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Everything posted by TMP4

  1. That file located at Lib/xml/dom/minicompat.pyc
  2. Because maybe it caused by external thing. So now look for the newest backup when the sash is working and make a list with the modifications what the next backup contains where it not working. If it's systems you can try disable them in the locale_inc.h / service.h. Otherwise you need keep reverse the changes. Hopefully you do backups often so it will be just a little work.
  3. That's why people creating backups and stores a few months back. You could know what did you modify when it happened. I guess you don't have any, am i right? Well, man learns from his own fault. It is not possible to help you just by writing a comment, we have to investigate by having access to your file, TeamViewer, Anydesk, but I will not be the one to do this, do not pm me.
  4. They actually do since they just copy paste from tutorial. I saw several P server what came to this glitch. The quest what contains this is official and from gayF, when they introduced cheque they had this bug too for a couple days
  5. You rather want to edit the modell itself to be hold in the right position. If you edit the aura then it will bad in every other weapon.
  6. int _set_regen_in_map( lua_State * L ) { int iMapIndex = static_cast<int>(lua_tonumber(L, 1)); std::string szFilename(lua_tostring(L, 2)); LPSECTREE_MAP pkMap = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMap(iMapIndex); if (pkMap != NULL) { regen_load( szFilename.c_str(), iMapIndex, pkMap->m_setting.iBaseX ,pkMap->m_setting.iBaseY ); } return 0; } { "set_regen_in_map", _set_regen_in_map }, I made it back in the time so i pasted for you. Endymion right, regen_load function is what needed. Add it to questlua_global.cpp Keep in mind you can't cancel it lol. If you make a clear regen function, it will clear the map's basic regen too. If you want to cancel it would be better to use that map as a dungeon.
  7. It is correct even with sql or txt. So a guess: Do you have 15249 once in item_proto or do you have duplicate line? If you don't have a duplicate, can you check to change bonus in another item? -------------------------- According to your private message
  8. Can you provide the code? Otherwise it is not possible, if you copy-paste a regen.txt and only changing coords then it will work and you miss something. Maybe stone, boss npc.txt have that 3031 and you had this syserr for a long time just only now noticing it?
  9. He can't skip (or cancel) at the state where he is, that's why it's annoying He will have the quest to kill tigers forever and he can't move on. (At least the next quest don't locked behind this quest) A lot of player want to do all quest to clear there quest list.
  10. Ah okey, now understand, you're working outside of the binary That's beyond my knowledge so i cannot help more.
  11. Ah forget the 32k that was just because of map1. But 100k probably enough. What do you mean by "address of GetCharacterDistance()"? It give back the distance of the mob.
  12. If you want to collect every mob even the farest you can delete that: dys = player.GetCharacterDistance(i) if dys > 0 and dys < 7500: Also i edited my upper answer, you probably don't need to scan to 100k just 32k.
  13. I think there's not. You can use something like this like every python hack do for mob scanning: import player import chat mobVIDList=[] for i in xrange(1, 100000): dys = player.GetCharacterDistance(i) if dys > 0 and dys < 7500: if chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_ENEMY == chr.GetInstanceType(i): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "There is a nearby mob: %d" % i) mobVIDList.append(i) Be aware that it can freeze the client for 1 sec. Afaik a VID cannot be higher then 100000 that's why i set that. Maybe it can lowered. Edit: Tested it and it's not freezing the client.
  14. It sucks then and you stucked because tigers will not drop another one if you have them all, and you can't get to "back_to_baekgo" state unless a tiger drop another one, what is impossible for now. If you really want to complete the quest then report it in gameforge's forum but honestly they will not hurry to fix it.
  15. You're on a wrong forum Go to gameforge's romianian forum and report your bug there. Here we only can fix the .quest file. Edit: I checked the quest, drop/sell/stash the item and kill tiger for another one and the quest will continue. To server owners who want to fix the quest just add this if to "when enter or login begin"'s bottom at state hunting: if new_quest_lv22_neededAmountDrop1 == pc.count_item(new_quest_lv22_drop1) and new_quest_lv22_neededAmountDrop2 == pc.count_item(new_quest_lv22_drop2) then -- collected everything notice_multiline(gameforge.new_quest_lv22._061_notice, notice) q.done() set_state(back_to_baekgo) end With this if the player reloging with the bugged situation it will contine and don't have to drop the item and kill tiger for another one.
