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Guild Exploit Fix

The Naid

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Through some packet you can create a guild with level 1


I do not understand you well. : (

Made in such a character is level 1 and it can be even create a guild?




I have seen a lot of hacks, in wich exist a button to create a guild without the requirement to pay or be a level.


This is solved with that source.

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It can't be considered an "exploit" since ymir wanted to write the code like that (shitty as the rest as well).

Indeed, check for yang, siegel (in some locals) and level is done right in that function.


Would be a better idea to delete completely the part of "answermakeguild" and create a function that returns valid values in LUA ( 3 lines of code; i've done it month ago, and works without problems).


"Nothing's free in this life.

Ignorant people have an obligation to make up for their ignorance by paying those who help them.

Either you got the brains or cash, if you lack both you're useless."


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if (ch->GetGold() < 200000)
if (ch->GetGold() < 200000)
		ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You don't have 200000 yang");

    if (ch->GetLevel() < 40)
		ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You don't have 40lv+ ");



you function create bug.



// 200k yang //
if (ch->GetGold() < 200000)
		ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<Guild> You don't have 200000 yang."));
	// 40+ guild //
	if (ch->GetLevel() < 40)
		ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<Guild> You don't have 40lv."));
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