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[40250] Reference Serverfile + Client + Src [15 Available Languages]


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On 10/18/2021 at 10:47 PM, TMP4 said:

Small update, mostly convenience.

2021.10.18: - Changed "localhost" to "" in Ch3-4 CONFIG files (just to be uniform with Ch1-2).
            - Changed the test server numbers from 11-12 to 21-22 in serverinfo.py to avoid state conflict.
            - Changed folder "horse_event1" to "pony" in mob_proto (20119 & 20219) so they will work better.
            - Commented 2410 from metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02/regen.txt since that group_group not exists.
            - Fixed metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01/boss.txt (changed Yonghan with Mighty Ice Witch, 8 hours).
            - Applied two fix regarding the client position & playarea size:
              1. https://metin2.dev/topic/27934-fixwindows-opening-at-the-wrong-position/
              2. https://metin2.dev/topic/22740-fix-clients-height-taskbar-collision-after-vsupdate/
            - Added the old Tim extractor because Eternexus can't extract every file. (Eternexus_readme.txt)

hi what about epack32? why dont we use epack32 instead of older than one extractor like tim?


btw can u bring foxfs system to client? thanks

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1 hour ago, Veltor88 said:

I dont know if you noticed @TMP4 (i see nothing about it in changelog), but on 40k files some sound dont work after teleport (like horse gallop), here the fix


Thanks, applied. 

2021.10.24: - Applied a fix regarding a sound issue: https://metin2.dev/topic/21011-old-error-with-sound/
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Hello, thanks for the clean base provided, I found a couple of things while testing the files, nothing game-breaking although simple fixes.

Currently, missing this string in all of the locale strings.
(Happens when you try to link something without a Glass of Insight.)

"%s이 필요합니다.";
"You need %s to do this.";

Secondly, hovering over the passive skill Leadership (121) the tooltip is a little bugged and you'll get the following error in your client syserr.

1025 15:57:18812 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

1025 15:57:18812 ::   File "ui.py", line 1474, in OnOverInItem

1025 15:57:18812 ::   File "ui.py", line 87, in __call__

1025 15:57:18813 ::   File "ui.py", line 78, in __call__

1025 15:57:18813 ::   File "uiCharacter.py", line 649, in OverInItem

1025 15:57:18813 ::   File "uiToolTip.py", line 1939, in SetSkillNew

1025 15:57:18813 ::   File "uiToolTip.py", line 2309, in AppendPartySkillData

1025 15:57:18813 :: ValueError
1025 15:57:18813 :: : 
1025 15:57:18813 :: unsupported format character ',' (0x2c) at index 29
1025 15:57:18813 :: 

This can be fixed by replacing all +%, with +%. in locale_game.

Thirdly, Combo is only working on the first stage, haven't searched a fix for that (Only tested Warrior but I assume it would be the same for other classes).

Lastly wanted to ask if you have any plans to enable linking alchemy in chat?

Best regards.

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On 10/25/2021 at 6:10 PM, KronosG said:

Thirdly, Combo is only working on the first stage, haven't searched a fix for that (Only tested Warrior but I assume it would be the same for other classes).

Lastly wanted to ask if you have any plans to enable linking alchemy in chat?

Hi, I tested combo and it's working fine on both level. The admin character have 'P' combo (max for players is 2), but it does work as first level. If you sure the level 2 combo not working, please provide me more info to track it. And thanks for the other stuffs ? (ds linking enabled)


New update:

2021.11.01: - Added a fix for Guild Comment Flood Exploit. (guild.cpp CGuild::AddComment)
            - Added P2P Port Protection: https://www.onforum.net/threads/c-fix-api-tool-p2p-port-protection.2752/
              You can disable it by removing the #define ENABLE_PORT_SECURITY in common/service.h (not advised).
            - Changed g_stLocale = ""; to g_stLocale = "latin1"; in db/ClientManager.cpp to silence syserr when
              you use English locale (All other locale have their own code set in ClientManager).
            - Fixed an issue in some locale_game.txt: %, --> %. (Leadership skill and fish lenght fix).
            - Added missing locale_string value: "%sŔĚ ÇĘżäÇŐ´Ď´Ů."; "%s needed.";.
            - Enabled dragon soul alchemy items linking in chat. (uidragonsoul.py)
            - Removed the unnecessary '\' backslashes from item_names_fr.txt.
            - Repacked: Property, Season1, OutdoorA1 so now you can extract-repack it with Eternexus too.
            - White NPCs fixed in Season1 (wrong lod files renamed with _backup postfix).
            - Warrior Bunny costume model fix: https://metin2.dev/topic/748-warrior-bunny-fixed/
            - Shaman Female King model fix: https://metin2.dev/topic/20661-shaman-king-f-without-hairstyle-bug/

