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Everything posted by Tasho

  1. That is really bad style too..i really don't understand why you do check like this? > 0 == 1+ == TRUE 0 == FALSE CountSpecifyItem return count value finded on inventory by a specify item, so if he don't find return 0, if he find it will return 1+ count. That means you can check it simple as a boolean if (CountSpecifyItem(x)) do something, exist item on inventory, if (!CountSpecifyItem(x)) not exist item, return count zero. void operator () (LPCHARACTER ch) { if (ch && !ch->CountSpecifyItem(itemid)) allhaveitem = false; } This one too, you use else when already you return something and stop the func from if condition if not exist argument, what the sense? Should look like that. int party_check_item(lua_State* L) { if (!lua_isnumber(L, 1)) { lua_pushboolean(L, false); return 1; } FPartyHasItem f; f.itemid = lua_tonumber(L, 1); f.allhaveitem = true; CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr()->GetParty()->ForEachMemberPtr(f); lua_pushboolean (L, f.allhaveitem); return 1; } I hope you get the points, don't take that as a insult or something.
  2. With that level of english you have study 'Computer science and working on programming job' ? If you was had enough knowledge you didn't was stay here and have a 'service on metin2' A lot a years of programming etc and you was had a shit server with systems buyed from another peoples, same story was with aim shit too, a big programmer better then all, 20 years of programming, read a lot a books, a monster.. and he was just another s*** as you, in private he didn't was know to do nothing just to request something. A nice quote: "Is not important to be a professional programmer on that life, you just need to look like one." Good night, stop to reply already is enough, i don't like childs act but your force me to do that.
  3. Who say that? The guy who buyed all stuff from lennt and ken and now is 'programmer' ? Don't let me to make public conversations between you and others people from some time ago with proofs, just stop to look 'smart', you are not in a position to give me 'advices'. Just stop with that, i really don't care about you and m2 shit, you took it too seriously that, stop to make off-topic.
  4. Just stop to speak shit, you did that reply for make +1 for without sense. That you called "better performance" ? Check the code of him and recheck the code what i put and go to sleep, don't search entourage, you are look shit_aim 2. Have a nice night, don't reply me again, i don't care. DWORD item_vnum; if (lua_isnumber(L,1)) { item_vnum = (DWORD)lua_tonumber(L, 1); } else { lua_pushboolean(L, 0); return 1; } while (it!=m_memberMap.end()) { if (!it->second.pCharacter) { ++it; continue; } if(it->second.pCharacter->CountSpecifyItem(targyID) > 0) dbszam++; ++it; } if(GetNearMemberCount() <= dbszam) { itertype(m_memberMap) it2 = m_memberMap.begin(); while (it2!=m_memberMap.end()) { if (!it2->second.pCharacter) { ++it2; continue; } if(it2->second.pCharacter->CountSpecifyItem(targyID) > 0) it2->second.pCharacter->RemoveSpecifyItem(targyID); ++it2; } }else{return false;} return true; }
  5. Thanks for release, but the code style is very bad, should look like this. int party_check_item(lua_State* L) { if (!lua_isnumber(L, 1)) { lua_pushboolean(L, false); return 1; } LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); lua_pushboolean(L, (ch && ch->GetParty()) ? ch->GetParty()->CheckItem(lua_tonumber(L, 1)) : false)); return 1; } bool CParty::CheckItem(int itemVnum) { int iCount = 0; itertype(m_memberMap) it = m_memberMap.begin(); for (; it != m_memberMap.end(); it++) { if (it->second.pCharacter && it->second.pCharacter->CountSpecifyItem(itemVnum)) iCount++; } if (GetNearMemberCount() <= iCount) { for (; it != m_memberMap.end(); it++) { if (it->second.pCharacter && it->second.pCharacter->CountSpecifyItem(itemVnum)) it->second.pCharacter->RemoveSpecifyItem(itemVnum); } return true; } return false; }
  6. Here. https://metin2dev.org/board/index.php?/forum/35-questions-and-answers/
  7. You post in category Services->Searching and you ask about if they are released here? No, isn't.
  8. Here you can find the good ones, you can contact vegas. http://vegas-projects.com/professional-biolog/ http://vegas-projects.com/multilanguage_system/
  9. I do not recommend, it's a just another romanian ~!@#$.
  10. @Fabio (2.5) Questions & Answers specific rules Don't modify your thread (or reply to it) to mark it solved, and not explain the solution to the issue.
  11. Sorry but you are very dumb. This doesn't help you with nothing, you dont know nothing about event flag and how it's working. Who the hell want to delete them? Nobody. If someone want to delete them just run this query before start the server. (there is no reason to do that) This query will delete all event flag list, because difference between quest flag and event flag is the state empty. DELETE FROM player.quest WHERE szState = ''; After execute the query, remaining only the guild_disband_delay & guild_withdraw_delay because is seted forced when core start by main::CQuestManager::Initialize(). We thank you again for killing C++ language.
  12. #root/ui.py #SELECT_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.3)
  13. Maybe he was want to do something with the sum. Should look like that:
  14. Still active For more information contact me at skype: geo.geani94 .
  15. I would do it more easy. itemDict = { item.LIMIT_LEVEL : [player.LEVEL, localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL], item.LIMIT_STR : [player.ST, localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR], item.LIMIT_DEX : [player.DX, localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX], item.LIMIT_INT : [player.IQ, localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT], item.LIMIT_CON : [player.HT, localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON] } if limitType in itemDict: self.AppendTextLine(itemDict[limitType][1] % (limitValue), self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(itemDict[limitType][0]), limitValue))
  16. You should think better and read again. PS: I speak about this situation and code from this topic, ymir did a check "GOLD_MAX <= nTotalMoney" . _________________________________________________________________ Please enter an integer amount of gold: -500000 GetGold: 25000 amount: -500000 nTotalMoney: -475000 Succes set gold to: -475000 #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; typedef int INT; typedef unsigned int UINT; typedef struct character_point { uint64_t gold = 25000; } CHARACTER_POINT; CHARACTER_POINT m_points; INT GetGold() { return m_points.gold; } void SetGold(INT gold) { m_points.gold = gold; printf("Succes set gold to: %d", gold); } void PointChange(INT iAmount) { UINT nTotalMoney = GetGold() + iAmount; printf(" GetGold: %d\n amount: %d\n nTotalMoney: %d\n", GetGold(), iAmount, nTotalMoney); SetGold(GetGold() + iAmount); } int main() { INT val; cout << "Please enter an integer amount of gold: "; cin >> val; PointChange(val); }
  17. I don't understand why you have this style, but ok. case POINT_GOLD: { unsigned int nTotalMoney = GetGold() + amount; if (nTotalMoney < 0 || nTotalMoney > GOLD_MAX) return; SetGold(GetGold() + amount); val = GetGold(); } break;
  18. You not need to do it like this for read multiples lines from a file, already exixst method readlines() - returns a list containing the lines. def __OnClickLoadInfoButton(self): fileObject = open("credentials", "r").readlines() self.Connect(fileObject[0], fileObject[1])
  19. We can do it like this too. for (key, value) in enumerate(["(VIP1)","(VIP2)","(VIP3)","(VIP4)","(VIP5)","(VIP6)","(VIP7)","(VIP8)","(VIP9)","(VIP10)"]): if gamemasta.find(value) != -1: if (not self.lastupdate): self.lastupdate = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() if (app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() - self.lastupdate) >= 5: self.lastupdate = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() net.SendEmoticon(key + 29)
  20. Looks very similar code with this mini-rls from him. [Hidden Content]
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