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Everything posted by Galet

  1. Ниет. Or maybe, I don't know, but I don't think so. ^^
  2. gr2 grass or any trees etc... = bad idea.
  3. Wow I luv'yah too <3 Maybe it's more romantic in French ? Je t'aime aussi <3
  4. You can create it, for what skill etc... ?
  5. On the third V I guess, turn off the "fog" box.
  6. Galet


    Merry Cristmas all !
  7. Hi, merry christmas Watch your dump_proto, it can cause this kind of bug.
  8. I made a txt version by using : std::ifstream inf((LocaleService_GetBasePath() + "/block_vnum.txt").c_str()); And based on "arena.cpp" block list. ^^
  9. Thanks, I made a system for that but with a .txt modifiable in serverside.
  10. Official version : quest event_flame_dungeon_open begin state start begin when login begin EVENT_NPC = 20381 TELEPORT_ITEM = 71173 TELEPORT_ITEM_CNT = 1 PASS_ITEM = 71174 ENTRY_MAP_INDEX = 62 PASS_ITEM_CNT = 3 ENTRY_MAP_X = 614200 ENTRY_MAP_Y = 706800 KILL_MOB1 = 3101 KILL_MOB2 = 3102 KILL_MOB3 = 3103 KILL_MOB4 = 3104 KILL_MOB5 = 3105 KILL_MOB6 = 3190 KILL_MOB7 = 3191 end when EVENT_NPC.chat.gameforge.event_flame_dungeon_open._010_npcChat with pc.get_level() >= 90 begin say(gameforge.event_flame_dungeon_open._020_say) wait() say(gameforge.event_flame_dungeon_open._030_say) wait() say(gameforge.event_flame_dungeon_open._080_say) pc.setqf("event_FD_time", 0) set_state(run) end end state run begin when EVENT_NPC.chat.gameforge.event_flame_dungeon_open._040_npcChat with game.get_event_flag("w21open_event")>0 begin say(gameforge.event_flame_dungeon_open._050_say) wait() local t = pc.getqf("event_FD_time") local killcount = pc.getqf("kill_done") if killcount == 0 then say(gameforge.event_flame_dungeon_open._080_say) elseif (t==0) or (t+86400 < get_global_time()) then say(gameforge.event_flame_dungeon_open._060_say) pc.give_item2(TELEPORT_ITEM, TELEPORT_ITEM_CNT) pc.give_item2(PASS_ITEM, PASS_ITEM_CNT) pc.setqf("event_FD_time", get_global_time()) pc.setqf("kill_count_1", 0) else say(gameforge.event_flame_dungeon_open._070_say) end end when letter with game.get_event_flag("w21open_event")>0 begin send_letter(gameforge.event_flame_dungeon_open._010_npcChat) --³²Àº óġ ¼ö ¾È³»¹® q.set_counter_name(gameforge.main_quest_lv98._680_counterName) event_flame_dungeon_open.kill_count() end when button or info with game.get_event_flag("w21open_event")>0 begin say_title(gameforge.event_flame_dungeon_open._010_npcChat) say(string.format(gameforge.levelup._26_say, 100 - pc.getqf("kill_count_1"))) end when KILL_MOB1.kill begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("kill_count_1") pc.setqf("kill_count_1", kill_count+1) event_flame_dungeon_open.kill_count() end when KILL_MOB2.kill begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("kill_count_1") pc.setqf("kill_count_1", kill_count+1) event_flame_dungeon_open.kill_count() end when KILL_MOB3.kill begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("kill_count_1") pc.setqf("kill_count_1", kill_count+1) event_flame_dungeon_open.kill_count() end when KILL_MOB4.kill begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("kill_count_1") pc.setqf("kill_count_1", kill_count+1) event_flame_dungeon_open.kill_count() end when KILL_MOB5.kill begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("kill_count_1") pc.setqf("kill_count_1", kill_count+1) event_flame_dungeon_open.kill_count() end when KILL_MOB6.kill begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("kill_count_1") pc.setqf("kill_count_1", kill_count+1) event_flame_dungeon_open.kill_count() end when KILL_MOB7.kill begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("kill_count_1") pc.setqf("kill_count_1", kill_count+1) event_flame_dungeon_open.kill_count() end when TELEPORT_ITEM.use begin pc.warp(ENTRY_MAP_X, ENTRY_MAP_Y, ENTRY_MAP_INDEX) pc.remove_item(TELEPORT_ITEM, 1) end function kill_count() local total_remain = 100 local remain1 = pc.getqf("kill_count_1") local remain_count = total_remain - remain1 q.set_counter_value(remain_count) if total_remain == 0 then pc.setqf("kill_done", 1) end end end end
  11. Hi, try my optimisated dump_proto specially adapted for wolfman. [Hidden Content]
  12. It depend which CPU (and GPU sometimes) it can take minutes like hours.
  13. And for this bug : (It's strange, if I use a specific mysqlclient.so.18 lib I've got connection refused otherwise I've got PUBLIC_IP: "MY_HAMACHI_IP" interface "my_interface")
  14. Did you have special bledding and party skills flags ? Thanks anyway. ^^
  15. Hi (Salut ), you have to check FOG_LEVEL in constinfo. FOG_LEVEL0 = 4800.0 FOG_LEVEL1 = 9600.0 FOG_LEVEL2 = 12800.0 If you already made this change, there's an other folder for fog I think. :x
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