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[40250] Reference Serverfile + Client + Src [15 Available Languages]


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On 11/28/2021 at 11:15 AM, TMP4 said:

Yes basicly things you compile in FreeBSD13 are not compatible with older FreeBSD. There is forward compatibility only.
(But I wonder how did you compile in x64 system but anyway, glad you managed it)

I just downloaded all libs from here ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/amd64/12.2-RELEASE/lib32.txz

and rewrote all x64 libs with it (maybe little bit bad approach, but it works ? )


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On 11/22/2021 at 11:35 PM, TMP4 said:

New Update:

This is the hidden content, please

2021.11.22: - Project migrated to FreeBSD13.0. CryptoPP (8.4.0) included in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder,
              and placed all non-main project folders to that 'etc' folder like libmysql, libdevil, teen etc.
              Here is a patch file if you need: https://pastebin.com/ZtnmEuvP
            - Hackshield commented out from the source, it's lib was not compatible and it was unused anyway.
            - Googletest code commented out, it was totally unnecessary and mostly unused. (main.cpp)
            - Changed a return null to return false in bool DSManager::ExtractDragonHeart. (DragonSoul.cpp)
            - ClientVS19.zip removed, please use ClientVS22.zip and update your Visual Studio to 2022.
            - Fixed EterLib/NetStream.cpp, if you enable _PACKETDUMP it will work now.
            - 71051 & 71052 clientside description was swapped, fixed it in itemdesc.txt.

The game & db compiled in FreeBSD13 may not run in FreeBSD12.
If you don't want to update your VPS to FreeBSD13, I suggest you to compile the source in FreeBSD12.2 x32.
If you install these packages via pkg the source should compile without an issue in FreeBSD12.2 x32 too:

  Reveal hidden contents
-devil (1.7.8)
-boost-all (1.72.0)

Please report bugs, it was a big milestone for the project so bugs can happen.

But why did you choose FreeBSD13.0 over FreeBSD12.2?

Nobody uses FreeBSD13.0 because the hostings usually list the current version months later.

It was a bad decision. If we are talking about FreeBSD, you should alaways choose a little older version then the current.


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5 hours ago, Ceettosa said:

is it possible to make a video on how to set this up on an vps server and where to host it for cheap for testing purposes? I would really appreciate it!

I'm not planning to make a video but the steps are:

  1. Buy a VPS with FreeBSD13.0
  2. Enable root login in etc/ssh/sshd_config edit "#PermitRootLogin no" to "PermitRootLogin yes", then reboot or /etc/rc.d/sshd restart
  3. pkg install mysql55-server python27 (it will ask to install tke pkg itself too, type yes)
  4. add mysql_enable="yes" to /etc/rc.conf then reboot or start mysql via service mysql-server start
  5. Upload the metin2_server+src.tar.gz to /usr and cd /usr then tar -xf metin2_server+src.tar.gz
  6. Stop mysql via service mysql-server stop, delete the empty var/db/mysql folder and upload the metin2_mysql.tar.gz to /var/db and cd /var/db then tar -xf metin2_mysql.tar.gz then start mysql via service mysql-server start or you can reboot too (You can install the database via the provided mysql_dump_too and run queries if you prefer that way)
  7. If you have 32bit system then install the packages mentioned in Libs.txt via pkg, if you have 64 bit system then upload libs to /usr/lib32 from Libs.zip
  8. Start your server via cd /usr/metin2/server && sh start.sh


  • Compiling only possible in a x32 system, but the server can run on a x64 system too.
  • The game & db compiled in FreeBSD13 will not run on older FreeBSD like 12 or 11.


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@ TMP4 I tried to update my vps FreeBSD to 13.0 RELEASE but it just won't... Like trying it for days. It is 12.2. I downloaded the new update and it not run on my vps. I really need a 12.0/12.2 vdi with the update because i can't work with 13 please and there is no FreeBSD 13 option in my provider. ?

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On 11/23/2021 at 8:41 AM, Sierra said:

But why FreeBSD13?

FreeBSD12 is better and everybody use 12... not 13

On 11/29/2021 at 9:21 PM, TioGreat said:

But why did you choose FreeBSD13.0 over FreeBSD12.2?

Nobody uses FreeBSD13.0 because the hostings usually list the current version months later.

It was a bad decision. If we are talking about FreeBSD, you should alaways choose a little older version then the current.


On 11/30/2021 at 6:32 PM, CsanMag said:

@ TMP4 I tried to update my vps FreeBSD to 13.0 RELEASE but it just won't... Like trying it for days. It is 12.2. I downloaded the new update and it not run on my vps. I really need a 12.0/12.2 vdi with the update because i can't work with 13 please and there is no FreeBSD 13 option in my provider. ?

VM with FreeBSD 12.2

This is the hidden content, please


This FreeBSD 12.2 x32 VM is made for people who don't want / can't use the FreeBSD 13.0 VM.
This VM will not be maintained. Only the VM in the main Mega.nz folder with FreeBSD 13.0 will be maintained for future updates.

SSH for VM: root/123456789
MySQL: root/123456789
Ingame: admin/123456789

Mega.nz folder: https://mega.nz/folder/pexwmTqa#w8fm44e-GXmj4mZXRbNI_g
Main topic: https://metin2.dev/topic/27610-40250-reference-serverfile-client-src-15-available-languages/

If you need libs for your x64 VPS, extract them from /usr/local/lib.
If your VPS is x32 too, install these packages instead:
-devil (1.7.8)
-boost-all (1.72.0)

Date: 2021.12.01.

Only use this if you really can't use the FreeBSD 13 VM!

