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Everything posted by Tasho

  1. That's not related with what he request. Doesn't looks exactly with what we need, and your loop will be very bad, repeat it x30 times for each one, and don't to the same. ([Hidden Content]) That's like how should be. # No comprehension for eventKey, (srcNameList, srcFaceList) in enumerate(zip(self.SelectBtnNameList, self.SelectBtnFaceList)): for eventName in ('mouse_click', 'mouse_over_in', 'mouse_over_out'): (srcNameList.SetEvent(eventKey, eventName), srcFaceList.SetEvent(eventKey, eventName)) # Comprehension [(srcNameList.SetEvent(eventKey, eventName), srcFaceList.SetEvent(eventKey, eventName)) for eventKey, (srcNameList, srcFaceList) in enumerate(zip(self.SelectBtnNameList, self.SelectBtnFaceList)) for eventName in ('mouse_click', 'mouse_over_in', 'mouse_over_out')] Thanks @VegaS PS: Let's don't make another replies about that. Let's go on [Hidden Content] and make one topic and we can talk 24/7 about that.
  2. Syntax In linguistics, syntax (/ˈsɪntæks/[1][2]) is the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a given language, specifically word order and punctuation. The term syntax is also used to refer to the study of such principles and processes.[3] String In computer programming, a string is traditionally a sequence of characters, either as a literal constant or as some kind of variable. The latter may allow its elements to be mutated and the length changed, or it may be fixed (after creation). A string is generally understood as a data type and is often implemented as an array data structure of bytes (or words) that stores a sequence of elements, typically characters, using some character encoding. A string may also denote more general arrays or other sequence (or list) data types and structures. SYNTAX != STRING I'm sure you are a better than gf developers...
  3. First one, thanks for release. Here are some tips wich you can use on future. total_elements = sum(1 for line in open('rename_log')) total_elements = len(open('rename_log').readlines()) element.replace(str.upper(extension), str.lower(extension)) element.replace(extension.upper(), extension.lower()) print("Total renamed files: {0}".format(str(total_elements))) That's totally a bit unfriendly, the str.format() detected automatically the data type of argument, you don't have to convert it as string. Also you don't need to enumerate your arguments as {0} {1} etc, you can do that only if you have more arguments and you get stuck. Should look like: print("Total renamed files: {}".format(total_elements)) return(extension) Why you return something (outside of loop) if you don't use the result? global extension global lenght Why you use global variables when you can declare them inside of your class FileManager? class FileManager: def __init__(self): self.length = 3 # Set here the size of the extension, default 3. self.extension = str() def Main(self): pass def GetExtension(self): pass def GetLogFile(self): pass def RenameFile(self): pass Instance = FileManager() Instance.Main() Good luck on future and i hope you will use these small tips.
  4. Can you code better then them? I'm sure you don't have 0.5% (percent) from them knowledges in programming. You understand how it's work a def function, for, while, if, else, elif statement and know to declare a list etc and you think you are a guru on python? and you can criticize developers who have over 10 years on programming? If you was a man who have some years experience in programming you never criticize guys like them, because know how it's work that domain, you can refactor on every day your code, and all time exist "better then previous version", you think they do all efforts to make the code full organized & clean & pro & perfectly? No employee will do that, after a lot a years on domain, you don't care too much how code looks or how much optimized is it, if is working well. Especially if they are paid with a low sallary, they will not do the best. If i put you to explain some functions of them code you get mind fuck, because you are at a very low level. A lot a people talk about "shit code", and most of them (98%) doesn't know how to use a list/dict comprehension or a map, filter, lambadas, generators on python. Also if you think you are more good then them, then rewrite the game as you like it, or do your own MMORPG. < sarcasm level 999 PS: I just saying my point of view, don't need to approve or disapprove it.\ Sorry for the english level 999. Was a joke.
  5. Just stop spamming forum with your children acts. If you have something to share, do it, don't make a lot a reply without sense on this category, isn't off-topic. PS: Same guy like you was banned multiples time here (romanian guy), with fake accounts, he say he have "x10 years experience on programming" (and on reality he just do copy-paste of things and show just texts & photos), stole identity of anothers users of stackoverflow etc, i'm sure you are him, but i don't care, have fun with your new fake account.
  6. I don't really understand what exactly you do there, but you should check if pointer isn't NULL. CItem* pCostumeMount = ch->GetWear(WEAR_COSTUME_MOUNT); if (!pCostumeMount) return;
  7. What you want is called a 'bot/hack'. If i'm not mystake you are a player from private-servers, that is impossible to do it just on Python without source.
  8. //@../game/questlua_pc.cpp //1.)Search for: int pc_warp_exit(lua_State * L) { CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr()->ExitToSavedLocation(); return 0; } //1.)Add after: int pc_equip(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); LPITEM item = ch->GetInventoryItem(lua_tonumber(L, 1)); if (item) ch->EquipItem(item); return 0; } int pc_unequip(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); LPITEM item = ch->GetWear(lua_tonumber(L, 1)); if (item) ch->UnequipItem(item); return 0; } //2.)Search for: { "get_race", pc_get_race }, //2.)Add after: { "equip", pc_equip }, { "unequip", pc_unequip }, //quest_function: pc.equip pc.unequip //quest: pc.equip(item.get_cell()) pc.unequip(WEAR_PET)
  9. //@questlib.lua function pet.is_equipped() --[[ pc.get_wear(bCell); Returns: [1] lua_pushnumber: The equipped item vnum of the specific [cell]. [1] lua_pushnil: nil --]] local WEAR_PET = 27 -- ../common/length.h / enum EWearPositions [0 ~ WEAR_MAX - 1] return pc.get_wear(WEAR_PET) ~= nil; -- Returns: True or False end //@Quest: if not pet.is_equipped() then say('Pet isn't equipped.') return end
  10. For unpack mob_proto you have to know reverse engineering because the struct are changed from the last updates.
  11. He just use a leak version from 2 years ago without updates of him, i think that's the reason.
  12. @M2BobFixed He do it all for free, contrariwise, he will pay you, not you.
  13. I don't really understand why you should bumping all your topics, that result you suffer for attention. If someone want 'your systems' they can easily find on that category, because it was max on page 2/3, is recently, isn't from 5 years ago to be on last page to need up's etc. PS: No hate, Happy New Year, aswell.
  14. After 4 years you come to say that shit? Posted June 24, 2014 - Today: January 05, 2018. Thanks Senpai.
  15. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Refresh real time maintenance by vegas."; return 0; }
  16. That ass... Keep up the good work, you are very talented guy.
  17. @M2BobFixed he is one of the best, he can make your client to fly too. Also not forget one thing, he will give you that protection free, because martysama sell it with 99999euro.
  18. Ok, I look forward to meeting your intelligent program, i will be the first customer. Good luck.
  19. #ifdef __NEW_EVENT_HANDLER__ CEventFunctionHandler EventFunctionHandler; #endif That doesn't need to exist, but if someone really want to use: Search for: CEventFunctionHandler::instance().Process(); Replace with: EventFunctionHandler.Process(); Thanks for release, i like that structure, keep up the good work.
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