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Everything posted by TMP4

  1. Sorry for bumping the thread. I'm helping a friend and I'm facing the same problem. Not all character bugged. I disbanded a guild and then all chars bugged belonging to that guild were ok again. I'm not saying it's 100% guild issue however, it may worked like how op said "Helped was that I was in db player / player ID changed" Any tip how to solve or how to start finding where the problem is? It is really like how the op said: "But soon I got another character like bugged. " I never seen this a bug this "mystic" before.
  2. char_item.cpp case 71051 : // 진재가 { // 유럽, 싱가폴, 베트남 진재가 사용금지 if (LC_IsEurope() || LC_IsSingapore() || LC_IsVietnam()) return false; case 71052 : // 진재경 { // 유럽, 싱가폴, 베트남 진재가 사용금지 if (LC_IsEurope() || LC_IsSingapore() || LC_IsVietnam()) return false; Just comment or delete the If and return false.
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Replica] Old Metin2 Website & ItemShop This is a working replica of the old Metin2 website and ItemShop. The project originally made in 2013 for a possible server but we never opened it. For now I just refactored it to be compatible with PHP7/8, tidied the code a little but honestly, expect real old shit procedural style code! While you can use "as is", I highly recommend to check it for old vulnerabilities before you take it live because of it's deprecated nature. The language is hungarian, you can use web.archive.org to speed up your translation. Website: ItemShop: Download: [Hidden Content] Regards, TMP4
  4. TMP4

