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Everything posted by TMP4

  1. That's not a real bug just Ymir (original developer of metin2) back in the time wanted to implement some auto locale set for mysql but did not really finished it and AsyncSql never gets a value there, but until your database have correct collation you're good. If that syserr abuses you then change it to sys_log if (0 == m_stLocale.length()) { // sys_err("m_stLocale == 0"); //change sys_log(0, "m_stLocale == 0"); //to this... return true; } Your db starting fine isn't it? I did test it with every collation so I hope so.
  2. I have a clue now. My reference serverfile have 1 page safebox but my firend's server have enabled 3 page safebox in account.account table (safebox_expire column, it's a default feature btw) for every account, so that's why it's good for me and bad for him with the same source files. "CGrid grid(5, MAX(1, pi->pSafebox->bSize) * 9);" I can't test it right now but I'm sure that it is the problem. Thanks for pointing out to that row ?
  3. Yeah there should be several little bugs like this in a basic metin2 client. But I'll include this change in next release, thanks ? Edit: As I see special attack is not used for that mob so that's why this typo didn't bother anyone in the years.
  4. It's 5 and 9, it's a base src. As I said i believe it's not src related problem, is it possible that there are any setting at config files, conf.txt, database or even in client that could cause the grid system / item size (either it is) bug to produce this error? Shops, Safebox, Inventory are good tho, it is only the mall. I've never seen a bug like this before.
  5. Hey, currently I'm trying to help a friend with a mall window bug where every item's size is 1 somehow (check picture). My first thought it is some fcked up source code, but after we took my serverfile's source and take all items from the window and reinserted new ones to item_award the newly insterted items was bugged again to my biggest surprise. So it is not source-related I believe. Any idea what can cause such bug? item_award and item table are identical with mine and now the source code too. The items have correct size in item_proto and do behave normal in inventory window. My friend with the same source: My with the same source: I can't even guess what can cause such bug, again it's not source-related beleive me or not ?
  6. You'll have 2 instance of map1 (41) if you do that. So players in map1 may not see each other. If somebody goes from core1's any map to map1 (41) then he will not see the players who goes from core2's any map to map1 (41).
  7. Thanks, interesting because I exctracted the locales from the official client from Gameforge's webserver. Quickly tested some locales (hu-en-de) but looks like only spanish got this error. Will update the client soon, thank you again. Edit: Done 2021.08.23: - Made LibServerkey compatible with OpenSSL v1.0+, so you can compile it in FreeBSD12+. The changed file is /usr/metin2/src/libserverkey/RSACrypto.cpp. - Locale/es/ui/guild files fixed, only spanish locale was wrong. The libserverkey change is: [Hidden Content] (Thanks arves for the tutorial ? ) It was needed because some people cleaned the whole project but libserverkey was not in compilable form because of it's deprecated nature. VDI is still uploading, give me 30mins, I have 15mb/s upload speed but mega only allows 1mb/s upload now so it takes some time.
  8. Nothing, just use your public (or call it "external") ip in your serverinfo.py.
  9. In my video I used home-root setup, if you open the channels-auth ports at your router (check numbers in CONFIG files), your friend can join. I'm using a TP-Link router and it's in Nat forwarding -> Virtual servers, and there I can add port numbers and the internal ip and that's it for me. But at home-root, you need a "fix": It is because by default it gets your internal ip instead of public ip, so your friend wouldn't connect successfully. (This only needed for home root, at "real root" at a vps or a dedicated server hosting, there are no internal ip just public ip, so thats works by default there)
  10. That is part of DevIl, install it. pkg install -y devil
  11. Wherever your mysql data located at. Default location is /var/db and there should you extract the mysql.
  12. After he installs the No TXT mod ? ------------------------ By the way TXT is much easier, you don't have to do the maths in antiflags and so, you only need to put their name like ANTI_SELL | ANTI_GIVE instead of calculating the number values and summation. But it's on you.
  13. Oh I see the problem. For now I don't have enough time to make a good release with the character+map render for the charselect window sorry.
  14. I'm pretty sure it's the same just the bg image name different there to hide. Later today i'll upload a default 40k client introselect-introcreate.py with this live background. (With comments # INTERACTIVE_LOGIN so you can see where the codes are)
  15. Thank you ;D It is a default behavior of Metin2 but I may try to lock the zoom / mouse wheel in the future. (Or enable right click to rotate) Anyway at least users can see it's a live map, not a picture ?
  16. I'm on it, I need some time. Edit: Fixed the shadow bug. background.Destroy() was missing. Edit2: Fixed that harmless syserr too. I edited def LoadMap(self): If there are any more problem please let me know, I will try to fix it ASAP.
  17. bg1 is missing from your loginwindow.py, you only have bg2. So just simly not use bg1 in intrologin.py, remove self.GetChild("bg1").Hide() from my code.
  18. In a default client bg1 is the name of the background/serverlist image. That's what we hide in this release because it would cover the rendered map. self.GetChild("bg1").Hide() Your client probably have other name for the image or something. Post your intrologin.py and locale/xy/ui/loginwindow.py and I'll help.
  19. It's more like interesting than useful but thanks ?
  20. @VegaS™ be like: Sorry I just wanted to bring this thread to life again ?
  21. With this guide you can render map(s) to your login screen. Some server back in 2012 used this kinda login (DaRealFreak) and I found it pretty cool, so I did this tutorial maybe people will use it again. At def LoadMap(self): there is a list called environments where I set 17 location for you. You can edit/extend it as you wish. The client choose a random location from that list. Somebody will surely comment that it's make the client opening slower. Yes it does, but as you can see in the video that's minimal. Also if you use a client with intro video logo then it doesn't matter because that's longer than it's 1-1,5 second loading time. But if you think it's not acceptable then either optimize it somehow or stay with image background ? [Hidden Content]You can disable the environmental background by editing INTERACTIVE_LOGIN = 1 at the top to INTERACTIVE_LOGIN = 0. Here's a basic intrologin.py with this environmental background if you want to compare: Google Drive (or Metin2 Download) Original idea by DaRealFreak in 2012. Sincerly, TMP4
  22. You probably opened uiscript/inventorywindow.py but as I said you need locale/xy/ui/inventorywindow.py.
  23. Log out from the character (or tell your gm to log out) and wait 10mins, then change the name and it will stay.
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