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PY - Anti Cheat Engine

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Hi, I was bored, and I started thinking how to do so they could not use the cheat-engine on a client, well, here I come to bring you the code in python.

import os
import thread
import time

def procesoss():
		while 1 == 1:	
			Black_List = ["inyector.exe","cheatengine-x86_64.exe","ollydbg.exe","skype.exe"] # here the programs to block, you can see the full name in cmd and put "tasklist"
			for p in os.popen("tasklist"):
				procesos = p.lower()
				for sema in Black_List:
					if procesos.find(sema) != -1:
						p = procesos.split()
						os.popen("taskkill /im %s /f" % p[0])
			time.sleep(3) # wait 3 second to check again
		time.sleep(3) # wait 3 second to check again

thread.start_new_thread(procesoss, ())

I try it, and work.


Sorry for my bad english

Update*: I change os.system to os.popen and now you can't see the console from windows.


regards SeMa

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Realy work? I think it's the same thing.

int blockit()
	HWND a = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.1");
	HWND a1 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.1.1");
	HWND a2 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.2");
	HWND a3 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.3");
	HWND a4 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.4");
	HWND a5 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.5");
	HWND a6 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.6");
	HWND a7 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.6.1");
	HWND a8 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 6.0");
	HWND a9 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 6.0");
	HWND a10 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 6.1");
	HWND a11 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 6.2");
	HWND b = FindWindowA(0, "OllyDbg");
	HWND b1 = FindWindowA(0, "ollydbg");
	if(a ||a1 ||a2 ||a3 ||a4 ||a5 ||a6 ||a7 ||a8 ||a9 ||a10 ||a11 ||b ||b1){
		MessageBoxA(0, "FR2TEAM Error!", "", MB_OK);
	DWORD processID = FindProcessId(L"cmd.exe");
	if(processID != 0){
		HANDLE handle_ulan = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, 0, processID);
		TerminateProcess(handle_ulan, 0);
		MessageBoxA(0, "FR2TEAM Error!", "", MB_OK);
	return 0;
DWORD FindProcessId(const wstring& processName)
	PROCESSENTRY32 processInfo;
	processInfo.dwSize = sizeof(processInfo);
	HANDLE processesSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, NULL);
	if (processesSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		return 0;
	Process32First(processesSnapshot, &processInfo);
	if (!processName.compare(processInfo.szExeFile)){
		return processInfo.th32ProcessID;
	while (Process32Next(processesSnapshot, &processInfo)){
		if (!processName.compare(processInfo.szExeFile)){
			return processInfo.th32ProcessID;
	return 0;
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Trabajar Realy? Creo que es la misma cosa.

int blockit ()
	HWND a = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 5.1");
	HWND a1 = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 5.1.1");
	HWND a2 = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 5.2");
	HWND a3 = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 5.3");
	HWND a4 = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 5.4");
	HWND a5 = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 5.5");
	HWND a6 = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 5.6");
	HWND a7 = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 5.6.1");
	HWND a8 = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 6.0");
	HWND a9 = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 6.0");
	HWND a10 = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 6.1");
	HWND a11 = FindWindowA (0, "Cheat Engine 6.2");
	HWND b = FindWindowA (0, "OllyDbg");
	HWND b1 = FindWindowA (0, "OllyDbg");
	if (A | | a1 | | a2 | | a3 | | a4 | | a5 | | a6 | | a7 | | a8 | | a9 | | a10 | | a11 | | b | | b1) {
		ExitProcess (0);
		MessageBoxA (0, "! FR2TEAM Error", "", MB_OK);
	DWORD idProceso = FindProcessId (L "cmd.exe");
	si (idProceso! = 0) {
		MANEJAR handle_ulan = OpenProcess (PROCESS_TERMINATE, 0, idProceso);
		TerminateProcess (handle_ulan, 0);
		CloseHandle (handle_ulan);
		MessageBoxA (0, "! FR2TEAM Error", "", MB_OK);
		if (IDOK)
			ExitProcess (0);
	return 0;
DWORD FindProcessId (const wstring y processName)
	PROCESSENTRY32 processInfo;
	processInfo.dwSize = sizeof (processInfo);
	MANEJAR processesSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, NULL);
	if (processesSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		return 0;
	Process32First (processesSnapshot, y processInfo);
	if (! processName.compare (processInfo.szExeFile)) {
		CloseHandle (processesSnapshot);
		volver processInfo.th32ProcessID;
	while (Process32Next (processesSnapshot, y processInfo)) {
		if (! processName.compare (processInfo.szExeFile)) {
			CloseHandle (processesSnapshot);
			volver processInfo.th32ProcessID;
	CloseHandle (processesSnapshot);
	return 0;

Where to put this? I am interested in putting

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