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Everything posted by Galet

  1. You have to include some header, libs, etc... And compile it ^^
  2. It's a nice project, trust me, we are now looking at fixing all bug and removing all unused and useless stuff, and enhance some heavy functions maded by Ymir. Compilable both Windows (vs12-13 included) and Linux.
  3. Did you declare it in all bonus files ? Even in common ?
  4. ask vanilla to add a new config option when she came back
  5. I think it's better to buy source than a simple core, (bugged in some points). Like martysama sources, it's a lot of work, fully customizable, with lot of tools and scripts, and you can modify it as you desire, the price is high, but it worth it I guess.
  6. Try to create a new character, I doesn't have this bug and I forget to add bleeding and party. ^^ Your welcome
  7. set the "szMasterBonusPoly" as you desire, I'll create a tutorial maybe. ^^
  8. Warning, it's a stolen interface. ^^ But you can use because the project is over, I guess.
  9. Vanilla keep her core up to date ? But we have to paid ? ...
  10. Vanilla core doesn't content the lycan. Lycans can equip all weapons /armors /costumes : ANTI_WOLFMAN, and oyu have to compile your dump_proto, or I will release mine. ^^
  11. i can do it with socket_pct? Wow, and thanks to this script we can do this ?
  12. Yeah, Into the folder where the armor and hair are represented into : root : race_sex.msm ? like warrior_m.msm
  13. Hi, if it's some kind of item (mount seal, costume, ring etc...) look at the socket or make a box for this item.
  14. Better to implement it by yourself, trust me, better, and you know what you do, and more respectfull for Ellie. (if you use stoeln work)
  15. Ok, I will translate for him. Some French can speak english well. ^^ Before, his server run with a r2089_(m?) game, and since he run with a new core (source 40k) all the new players can't understand the others if theses players are from another empire. Even if the ring of language is carried, or if the language is in m1 or more. He tried the Denis's fix, but it doesn't work. Moreover, the old player can understand everybody.
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