While we can consider "P2P Port Protection" as a "new system" but it was a necessary addition because over the months I got so many inquiry about p2p attacks, people question me and this release why "hackers" can shut down their server while in reality they opened a server without a single firewall.

Even though "api tool" is fixed now without a firewall, I still reccomend to use a firewall, and at least restrict the connections per ip to 10-15 or something like that because ppl will abuse your auth by sending large numbers of packet in client-less.

Edit: It was a larger update so if you guys find any bug please report it, thanks ?

Edited by TMP4
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Hi, I noticed there is this syerr:


SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:47 :: LoadSkillMotion: Motion: Skill exist but no motion data for index 0 mob 3596 skill 257
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:47 :: LoadSkillMotion: Motion: Skill exist but no motion data for index 1 mob 3596 skill 258
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / boar / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / dog_god / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / lion / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / boar / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / dog_god / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / lion / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / boar / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / dog_god / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / lion / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum (20369) folder (leechung)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum (20369) folder (leechung)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum (20369) folder (leechung)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum (20370) folder (spy1)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum (20370) folder (spy1)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum (20370) folder (spy1)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30101) folder (zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30101) folder (zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30101) folder (zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30102) folder (zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30102) folder (zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30102) folder (zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30103) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30103) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30103) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30104) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30104) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30104) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum (34009) folder (pwahuang1_2)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum (34009) folder (pwahuang1_2)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum (34009) folder (pwahuang1_2)

there is also another guild land bug, just remove the guild from the "land" file, empty the "object" table;
Then you have to open the building.cpp file in src / game / src,
search for this line bool CManager :: LoadObject (TObject * pTable, bool isBoot) and uncomment this:
    if (!map_allow_find(pTable->lMapIndex))
        return false;

I found this tutorial in an old discussion of yours!

13 minutes ago, 4peppe said:

Hi, I noticed there is this syerr:

  Reveal hidden contents

SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:47 :: LoadSkillMotion: Motion: Skill exist but no motion data for index 0 mob 3596 skill 257
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:47 :: LoadSkillMotion: Motion: Skill exist but no motion data for index 1 mob 3596 skill 258
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / boar / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / dog_god / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / lion / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / boar / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / dog_god / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / lion / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / boar / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / dog_god / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / lion / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum (20369) folder (leechung)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum (20369) folder (leechung)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum (20369) folder (leechung)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum (20370) folder (spy1)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum (20370) folder (spy1)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum (20370) folder (spy1)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30101) folder (zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30101) folder (zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30101) folder (zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30102) folder (zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30102) folder (zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30102) folder (zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30103) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30103) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30103) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30104) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30104) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30104) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum (34009) folder (pwahuang1_2)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum (34009) folder (pwahuang1_2)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum (34009) folder (pwahuang1_2)

there is also another guild land bug, just remove the guild from the "land" file, empty the "object" table;
Then you have to open the building.cpp file in src / game / src,
search for this line bool CManager :: LoadObject (TObject * pTable, bool isBoot) and uncomment this:
    if (!map_allow_find(pTable->lMapIndex))
        return false;

I found this tutorial in an old discussion of yours!

@ TMP4

Then go to this path / usr / metin2 / server / share / data / monster / redthief2_boss2
Rename the file specil_attack.msa and specil_attack1.msa in special_attack and special_attack1.msa, after open this and edit like this

FROM: MotionFileName           "D:\Ymir Work\monster2\redthief2_boss2\specil_attack.GR2"

TO: MotionFileName           "D:\Ymir Work\monster2\redthief2_boss2\special_attack.GR2"

for both files

Edited by 4peppe
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33 minutes ago, 4peppe said:

Hi, I noticed there is this syerr:

