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Everything posted by TAUMP

  1. Gameforge started to strike all videos from private servers because they claim copyright and youtube is piece of shit, because 5+ sanctions and they deactivate your channel lol and you can't do anything. GG Gameforge.
  2. Maybe DWORD count, to BYTE maybe I did mistake.
  3. Open db/ClientManagerBoot.cpp bool CClientManager::InitializeLandTable() { using namespace building; under this add CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery( "update land " "INNER JOIN guild ON land.guild_id = guild.id " "INNER JOIN player ON guild.`master` = player.id " "set guild_id=0 " "where guild_id > 0 and " "DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 21 DAY) > last_play; " ); CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery( "DELETE object " "FROM object " "INNER JOIN land ON land.id = object.land_id " "WHERE land.guild_id=0; " ); Extracted from Inception source.
  4. Hello, 100% you saw this shit visual bug from some angle are white (npc) Thing.cpp Find -> CGrannyMotion * CGraphicThing::GetMotionPointer(int iMotion) After this function add this int CGraphicThing::GetTextureCount() const { if (!m_pgrnFileInfo) return 0; if (m_pgrnFileInfo->TextureCount <= 0) return 0; return (m_pgrnFileInfo->TextureCount); } const char * CGraphicThing::GetTexturePath(int iTexture) { if(iTexture >= GetTextureCount()) return ""; return m_pgrnFileInfo->Textures[iTexture]->FromFileName; } Thing.h Find -> int GetMotionCount() const; adD UNDER int GetTextureCount() const; const char * GetTexturePath(int iTexture); Open and find -> ActorInstanceData Replace this CGraphicThing* pLODModelThing = pRaceData->GetLODModelThing(); RegisterLODThing(0, pLODModelThing); with this CGraphicThing* pLODModelThing = pRaceData->GetLODModelThing(); bool canLOD = true; if (pModelThing && pLODModelThing) { if (pModelThing->GetTextureCount() == pLODModelThing->GetTextureCount()) { for (int i = 0; i < pModelThing->GetTextureCount(); i++) { if (strcmp(pModelThing->GetTexturePath(i), pLODModelThing->GetTexturePath(i)) != 0) canLOD = false; } } else { canLOD = false; } } if(canLOD) RegisterLODThing(0, pLODModelThing); Its not my fix, i found it in inception source.
  5. class ImageBox(Window): def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): Window.__init__(self, layer) self.eventDict={} self.eventFunc = {"mouse_click" : None, "mouse_over_in" : None, "mouse_over_out" : None} self.eventArgs = {"mouse_click" : None, "mouse_over_in" : None, "mouse_over_out" : None} def __del__(self): Window.__del__(self) self.eventFunc = None self.eventArgs = None def RegisterWindow(self, layer): self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterImageBox(self, layer) def LoadImage(self, imageName): self.name=imageName wndMgr.LoadImage(self.hWnd, imageName) if len(self.eventDict)!=0: print "LOAD IMAGE", self, self.eventDict def SetAlpha(self, alpha): wndMgr.SetDiffuseColor(self.hWnd, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha) def GetWidth(self): return wndMgr.GetWidth(self.hWnd) def GetHeight(self): return wndMgr.GetHeight(self.hWnd) def OnMouseOverIn(self): try: self.eventDict["MOUSE_OVER_IN"]() except KeyError: pass def OnMouseOverOut(self): try: self.eventDict["MOUSE_OVER_OUT"]() except KeyError: pass def SAFE_SetStringEvent(self, event, func): self.eventDict[event]=__mem_func__(func) def SetEvent(self, func, *args) : result = self.eventFunc.has_key(args[0]) if result : self.eventFunc[args[0]] = func self.eventArgs[args[0]] = args else : print "[ERROR] ui.py SetEvent, Can`t Find has_key : %s" % args[0] def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self) : if self.eventFunc["mouse_click"] : apply(self.eventFunc["mouse_click"], self.eventArgs["mouse_click"]) def OnMouseOverIn(self) : if self.eventFunc["mouse_over_in"] : apply(self.eventFunc["mouse_over_in"], self.eventArgs["mouse_over_in"]) else: try: self.eventDict["MOUSE_OVER_IN"]() except KeyError: pass def OnMouseOverOut(self) : if self.eventFunc["mouse_over_out"] : apply(self.eventFunc["mouse_over_out"], self.eventArgs["mouse_over_out"]) else : try: self.eventDict["MOUSE_OVER_OUT"]() except KeyError: pass
  6. Metin2 has more visual bugs, ex. shaman with 140 speed attack miss hits.
  7. Idk, what i did bad, but thanks for release. #fixed by WLsj24 100% friendly ok, kek xd
  8. Again attack on other people's, because he ddint help you, kek. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  9. Authorities will not ask you for a username or password! You are responsible for every action to be performed.
  10. I fixed 2 years ago, but no 1 linex dd
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