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Everything posted by TMP4

  1. Well that's not really help. None of your cores are running while the output showing zero errors. Re-check db's syserr please. Also does .core file generating? Show us a gdb result, first we need db.
  2. All of that syserr will not help to solve that problem. pid_init: ... Start of pid <-- is normal, just information Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default <-- It is just information that you don't have postifx, 99,99% of the people don't have it's ok socket_bind: bind: Address already in use <-- the core is already running, you probably tried start.sh again socket_connect: HOST localhost:26842, could not connect. <-- meaning the server (auth or db) not started, that's why the core give you conn. refused After you start your server, what cores are running? I guess your db is not running. You can check it via "ps" command in FreeBSD. Also please provide a copy of the output after you start the server, that can help too.
  3. Then check your CreatePlayerSaveQuery and CClientManager::QUERY_PLAYER_LOAD (in ClientManagerPlayer.cpp) because you made some mistake there.
  4. If you revert your skill_proto back to it's original state the problem stays? (Since you have custom one)
  5. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
  6. Can you confirm this was you? Not with bad intentions, I was just always curious if the rumor was true or not. "Fiatalság bolondság" ?
  7. Try it with the correct encoding on the file. I'm hungarian and I usually use Ansi encoding because of the Áúűóő... You can use Notepad++ to change encoding.
  8. Damn you are right, we missed it ? These recycled content artworks looks way better then what we usually get for Metin2.
  9. Try "gmake clean" before "gmake" since you just added new cpp files.
  10. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Conditional statements are in comments so it was really not neceserry but since your totorial included them, I included too. Also every single post made by you is help request, requesting simple help. Please use Google in the future and try a couple of time before you post.
  11. You probably missed to add the new files to the project. It is not enough to copy to your Userinterface folder, you have to add them in visual studio by right click to the project (userinterface) -> Add -> Existing item.
  12. Then modify the line what WeedHex quoted with the correct sockets since now it hands over the 3rd (metinSlot[2]) and 4th (metinSlot[3]) socket to __AppendPetAgeAndLevelInformation while the 4th socket does not exists. (The socket starts with [0].) See this: def __AppendPetAgeAndLevelInformation(self, level, age): It waits the level first then the age. Let's say you store the level in the 2nd socket and the age in the 3rd socket then use this code: self.__AppendPetAgeAndLevelInformation(metinSlot[1], metinSlot[2]) If you store the level in the 1st and age in the 2nd socket then use this code: self.__AppendPetAgeAndLevelInformation(metinSlot[0], metinSlot[1]) If you don't know where do you store them you can check it by opening the item table and look for a Growth pet, you can also check in your source code.
  13. I've been asked quite a few times about making and installing a map so I made a video showcasing the whole process from start to end. Please note that it is for beginners.
  14. Thanks for share @Gurgarath The older ui images-concept are amazing, never seen that. The 3. and 6. picture's design is still there in an official client, just not used. 936_loginwindow.py / 949_loginwindow.py so the files starting with 936 / 949 (the old codepage files when there was only cn and kr) is that and looks like this: Also i have some official autopatcher skin like that purple one in your images, i will upload them to the drive. --done That catacomb-ish screen is very intersting, i found this: [Hidden Content] Use chrome's auto translate to read, also be aware of the date. It's some new pyramid dungeon however I don't follow official so i have no clue if they implemented it.
  15. As i remember dump_proto does not save the addon type to the clientside. I don't know why, but it's not needed in clientside anyways. You should not use the reverse dump_proto (unpacker) since you have your txt files. People use that only when they lost their txt file. If you really want to add the addon type to the clientside too then you should modify your dump_proto.cpp Search: col++; //AddonType (Line 725 in the default dump_proto.cpp, but it's after the itemTable->bGainSocketPct = atoi(csvTable.AsStringByIndex(col++)); line) Change it to: itemTable->bAddonType = atoi(csvTable.AsStringByIndex(col++)); Search: BYTE[TAB]bGainSocketPct; Add: BYTE[TAB]bAddonType; [TAB] MEAN TABULATOR KEY!!! For some reason it's important there so make sure you paste it with tabulator. Search: item_table->bGainSocketPct = tempTable->bGainSocketPct; Add: item_table->bAddonType = tempTable->bAddonType; You may have to do the same in you reverse dump_proto (unpacker) if it's not bundled together. Edit: Use char instead of BYTE like Owsap said below.
  16. Idk why chr.IsGameMaster don't work for you, but here is another solution: if app.DIK_V == key: if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) and str(player.GetName())[0] == "[": ime.PasteTextFromClipBoard() It will check if the player name starts with "[". If you have [VIP] or other role then edit the code to exclude them. chr.IsGameMaster is better but since it's clientside, it really doesn't matter, the pro users can reach and modify it anyways.
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. TMP4


    It is a map from 2010 when people did not have any map editor, they made it with a single notepad for placing objects and an image editor for the terrain, you probably can't imagine the work needed for a map like this.
  19. Thanks @xP3NG3Rx i added them to the drive. I was going to add these new ones soon but you made my work much easier ? Later today i'm gonna add some concept arts and other things too.
  20. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Google Drive ) Download Here ( Internal ) I made a collection of official login, loading screens and wallpapers. There are over 100 picture, here is a quick preview: Don't worry, you will find categorized folders at the link, not in bulk. I may extend it in the future since there are more, mostly newer images. Regards, TMP4
  21. Or maybe he does not have or does not use the letter D:\ drive.
  22. I'm not allowed to help you further, risking a ban. If you have no luck with the pirated version perhaps you can buy it from the author i guess. [Hidden Content]
  23. You are missing the "import app" at the top of your py file.
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