  Hide contents

SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:47 :: LoadSkillMotion: Motion: Skill exist but no motion data for index 0 mob 3596 skill 257
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:47 :: LoadSkillMotion: Motion: Skill exist but no motion data for index 1 mob 3596 skill 258
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum (6091) folder (yamachun)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / boar / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / dog_god / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / lion / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / boar / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / dog_god / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / lion / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / boar / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / dog_god / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data / monster / lion / run.msa'
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum (20369) folder (leechung)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum (20369) folder (leechung)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum (20369) folder (leechung)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum (20370) folder (spy1)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum (20370) folder (spy1)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum (20370) folder (spy1)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30101) folder (zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30101) folder (zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30101) folder (zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30102) folder (zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30102) folder (zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30102) folder (zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30103) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30103) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30103) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30104) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30104) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum (30104) folder (zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum (34009) folder (pwahuang1_2)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum (34009) folder (pwahuang1_2)
SYSERR: Nov 4 15:00:48 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum (34009) folder (pwahuang1_2)

there is also another guild land bug, just remove the guild from the "land" file, empty the "object" table;
Then you have to open the building.cpp file in src / game / src,
search for this line bool CManager :: LoadObject (TObject * pTable, bool isBoot) and uncomment this:
    if (!map_allow_find(pTable->lMapIndex))
        return false;

I found this tutorial in an old discussion of yours!

@ TMP4


About the guild land, you probably refer to this: 

I'll include this in the next update. About the motion syserrs I have no plan to touch the data folder, they not causing a bug, if I edit, maybe they will or behave differently. It's a reference release after all ?

Edit: I see your edited your comment, the same thing applies to "specil_attack", it's just a typo and it's named like that in the clientside too.

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2 hours ago, TMP4 said:

Per quanto riguarda la terra della gilda, probabilmente ti riferisci a questo: 

Lo includerò nel prossimo aggiornamento. Riguardo ai motion syserr non ho intenzione di toccare la cartella dei dati, non causano un bug, se modifico, forse lo faranno o si comporteranno diversamente. Dopotutto è una versione di riferimento ?

Modifica: vedo che hai modificato il tuo commento, la stessa cosa vale per "specil_attack", è solo un errore di battitura e si chiama così anche nel lato client.

in the client is correct, it is called special_attack

2 hours ago, 4peppe said:

in the client is correct, it is called special_attack

in the client you will find the version called specil_attack, while in the folder pack \ metin2_patch_w20_etc \ ymir work \ monster2 \ redthief2_boss2 it is called special_attack;
in mob_proto instead change yamachun to yamachun_boss (6091);
in mob_proto instead change pwahuang1_2 to pwahuang1 (34009)

I fixed the errors in boar, dog_god and lion for you (no accumulation data), I added the spy, leechung, zombie_security_stone, zombie_security_stone, and zombie_god_stone folders taken directly from your client.


This is the hidden content, please

Edited by 4peppe
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this is an error that I do not know when exactly
"ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Table 'account.string' doesn't exist (query: SELECT name, text FROM string errno: 1146)"
which you can calmly solve by opening navicat and by running this query in the "account" table:

CREATE TABLE `string` (
  `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `text` text,
  PRIMARY KEY (`name`)


this is another bug, go to /locale/english/map/metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02
open boss.txt and change 

g 387 867 1 1 0 0 3600s 100 1 2093


m 387 867 1 1 0 0 3600s 100 1 2093


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New update:

2021.11.06: - Added a fix for guild land loading in another core. (building.cpp)
            - Added some not used but needed table to the database to silence syserr in some situation:
              account.string, account.gametime, account.gametimeip, account.gametimelog.
            - Fixed metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02/boss.txt (Dark Queen Spider, remove if you not need it).
            - Fixed share/date/monster folders: boar, dog_god, leechung, lion, spy1, zombie_god_stone,
              zombie_key_stone, zombie_security_stone to silence motion syserrs.
            - In mob_proto.txt changed folder yamachun to yamachun_boss (6091) and pwahuang1_2 to
              pwahuang1 (34009), and corrected folders of mounts: 20110-20114.
            - Fixed redthief_boss2 (3591) & redthief2_boss2 (3596) skills: I enabled skills for 3591 in
              mob_proto.txt and fixed their folders in share/data/monster and in clientside metin2_patch_w20_etc.
            - Fixed spiderdungeons mapname image in root/uimapnameshower.py (MAP_NAME_IMAGE).

