and if there's only one left, it'll destroy the item.


I don't know if a event flag exists for the percentage. But if you use skillbook_always_book you'd achieve 100% percent with master books.

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someone would be so kind as to make a ([DIF] Internal IP Fix) 
for this game to test it in VirtualBox 
excuse for my bad English 
from already thank you :)
kind regards



I used for a while a libgame from Tim that performed NAT (Network Address Translation) so there was no dif needed. I wonder if someone like this could be directly implemented in the server.

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Hi Vanilla,
I have a problem with the db cache, when I want to stop it I get an error:
metin2# ./db
/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: /usr/local/lib32/metin2/libstdc++.so.6: Undefined symbol "_ThreadRuneLocale"


metin2# ldd db
        libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/local/lib32/metin2/libstdc++.so.6 (0x2813d000)
        libz.so.6 => /usr/local/lib32/metin2/libz.so.6 (0x2823a000)
        libm.so.5 => /lib/libm.so.5 (0x2824e000)
        libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x28263000)
        libthr.so.3 => /lib/libthr.so.3 (0x2826e000)
        libc.so.7 => /usr/local/lib32/metin2/libc.so.7 (0x28283000)

can you help me?


metin2# uname -a
FreeBSD #edited 7.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE #0: Fri May  1 08:49:13 UTC 2009     [email protected]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386


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@C. AAlexandru-Sorin:

Your FreeBSD is a way too old. Vanilla needs at least 9.1 so please consider updating it.

Same goes to Tasho. You'd have at least FreeBSD 9.1, better 9.2 or 10.0


@4l0ns0xD: Internal IP should be fixed with 2.2

Do you still have any problems with it?

We are the tortured.
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As long as we're not visible.
We are unfixable.

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what do i change in my quest to work?

quest pet_system begin
    state start begin
        function get_pet_info(itemVnum)
            pet_info_map = {
            --  [ITEM VNUM] MOB_VNUM, DEFAULT NAME, buff_idx, spawn_effect_idx
                [53001]     = { 34001, "'s Fenix de Fogo", 0},
                [53002]     = { 34002, "'s Rena Bebe", 0},
                [53003]     = { 34003, "'s Fenix de Gelo", 0},
                [53004]     = { 34001, "'s Fenix de Fogo", 0},
                [53005]     = { 34004, "'s Azrael Bebe", 1},
                [53006]     = { 34009, "'s Azreal d'Ouro", 1},
                [53007]     = { 34010, "'s Bambi", 0},
                [53008]     = { 34011, "'s Knuud", 0},
                [53009]     = { 34012, "'s Bao Bao", 0},
                [53010]     = { 34008, "'s Leonidas", 0},
                [53011]     = { 34007, "'s Khan", 0},
                [53012]     = { 34005, "'s Porky", 0},
                [53013]     = { 34006, "'s Rufus", 0},
				[53014]		= {	34013, "'s Executor", 1},
				[53015]		= {	34014, "'s Executor", 1},
				[53016] 	= { 34015, "'s Boney", 0},
				[53017] 	= {	34016, "'s Fenix de Jade", 0},
				[53018] 	= { 34017, "'s Barni", 0},

            itemVnum = tonumber(itemVnum)

            return pet_info_map[itemVnum]
		function get_spawn_effect_file(idx)
			effect_table = {
				[0] = nil,
				[1] = "d:ymir workeffectetcappear_dienpc2_appear.mse",
			return effect_table [idx]
        when 53001.use or
			 53002.use or
			 53003.use or
			 53004.use or
			 53005.use or
			 53006.use or
			 53007.use or
			 53008.use or
			 53009.use or
			 53010.use or
			 53011.use or
			 53012.use or
			 53013.use or
			 53014.use or
			 53015.use or
			 53016.use or
			 53017.use or
			 53018.use begin
			 local pet_info = pet_system.get_pet_info(item.vnum)

            if null != pet_info then

                local mobVnum = pet_info[1]
                local petName = pet_info[2]
				local spawn_effect_file_name = pet_system.get_spawn_effect_file(pet_info[3])

