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Everything posted by Endymion

  1. Create new function which uses regen_load instead of regen_load_in_file.
  2. If you're writing about fps drops at Seals's floor you can check if stones from previous floor was purged correctly.
  3. If we have giftbox from which we can get unique items (ex. Crescent Moon Ring and Thief Glove) we can't equip them both because they have same special group. bool CItem::IsSameSpecialGroup(const LPITEM item) const { if (this->GetVnum() == item->GetVnum()) return true; if (GetSpecialGroup() && (item->GetSpecialGroup() == GetSpecialGroup())) return true; return false; } into bool CItem::IsSameSpecialGroup(const LPITEM item) const { if (this->GetVnum() == item->GetVnum()) return true; if (GetSpecialGroup() && (item->GetSpecialGroup() == GetSpecialGroup())){ TItemTable * p = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().GetTable(GetSpecialGroup()); if (!p) return true; if (p->bType != ITEM_GIFTBOX) return true; } return false; }
  4. Show us these functions: char.cpp :: CHARACTER::OpenShop(DWORD id, const char *name, bool onboot) char.cpp :: CHARACTER::UpdateShopItems()
  5. I can recommend this man. Good and fast service without any problems.
  6. I can recommend this man. Good and fast service without any problems.
  7. Are you sure that you want connect to db from client with put your credentials in py file?
  8. void CGuild::P2PChangeGrade(BYTE grade) { using namespace std::placeholders; DBManager::instance().FuncQuery(std::bind(&CGuild::__P2PUpdateGrade, this, _1), "SELECT grade, name, auth+0 FROM guild_grade%s WHERE guild_id = %u and grade = %d", get_table_postfix(), m_data.guild_id, grade); }
  9. Can somebody explain me why are you using these functions if we can use item_award?
  10. port deleted on 2017-02-24 REASON: Obsolete, all supported FreeBSD versions have libc++ in the base system [Hidden Content]
  11. constants.cpp /* { int st, ht, dx, iq; int max_hp, max_sp; int hp_per_ht, sp_per_iq; int hp_per_lv_begin, hp_per_lv_end; int sp_per_lv_begin, sp_per_lv_end; int max_stamina; int stamina_per_con; int stamina_per_lv_begin, stamina_per_lv_end; } */
  12. Use AutoGiveItem instead of CreateItem & AddToCharacter. Can you post your Buy function from shop.cpp?
  13. Use AutoGiveItem(vnum, count) in npc's shops.
  14. FFindNearVictim if (pkChr->IsObserverMode()) return;
  15. int item_remove_count(lua_State * L) { LPITEM pkItem = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentItem(); BYTE bCount = (BYTE)(lua_tonumber(L, 1); if (pkItem && CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr() == pkItem->GetOwner() && (pkItem->GetCount() - bCount) >= 0) pkItem->SetCount(pkItem->GetCount() - bCount); CQuestManager::instance().ClearCurrentItem(); return 0; } { "remove_count", item_remove_count }, item.remove_count(10)
  16. These skills disappear after logout, becouse items are unequiping at logout.
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