Thanks @4peppe for the contribution. Syserr will be much cleaner from now on.

Now redthief_boss2 (3591) & redthief2_boss2 (3596) will have their skills working:



Since Webzen messed those quite well with the typos, incomplete msa files in serverside and wrong animation path they never worked in official servers ?


@ ASIKOO Any chance I can get access to my user in metin2.download? Then I could update both in the same time and spare you some time ?

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15 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

New update:

2021.11.06: - Added a fix for guild land loading in another core. (building.cpp)
            - Added some not used but needed table to the database to silence syserr in some situation:
              account.string, account.gametime, account.gametimeip, account.gametimelog.
            - Fixed metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02/boss.txt (Dark Queen Spider, remove if you not need it).
            - Fixed share/date/monster folders: boar, dog_god, leechung, lion, spy1, zombie_god_stone,
              zombie_key_stone, zombie_security_stone to silence motion syserrs.
            - In mob_proto.txt changed folder yamachun to yamachun_boss (6091) and pwahuang1_2 to
              pwahuang1 (34009), and corrected folders of mounts: 20110-20114.
            - Fixed redthief_boss2 (3591) & redthief2_boss2 (3596) skills: I enabled skills for 3591 in
              mob_proto.txt and fixed their folders in share/data/monster and in clientside metin2_patch_w20_etc.
            - Fixed spiderdungeons mapname image in root/uimapnameshower.py (MAP_NAME_IMAGE).

Thanks @4peppe for the contribution. Syserr will be much cleaner from now on.

Now redthief_boss2 (3591) & redthief2_boss2 (3596) will have their skills working:

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Since Webzen messed those quite well with the typos, incomplete msa files in serverside and wrong animation path they never worked in official servers ?


@ ASIKOO Any chance I can get access to my user in metin2.download? Then I could update both in the same time and spare you some time ?

I can give you the Metin2 Download account access, however the cloudflare upload limitation is limited to 100MB. I upload these archives myself via sFTP.

PS: Updated on Metin2 Download ? 

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4 hours ago, TMP4 said:

New update:

2021.11.06: - Added a fix for guild land loading in another core. (building.cpp)
            - Added some not used but needed table to the database to silence syserr in some situation:
              account.string, account.gametime, account.gametimeip, account.gametimelog.
            - Fixed metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02/boss.txt (Dark Queen Spider, remove if you not need it).
            - Fixed share/date/monster folders: boar, dog_god, leechung, lion, spy1, zombie_god_stone,
              zombie_key_stone, zombie_security_stone to silence motion syserrs.
            - In mob_proto.txt changed folder yamachun to yamachun_boss (6091) and pwahuang1_2 to
              pwahuang1 (34009), and corrected folders of mounts: 20110-20114.
            - Fixed redthief_boss2 (3591) & redthief2_boss2 (3596) skills: I enabled skills for 3591 in
              mob_proto.txt and fixed their folders in share/data/monster and in clientside metin2_patch_w20_etc.
            - Fixed spiderdungeons mapname image in root/uimapnameshower.py (MAP_NAME_IMAGE).

Thanks @4peppe for the contribution. Syserr will be much cleaner from now on.

Now redthief_boss2 (3591) & redthief2_boss2 (3596) will have their skills working:

  Reveal hidden contents


Since Webzen messed those quite well with the typos, incomplete msa files in serverside and wrong animation path they never worked in official servers ?


@ ASIKOO Any chance I can get access to my user in metin2.download? Then I could update both in the same time and spare you some time ?

You are doing an incredible job ? All of my metin2 acquaintances using your serverfile here in Romania and who not are using leaked Marty.

Doesn't you afraid of gameforge? I mean it got so popular and reposted to many many forums, they may raise their heads sooner or later ?

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1 hour ago, Sierra said:

You are doing an incredible job ? All of my metin2 acquaintances using your serverfile here in Romania and who not are using leaked Marty.

Doesn't you afraid of gameforge? I mean it got so popular and reposted to many many forums, they may raise their heads sooner or later ?

Hey I'm glad you like it. ?


Actually I got a "lawyer's warning" (=cease and desist in western countries) in email from a hungarian lawyer back in september. I'm not sure if it was written by a well prepared troll or Gameforge actually issued their hungarian team who commissioned a lawyer to write me a solicitation and since they couldn't get my address anywhere, he just sent an email.