                if true == pet.is_summon(mobVnum) then
					if spawn_effect_file_name != nil then
						pet.spawn_effect (mobVnum, spawn_effect_file_name)
                    if pet.count_summoned() < 1 then
                        pet.summon(mobVnum, petName, false)
                        syschat("Tu ja chamaste um animal de estimacao.")
					if spawn_effect_file_name != nil then
						pet.spawn_effect (mobVnum, spawn_effect_file_name)
                end -- if pet.is_summon
            end  -- if null != pet_info
        end -- when
    end -- state
end -- quest
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Sorry if some of these are already included I guess I have just overseen them then (dat sentence construction)


New Config-Options:

add_ghoststone_percentage: x% (The chance of adding a ghost stone to a weapon or an armor)

add_bonus_percentage: x% (The chance of adding a new bonus to an item)

add_5_bonus_percentage: x% (The chance of adding the fifth bonus to an item)

max_group_member_count: x (The maximum amount of players that can be in one party)

points_for_mining: x (Sets the amount of points you get for mining)

Points_for_fishing: x (Sets the amount of points you get for fishing)

lose_exp_percentage: x% (The chance of losing exp after dying)

poison_duration: xseconds (The time a target is poisened)

fire_duration: xseconds (The time a target is burned)

Mining_duration:xhits (The time it takes to complete a mine[after that time you whether drop the material or not])

Ore_drop_percentage: x% (The chance of getting a material from the ore)

slot_add_percentage: x% (The chance of adding a slot to an item with a diamond)

refined_material_add_percentage: x% (The chance of adding a refined material to an existing slot of an item)

guild_delay_time: xseconds (the time that is needed to rejoin / creating a new guild after leaving or being kicked from a guild)

aggro_item_drop: 0/1 (Defines if you drop an item after dying with a negativ rank)

need_(Glas der Einsicht): 0/1 (Defines whether you need the item to view an item posted in the chat or a private message or not)

max_sell_value: x (For how many yang you can sell an item in a private shop)

max_trade_yang: x (how many yang you can trade within the normal trading [not private shop])

need_emotion_mask: 0/1 (Defines if you need the emotion mask to do the emotions)

need_emotion_mask_actions: 0/1 (if "need_emotion_mask" is set to 0 you can set this to 1 to not need an emotion mask for dancing but for kissing etc.)

skill_always_m: 17-20 (Defines the amount of skill points added into a skill needed for a skill to become to a master skill. If set to 0 which is default this feature is disabled or some other way to disable it in case someone doesn't likes that)

amount_spawned_monsters: x (Defines how many monsters can be spawned at once using the /mob y x command )

respawn_time: xseconds (Defines the time you have to wait until you are able to respawn)

stand_still_equip: 0/1 (if set to 1 the function that you need to standt still to equip an item is disabled)

g_skill_jump: 0/1 (if set to 1 a skill can jump instantly from g7,g8,g9 to perfect )

potions_at_up: 0/1 (if set to 0 you will no longer get red potions after a status or level up)

leader_book_bonus: x% (the amount of extra exp you get from the item [buch des Anführers])



New Quest-Trigger:

OnSell (triggers after selling an item to an npc)

OnTrade (triggers after trading without a private shop)


This is a long list but if all that options would be avaible, every possible dif except the ones for special system like: view inventory or global chat would be possible to control through ot the config.


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vanilla 2.2 changelog

New conf.txt options (refers to dbcache):

New CONFIG options:


New quest-functions:




Please note that the gamefile will be uploaded this evening and will be available for download 00:00 CET.

This changelog will be merged into the first post and added to the second post.

ah was suprised again n_n


thanks vanilla

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ah was suprised again n_n


thanks vanilla


So, nothing to laugh at anymore, huh?



I changed nothing there except for the new quest function, but if there are any errors then please go on and tell me what exactly you mean by "not work". What happens? Are there any messages? Please provide more information, otherwise I won't be able to help you.

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