    [SMALL] City Map

    M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) The basic concept came from the wallpaper of the old character picker, I was trying to make a map that looked like a "city". The map isn't very big, its size is 1x2, but the second area was really only needed for a little decoration for the outside of the gate. The whole map is PVP protected, maybe it could be used as a kind of trading map or some kind of event map Download: [Hidden Content]
  5. Since it's not an official bug i can only guess but it maybe in interfacemodule.py, compare yours with an official one and check every line containing wndCharacter.
  6. Bruh i just wanted to say gdb fcked up on this 12.1 vm so i can't provide a gdb (bt full) log. Of course i start the game and db by ./game and ./db.
  7. Hi @Distraught i tried this VM. I did not modified anything just removed #define ENABLE_LIMIT_TIME, nothing else since you already fixed the 192.168 adresses. The game & db not starting when i try a ./db & and ./game &. There is no message in the console, and a game.core is generated. However I can't use them for debugging because pkg's gdb is not compatible with 12.1, message: ld-elf.so.1: /usr/local/bin/gdb: Undefined symbol "pthread_setname_np@FBSD_1.6" 1.6 means FreeBSD 13 so something got wrong in the ports because it is 12.1. Can you try to start your vm, compile the game and just try to run it even in /usr/src/game folder? It should generate at least a syserr/version.txt or should give some error like missing CONFIG if it works, or give nothing like me. But once again i really just removed limit time so i don't think i screwed anything, also i did not even touched the db and that's not starting too.
  8. There is no legal difference. Just people think stealing from Webzen (Creator of Metin2) is totally ok and stealing from Owsap is Baaaaad. Also Owsap or even Marty's code contains ~90% of Webzen code so they actually illegally sells Webzen's property. Again do not get me wrong, still not supporting using other's leaked files, it's all about the ridiculos behavior what I explained above.
  9. People writing these types of comments forget the fact that they are using Ymir-Webzen's leaked files instead of buying a license. Also selling Metin2 files are totally illegal in EU & US and 95% of the world. Copyright infringement. Before you get me wrong I do not support using someone's private files but you are as ridiculous as the OP.
  10. It's the old one before the dark dragons update, somewhere 2011. I'm looking for the 2014ish when the max level was increased to 105 and the "beta" maps were added. Okey also i'm remembering the file named mob_drop_item_hector.txt for sure so while the drops edited it should be the archive what i'm looking for. I'm gonna take the drops from your previous post and everything else from here. Thank you
  11. Yes that should be it, thank you. Any chance that you have the whole leaked folder tho?
  12. Hi, I'm surely remember that GF's "germany" folder got leaked with all the official mob_drop_item.txt etc some years ago and i had it, but unfortunately I left it. Can somebody upload it for me please? It may dated as 2013 just as the source it was only made publicly available later in 2014. Thanks in advance, I have been desperately looking for this since the morning.
  13. I appreciate your work, thanks.
  14. I dont know this system that means it is 99% custom made, also i only found a reference for it in turkmmo's paste site: [Hidden Content] It looks like its is a game.py so you may want to try paste every BossHunters stuff to yours (use ctrl+f). As i said you may missing more parts but give it a try. In that case just completly remove it from both serverside and clientside. Also a pro tip: don't use other people's prebuilt serverfiles, take a very basic one like Asikoo's and do your own work with it, then you will not stumble into the fault of others like this time.
  15. A server command named as BossHuntersTimeStamp arrives (either quest or source) but you do not have it in your game.py def __ServerCommand_Build(self): To solve it you may remove it from your quest/source or add it to game.py. You may missing it from multiple place not just game.py so better to check you system's tutorial. If you don't have the system, and dont know what it is, better to just remove completly (and not using random serverfiles in the future... )
  16. Nah otherwise you could tell. You just didn't read OP's code before you wrote that comment.
  17. I think he "thought in reverse" thinking you forbid the chars at the switch while you actually allows them there. Char ';' is because it seperates sql commands to try sql injection that's why he wanted to block it while it's blocked by default.
  18. You can find all GF quest there. Take all quest that's name starts with dragon_lair and their counterparts in translate.lua.
  19. Buying dragon coins should not be donations but buying digital goods (paypal have that option when you tick the transaction delivery), probably that's why some server had mass refund issues. The "seller" can't proof the delivery at the disputes to paypal if he got the money as donations. That's why the account blocking. Also accounting dc sells as donations is simply a financial (tax) fraud and illegal in all eu country I'm sure. All I can say is that I said above, if someone doing their business legally they should be ok. If somebody have so much income from a Metin2 server, he needs to establish a company but at least being self-employed if their country allows that form and paying taxes. Nonetheless improving your system by adding more providers would be a good addition ?
  20. "Paypal intervenes." Yes but they will check the dispute's conversation, so they'll see the buyer stated the lack of delivery and your proof of delivery, and will decide with this information. Owsap in here had a very similar situation with paypal, his buyer stated the lack of delivery, he proved the delivery in the dispute conversation and won the case. It was in his thread with screenshots but since he closed his business the thread got deleted i think so can't link to you. "The instant block is as i said, made automatically by the system when you have over 50-60 cases opened in a short time" That only happens when you using a personal account instead a business account for a business. (=violating terms of service) Also when paypal limits your account, the opened cases are not closed immediatly so you can resolve that 50-60 cases even with your limited account and after that you have a better chance to to made them remove the limitations. I agree paypal is not the best but your situation is individual case, or you made a mistake somewhere like using a personal account or ignoring the disputes.
  21. If somebody starts a refund, both the seller and buyer will be placed in a conversation with Paypal where the buyer needs to write his problem. Paypal and the seller will see this and if the buyer states that he did not received the goods, the seller can insert a screenshot from the itemshop_logs table as proof of the delivery. Then paypal will decide to who they believes. As long the seller proves the delivery i don't think Paypal decides against him. The problem lies in where the seller does not respond to the dispute and the time frame passes, then the buyer will auto-won the case. What I wanted to say that "instant block" is not instant, the seller have to ignore (or loose) 50-60 refund request before that happens.
  22. Are you using your own server_attr what you dumped with WE and are you using the block attribute on walls and building? I just wondering what are you asking, improving the current system or you don't use the current system correctly and that's why you want to improve. By the way if you use the current system correctly, mobs very very rarely go to inaccesible areas. Lots of people use blank server_attrs, or even if they use a good one they forgot to block buildings and walls and that's why mobs can reach that area.
  23. The key word is pay taxes lol. Also you can't accept lots of payments to a personal paypal account, you have to register a business paypal account so paypal don't freeze your balance after a while. (TOS) If you do your business legally then you don't have to worry about anything.
  24. So you want something like this? when x.use begin local rnd = math.random(1,100) if rnd >= 75 then pc.give_item2(189, 1) notice_all(pc.get_name().." got a fancy sword!") elseif rnd >= 50 then pc.give_item2(149, 1) notice_all(pc.get_name().." got a semi-fancy sword!") else pc.give_item2(19, 1) notice_all(pc.get_name().." got a not so fancy sword!") end pc.remove_item("x", 1) end You have to set the chest to ITEM_QUEST in item_proto and set all the drop in the quest. If you don't want to use quest for the chest drop then the notice_all is not possible using just a quest, you have to do it in the game file's source in c++.
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