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Everything posted by Galet

  1. Ok so : questlua.cpp ch->PointChange(POINT_STAT, ((MINMAX(1, newLevel, 90) - ch->GetLevel()) * 3) + ch->GetPoint(POINT_LEVEL_STEP)); Edit the 90 to your level. char.cpp if (GetLevel() < 91) PointChange(POINT_STAT, 1); [/php] Change 91 by the level set in questlua +1. Have a great day
  2. Here's a tutorial here, but oyu must compile your sources and your binaries. ^^
  3. Hi everybody, I'm searching the officiel metin2 website, with coding, because I have the website and I tried to recode it, and I've got some issues (some scripts are over my level). :/ Many Pserver have this site, with official (or seems to be) code, so if someone has, if he can release / give me please ? ^^ Have great day !
  4. Where is this? Sources. You can get it on internet, or here, with the VM.
  5. Galet

    About Lycan

    6th character ? Wut
  6. Really usefull, thanks dude !
  7. Thanks ! A debien serven can be usefull for metin2, or not ?
  8. Easy in serverside, you just have to edit functions and add race. game, db, common. Anyways, thx m8 u da real mvp.
  9. I don't know why there's many trouble about this wolfman... Everybody, even with no C++/python knowledge can add it. You have to edit basic functions and add "wolfman" or "wolfman_m" sometimes. At many other points, you have to copy the dagger and replace it with claws. For the bonus and the emotions, you have just to add some lines. And you have to modify a bit your dump_proto (you have to compile it) The main difficulty is the slot rotation, but someone release the right rotation (Thx). Some "bugs" are purely caused by lake of logic, trust me, I've got some "noob" error. So why I didn't sell the wolfman ? Because Ellie put his thread before I finished the wolfman, and nowadays, Ellie got a better wolfman than mine (For the skills for example, or bleeding.). And because I don't want to sell ymir work, and if I sell it, nobody can learn by himself about the 5th race. Have a nice day.
  10. Is it from your msenv ? Or from constinfo.py (I guess) about the fog distance ? Edit : I saw your screen, all the new beta map doesn't have fog and lcouds, but only skybox.
  11. I've add it some time ago, and like he said, you have to upgrade the race_num (or maybe this bug appened when you have 5character slots, and only 4 char are permitted by the game.)
  12. IDA. A friend make a diff for another percent I guess.
  13. Hi, BYTE bCell.cell to INT bCell.cell if I remember well.
  14. totally agree with Denis, but maybe he want to tell "For people who doesn't know how to change 5 by 6"
  15. You want to compress or only change the name ? I don't know how to compress eterpack, sorry. ^^
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