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Everything posted by TAUMP

  1. If you dont like flags if you are GM Just search it and edit like that, dont be lazy pig, ooooooooo! if (pkInstMain->IsGameMaster()) { if (IsNPC()) return; }
  2. Tested @ Mitachi thanks for a little checking. For Martysama customers 5.7 & 5.8 must be removed from protos APPLY_MOUNT, then works aswell. If you want use mount as little pet, you can need remove APPLY_MOUNT if you didnt want this method, just stay with APPLY_MOUNT in .txt
  3. Because channel switch take information from old login interface, you replaced whole code, then you fucked this system, ez! you need adapt, no replace
  4. Such opinions are useless, why doesn't he just say the remedy? No, he would rather write that there is SQL inject, there is a backdoor, there is Putin's code. That's why this community sucks and no one wants to contribute anything anymore. I'll give you a piece of advice, don't share anything, get paid for it.
  5. Trash community only hatefull if someone posted normal system which are be used by players. Instead someone tell problem in code, they will hate code about sql inject, security backdoors and etc. This is reason why is nothing free.
  6. Contabo > TEST server OVH > Live Server, but not in germany. Hetzner > dogshit, anti ddos which you can shutdown via 10Mb/s internet, via LOIC program, kek and freebsd is abnormal install it
  7. Official Marty source, but bug created by yourself. You should check what you last time add or modify.
  8. Dungeon must be on same channel from which you connect
  9. If you want support him just buy it and dont cry here @ AZICKO @ NewWars
  10. So what are you doing here? No one will help him, if he use leaked version.
  11. Why someone use in metin2 detours.h for hacking?
  12. //Find in typedef struct packet_item_del BYTE pos; ///Change UINT pos; Client & Server Packet.h
  13. I did mistake bool MoveItem(UINT bCell, UINT bDestCell, DWORD count); DWORD count be BYTE count
  14. Freebsd 12 is old, recommend 13.2 or 13.1 and mysql56-server was deleted everywhere. Use 5.7 or 8.0, btw 5.7 end support this year.
  15. char chatbuf[CHAT_MAX_LEN + 1]; int len = 0; static const char* colorbuf[] = { "|cFFffa200|H|h[Anubis-Staff]|h|r", "|cFFff0000|H|h[Shinsoo]|h|r", "|cFFffc700|H|h[Chunjo]|h|r", "|cFF000bff|H|h[Jinno]|h|r" }; if (CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT == pinfo->type) { if (ch->GetGuild()) { len = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s %s [%d][%s]: %s |cFFffa200|Hwhisper:%s|h[Napsat]|h|r", (ch->IsGM() ? colorbuf[0] : colorbuf[MINMAX(0, ch->GetEmpire(), 3)]), ch->GetName(), ch->GetLevel(), ch->GetGuild()->GetName(), buf, ch->GetName()); } else { len = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s %s [%d]: %s |cFFffa200|Hwhisper:%s|h[Napsat]|h|r", (ch->IsGM() ? colorbuf[0] : colorbuf[MINMAX(0, ch->GetEmpire(), 3)]), ch->GetName(), ch->GetLevel(), buf, ch->GetName()); } } else { len = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s %s: %s", (ch->IsGM() ? colorbuf[0] : colorbuf[MINMAX(0, ch->GetEmpire(), 3)]), ch->GetName(), buf); } Also included Guild Name at ! bla bla
  16. You can use original navicat and use every 14 days .bat for refresh trial licension [Hidden Content]
  17. I SEE NEW PC! Best support, recommend him!
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