  16. 20031 This is santa as i remember, and it is intended to disappear. (Originally it appears and disappers in Sohan but Gameforge never used this event) Open xmas_event.h from game source and look for this: MOB_SANTA_VNUM = 20031, //Ȑ٠And edit the vnum to something else what you don't use. You can remove the whole santa system if you like to.
  17. If you just clear g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict in def Clear(): that's not solve the problem 100%, the problem can still happens if the player not warping/reloging, e.g. staying on the same map. That's why most people solve it in OnUpdate with self.Hide & DeleteADBoard if it's not player or npc (offline shop). Btw i know all of this just "masking" the problem, GF solved it in another way because they're not using def Clear() or OnUpdate() but they no longer have this bug. (Also it was not a problem until r2089M, i think r34083 introduced it)
  18. That bug is not actually caused by offline shop originally, just every offline shop uses the normal shop mechanism that already bugged. It was presented in gayforge's servers too until ~2017 btw The problem: Monsters can get the same vid what used a player/npc already with shop. To fix for normal shops: uiprivateshopbuilder.py search: def OnUpdate(self): if not self.vid: return if systemSetting.IsShowSalesText(): modify: def OnUpdate(self): if not self.vid: return if chr.GetInstanceType(self.vid) not in [chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_PLAYER,chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_NPC]: self.Hide() DeleteADBoard(self.vid) if systemSetting.IsShowSalesText(): For offline shop you have to do the same thing, maybe the DeleteADBoard can be different named but that's all. For Ken's shop it is not different. ---------------------------- Adding a new currency to offline shop is not something like can be done with "just pass me a tutorial" We do not even know what version are u using, i know 4 different offline shop and some other what not public. This won system have tutorial for Great's offline shop, maybe you can use it as a template if you're using Great's.
  19. I'm not using that system and i'm not c++ expert, just perfect in google searching ? So try to change std::atomic_bool keepRunning{true}; to std::atomic_bool keepRunning(true); Maybe work, maybe totally bullsh1t, but give it a try.
  20. Because your y coordinate is too low? uiscript/costumewindow.py {"index":COSTUME_START_INDEX+0, "x":61, "y":45, "width":32, "height":64}, {"index":COSTUME_START_INDEX+1, "x":61, "y": 8, "width":32, "height":32}, {"index":COSTUME_START_INDEX+2, "x":13, "y":15, "width":32, "height":96}, #Look for height 96, that will be your costume_weapon and change y coordinate {"index":COSTUME_START_INDEX+4, "x":62, "y":125, "width":32, "height":32}, {"index":COSTUME_START_INDEX+3, "x":13, "y":125, "width":32, "height":32}, For me costume_weapon is the 3rd line because i installed it first. (body&hair is 1-2, those are default systems in 40k) It can be vary on yours but look for height 96 and that'll be it and adjust your y coordinate.
  21. I did not asked to extract, just paste the text. But anyway i did it (opened the site in a VM ) here it is: [Hidden Content] top4top used to distribute malware so it's better to avoid.
  22. Can u upload to another site please or just paste the code since it's python? [Hidden Content]
  23. I marked with red what you're looking for. (local_x, local_y, mapindex when you set the target's location) If you don't want to make a target (like treasure hunting or something) then you can use these quest function: pc.get_local_x() pc.get_local_y() pc.get_map_index() I just wrote an example quest for hidden treasure hunting: quest lost_treasure begin state start begin when login with pc.get_map_index() == 255 and pc.getqf("treasure") == 0 begin loop_timer("hidden_treasure", 3) chat("Search the hidden spot!") end when hidden_treasure.timer with pc.getqf("treasure") == 0 begin if pc.get_local_x() >= 100 and if pc.get_local_x() <= 150 and pc.get_local_y() >= 50 and pc.get_local_y() <= 100 then chat("You found the area!") pc.change_gold(1000000) pc.setqf("treasure",1) cleartimer("hidden_treasure") end end end end So if the user go to the rectangle (x: 100,150; y: 50, 100) he'll get gold only once. It uses loop_timer (3sec) but i suppose it is one time or event quest so it'll be good.
  24. I cannot give exact solution but i remember when i installed the "Metin2 Graphic Mod" (aka Enbseries) from ePvP back in 2012 that did the exact same thing. It uses some directx9 effect what probably interference with the transparent bar there.
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