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Coins in InventoryWindow

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I go to release a simple system , to see the coins in the inventory.



localeInfo is from binary r28k
locale is from binary r36k

First, go to uiinventory.py and now search:

self.wndMoneySlot = self.GetChild("Money_Slot")

And down put:

			self.wndMds = self.GetChild("Mds")
			self.wndMdsSlot = self.GetChild("Mds_Slot")

Now, search 

	def Destroy(self):
		self.wndMoney = 0
		self.wndMoneySlot = 0

And down put:

		self.wndMds = 0
		self.wndMdsSlot = 0

Now, Search:

def RefreshStatus(self):

And change to:

	def RefreshStatus(self):
		money = player.GetElk()
		import constInfo
		self.wndMds.SetText(str(constInfo.mds) + " Md's")

And down Put:

	def OnUpdate(self):
		import constInfo
		self.wndMds.SetText(str(constInfo.mds) + " Md's")

The uiinventory is finished, save and close, now go to locale/xx/ui/inventorywindow.py.



## Print



					"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/parameter_slot_05.sub",
					"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/parameter_slot_05.sub",
					"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/parameter_slot_05.sub",

					"children" :


							"image":"d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/money_icon.sub",

							"name" : "Money",
							"type" : "text",

							"x" : 5,
							"y" : 3,

							"horizontal_align" : "right",
							"text_horizontal_align" : "right",

							"text" : "123456789",

And Down Put:




					"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/parameter_slot_05.sub",
					"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/parameter_slot_05.sub",
					"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/parameter_slot_05.sub",

					"children" :


							"image":"d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/money_icon.sub",

							"name" : "Mds",
							"type" : "text",

							"x" : 5,
							"y" : 3,

							"horizontal_align" : "right",
							"text_horizontal_align" : "right",

							"text" : "123456789 Md's",

Remember change the "x" and "y".


Now, go to game.py in root.



	def __ServerCommand_Build(self):

And down put:

			#Carga Mds Start
			"Mds"					: self.__Mds,
			#Carga Mds End

and now, go to the end and put:

	def __Mds(self, coins):
		import constInfo
		constInfo.mds = int(coins)

Save and close.


Now go to constinfo.py and put

mds = 0

And Here the quest:

quest mds begin
	state start begin
		when login begin
			loop_timer("carga_mds", 10)
		when carga_mds.timer begin
			local coins = mysql_query("SELECT coins from account.account WHERE id="..pc.get_account_id().." LIMIT 1;")[1][1]
			cmdchat("Mds "..coins)

This is my release in this forum.

Sorry my bad english.. I'm Spanish.



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I think it's possible to do without quest too (mysql + python) But then it's possible to cheat coins if you extract the client :D


You should calculate and modify the values always JUST on server-side. Never trust in the client, client is just an interface to show the values to the player, not to calculate.

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hello can any body say any thing ? 

I Think is cuz ur DB and u use the coins in a different row mb.

Kind Regards,

Luis "'pwn WildEgo" Bizarro


Eu pensi qye seja por causa da tua BD acho que usas as Moedas noutro sitio.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Luis "'pwn WildEgo" Bizarro

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With me don't work 100%, don't stay at the correct place
someone now how to put this under the Yang bar???
sry my english
EDIT: it's working :D
Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal



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I Have already the Problem with de syserr error:

0505 21:14:44921 :: Unknown Server Command Mds 1 | Mds
0505 21:14:54937 :: Unknown Server Command Mds 1 | Mds
0505 21:14:04954 :: Unknown Server Command Mds 1 | Mds
0505 21:14:14894 :: Unknown Server Command Mds 1 | Mds
0505 21:14:24913 :: Unknown Server Command Mds 1 | Mds
0505 21:15:34938 :: Unknown Server Command Mds 1 | Mds
0505 21:15:44923 :: Unknown Server Command Mds 1 | Mds

Help me please :(


(sorry for my english, i'm German)



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