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Everything posted by Endymion

  1. > BIND_IP in db config are for noobs > BIND_IP: in source when it doesn't exist in conf.txt is for the best developers #Evor
  2. Somebody used this on my server and... Attacker had character whose account_id don't exist in my database. fix? BIND_IP: in db config. I don't know how use this, so can't give you more information.
  3. SELECT item_proto.vnum, item_proto.locale_name,item_proto.value1,item_proto.value2,item_proto.value3,item_proto.value4,item_proto.value5 FROM player.item_proto WHERE (item_proto.value1+item_proto.value5) > (item_proto.value2+item_proto.value5) OR (item_proto.value3+item_proto.value5) > (item_proto.value4+item_proto.value5); ? Check if any weapon don't have min dmg bigger than max dmg.
  4. You don't need quest to open that shop btw. :v But it's have a little bug. When you open shop with secondary coin and close it, all items in other shops have price as secondary coin until restart your client.
  5. Do you know how return item price in def OnSelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): which is in uiprivateshopbuilder.py? I tried inventoryPos = self.itemStock[selectedSlotPos] itemPrice = shop.GetPrivateShopItemPrice(inventoryPos) but it didn't work and return NoneType. :<
  6. YMIR never have done something with Brain and with a Reason ? We both know it And you posted without brain, rly. Shogun is right, that's why I asked "for what". :v
  7. You have this bug cause this is commented pkVictim->RemoveAffect(pkSk->dwVnum);
  8. I'm using game from source (clear mainline from kraizy.tgz) and bin from kraizy.tgz (mainline_sg). There aren't any logs.
  9. Hi. When I'm using /quit my client is going off but character is still in game. I don't know what is wrong and how fix it. Do you have any ideas?
  10. Not tested, but try it. int query_update(lua_State* L) { DBManager::instance().Query(lua_tostring(L, 1)); return 0; }
  11. int query_select(lua_State* L) { SQLMsg * pMsg = DBManager::instance().DirectQuery(lua_tostring(L, 1)); if (pMsg != NULL) { if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows == 0) { M2_DELETE(pMsg); return 0; } MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult); long long wynik_query = 0; str_to_number(wynik_query, row[0]); M2_DELETE(pMsg); lua_pushnumber(L, wynik_query); return 1; } return 0; } return query_select("select security_code from account.account where id = "..pc.get_account_id()..";")
  12. I did it like this: Works fine. If game detected using hack 5 times in minute It will notice that in logs.
  13. Bans by game are bad idea. It makes too many fake results.
  14. I wrote this quest and it was tested before pub. Show us client & serwer syserr.
  15. if (type >= GUILD_WAR_TYPE_MAX_NUM || type < 0) type = GUILD_WAR_TYPE_FIELD;
  16. Hmm. pet.summon is checking which item you used so it don't work with login or enter. ;p
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