I never replied and 2+ months passed and I did not get any further warning.

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Just now, TMP4 said:

Hey I'm glad you like it. ?

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Actually I got a "lawyer's warning" (=cease and desist in western countries) in email from a hungarian lawyer back in september. I'm not sure if it was written by a well prepared troll or Gameforge actually issued their hungarian team who commissioned a lawyer to write me a solicitation and since they couldn't get
my address anywhere, he just sent an email.

I never replied and 2+ months passed and I did not get any further warning.

Closing a forum would be more relevant ?

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2 minutes ago, ASIKOO said:

Closing a forum would be more relevant ?

That's why I wrote I'm not sure if it is real or written by a well prepared troll. It came from an outlook address, not a @somelawyerfirm.com, and while I found his name in Hungarian Bar Association database, anyone can choose a random name from their to imitate. Plus legally he is required to write in a return letter by the law but I can admit not many people know my address ?

If gayforge would target this forum like they did with M2M, Rubinum and WoM2, I'm not going to lie, a tear would slip down from my eyes. ?

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3 minutes ago, CsanMag said:

Hello @ TMP4 can I get some assistance? Already spent 3 days to try making it work in a vps but the channels do not starts. Wrote to you in discord please check it.

Believe me i coped so hard i would not requested help but... ?

Hey, sorry but I cannot provide private help for anyone but feel free to ask in this forum in Questions & Answers or even here but provide more details, and someone will probably answer, maybe me.

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22 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

Hey, sorry but I cannot provide private help for anyone but feel free to ask in this forum in Questions & Answers or even here but provide more details, and someone will probably answer, maybe me.

Log Off/usr/metin2/server/game/share/bin/db: Undefined symbol "stat@FBSD_1.5"

I can't get past this?

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11 minutes ago, CsanMag said:

Is it possible to bypass it? I can't install that my hosting have up to 11.2 in the options.

I think you should upgrade the FreeBSD kernel in command line.
Like Windows, Windows 10 to Windows 11.

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Yes, here I linked a great tutorial for that.

But if your hosting allows to use your own iso file (better hostings does) then it would be must faster to just install a fresh FreeBSD12.2 because the upgrade takes hella lot time and you may have to deal with conflicts when it will ask you to check and merge files. If it does allow, you can take the iso here.

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12 hours ago, TMP4 said:

Yes, here I linked a great tutorial for that.

But if your hosting allows to use your own iso file (better hostings does) then it would be must faster to just install a fresh FreeBSD12.2 because the upgrade takes hella lot time and you may have to deal with conflicts when it will ask you to check and merge files. If it does allow, you can take the iso here.

I tried but it hanged the whole night... Morning I bought a cheap 10bucks vps from another hosting where is 12.2. Installed the libs, mysql and it started fine ?

And I have this error when I start:


SYSERR: Nov 7 09:12:25 :: ForAttrRegionFreeAngle: SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegion - Unhandled exception. MapIndex: 41

SYSERR: Nov 7 09:12:25 :: ForAttrRegionFreeAngle: SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegion - Unhandled exception. MapIndex: 41

SYSERR: Nov 7 09:12:25 :: ForAttrRegionFreeAngle: SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegion - Unhandled exception. MapIndex: 41

SYSERR: Nov 7 09:12:25 :: ForAttrRegionFreeAngle: SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegion - Unhandled exception. MapIndex: 41

I dont know what it is, i can log in fine to mapindex 41 but do you know what it is how to solve this?

Oh and thats in game2 syserr!

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6 hours ago, CsanMag said:

And I have this error when I start:

I dont know what it is, i can log in fine to mapindex 41 but do you know what it is how to solve this?

Oh and thats in game2 syserr!

Edit: I found the error, I used Shogun's SQL tables for object_proto: 

And he modified the object_proto for a good reason: with the original reg_1-2-3-4 values it is hard to place objects.
However his 10 and -10 values are not good for the sectree for some reason. I took the official values and the syserrs are gone. But it's harder to place objects now so I cut half every value (ex: reg_1 = reg_1/2 and same with reg_2-3-4) and it's much better to place object and thy syserr is still clear.

Please use this object_proto table: 

This is the hidden content, please

I'll include this in the next update.


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