Edited by TMP4
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the new server files says: metin2 sm-mta[8129]: My unqualified host name (metin2) unknown; sleeping for retry
and still kicked me out after added firewall files with IP's... 
i opened 13000, 13010, 13061, 13099, 11000 ports (only one CH i want to use)

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On 11/30/2021 at 10:28 PM, VinceMacKenzie said:

the new server files says: metin2 sm-mta[8129]: My unqualified host name (metin2) unknown; sleeping for retry
and still kicked me out after added firewall files with IP's... 
i opened 13000, 13010, 13061, 13099, 11000 ports (only one CH i want to use)

Change the host name from metin2 to metin2.com or metin2.anything so it will be qualified for the sendmail function.
Edit: I changed the hostname to metin2.code in the mega folder vm. The serverfile itself has not changed.

Ch1 have 3 cores, open them all, not just the first. (Check the CONFIG files for port numbers) Admin character is in blue map1 what is in game2 and thats surely unopened at you.

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24 minutes ago, LightingStrikemt2 said:

Hello i need some help here...Everything i wear is in the inventory and cant use the extra inventories...0133091201-191240.jpg

Check if you edited inventorywindow.py and / or GameType.h in the source. (You have to recompile the client binary and take the new exe)

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20 minutes ago, avertusss said:

How to delete this fucking debug info shit?  https://metin2.download/picture/eE31ppLs2Bi2ppGbw7i8Tgg76DcelRyo/.png

It's disabled by default and It's in game.py def UpdateDebugInfo(self).

You probably compiled the binary in debug mode. Use distrubute instead.
(Visual studio, select the solution in the right, then change from "debug" to "distribute in the top left.)

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12 minutes ago, Ceettosa said:

@ TMP4 I build in the 4th inventory but now i have that weired bug: Do you know what went wrong?


Please send me your edited char_item.cpp (you can use pastebin.com)

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20 hours ago, TMP4 said:

It's disabled by default and It's in game.py def UpdateDebugInfo(self).

You probably compiled the binary in debug mode. Use distrubute instead.
(Visual studio, select the solution in the right, then change from "debug" to "distribute in the top left.)

https://metin2.download/picture/3mN7iaLIGHVKZ1Li5qm5R1vl4wc1ySe9/.png Idk, downloaded bin, compiled in distribute and i have debug mode xD

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Hello TMP4,

My colleagues and I are currently creating our dream business, which would be a game server hosting. There are quite a few of them here in Lithuania. Basically, our idea is to provide "turnkey" game servers for our prospective customers such as Minecraft, Call of Duty, Counter Strike servers. We would also like to add Metin2 to our list, we really like your release, my colleague tried it and it worked great. We would like to ask if you allow us to use your files for our business purposes.

We would be very grateful if you would allow us and we can reward your work and time too, don't worry. Local laws require us to sign a contract, but don't worry, we'll take care of everything, including the mailing.

Can I get a Skype or Discord contact where we can contact you and talk further?

Best regards,

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1 hour ago, Arvydas said:

Hello TMP4,

My colleagues and I are currently creating our dream business, which would be a game server hosting. There are quite a few of them here in Lithuania. Basically, our idea is to provide "turnkey" game servers for our prospective customers such as Minecraft, Call of Duty, Counter Strike servers. We would also like to add Metin2 to our list, we really like your release, my colleague tried it and it worked great. We would like to ask if you allow us to use your files for our business purposes.

We would be very grateful if you would allow us and we can reward your work and time too, don't worry. Local laws require us to sign a contract, but don't worry, we'll take care of everything, including the mailing.

Can I get a Skype or Discord contact where we can contact you and talk further?

Best regards,

Hi, there is absolutely no way that I sign a contract for you.

I don't think you even understand the situation about Metin2 servers.
It's not like Minecraft or so when you are allowed to run your own private server.
Having (or providing in your case) a Metin2 server infringes copyright.
The copyright owner of Metin2 is Webzen currently, and Gameforge is the official european distributor who can enforce their rights over unofficial servers in the EU.

So if you start selling Metin2 servers then getting in trouble, even If I sign a contract with you, that won't help you out because I'm not the copyright owner of Metin2.


Hostings in Hungary used to provide a paid service for 'Gameserver configuring'. In that way they did not sell Metin2 servers, just vps, I'm not saying it's totally okey but in that case only the customer infringes copyright in paper, gray zone...

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4 minutes ago, Arvydas said:

Oh oh. But if it is illegal to host Metin2 servers, why did you release it without a notice?

Short answer:



Long answer:


Because it is trivial. And I'm not responsible for anyone.

However having a Metin2 server is not illegal, I never said that. 
It only infringes copyright. That is a totally different situation.
(Civil law vs Criminal law)

If you choose a country where Gameforge have no rights over Metin2, then you can run your server just fine, because Webzen doesn't give a sh1t about P servers based on what has happened so far. There is Metin2 Singapore for example what were official licensed server until ~2015, and it still running, despite the termination of their cooperation. Only Gameforge closes a server time to time, and they usually just warn the owner and they closing themself avoiding the lawsuit.

But again, I'm not responsible for anyone, what you do is totally on you. Also if you really thinking about a gameserver hosting at least consult a lawyer because you would probably get into more complex situations then Metin2's legal state.

Edited by Metin2 Dev
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19 minutes ago, Ceettosa said:

Can you tell me where i can find the uiScriptLocale.py file?

I wanted to build this in but some things are missing in uiscriptlocal and i cant find the file


It's directly in root.eix-epk ?


But if you open the file you will see it just loads the locale files so you probably not looking to edit this, but finding the root of your error's origin what you messed up in the loaded files.
And please keep your further questions in questions & answers or that release's topic, because it is off topic for this release.

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