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[40250] Reference Serverfile + Client + Src [15 Available Languages]


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2 minutes ago, Jxxkub said:

But this isnt paid?

Thats why you have to add everything yourself?

Are you actually dumb or you playin?

The concept is more than correct, you just dont understand it lol

You don't understand what I explained to you. Please read again.
It is "free", it is "good", but it can not compete with it's competitors.

@ TMP4 I have a final suggestion. I think it would be good for everyone.
Do a seperate branch. Like master and develop, just reference and advanced for example. While you leave the reference in this old style, you can implement new but original features to the advanced branch like my list contains above.

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29 minutes ago, Mahtox said:

You don't understand what I explained to you. Please read again.
It is "free", it is "good", but it can not compete with it's competitors.

@ TMP4 I have a final suggestion. I think it would be good for everyone.
Do a seperate branch. Like master and develop, just reference and advanced for example. While you leave the reference in this old style, you can implement new but original features to the advanced branch like my list contains above.


Sorry, but why would he work for you? Or for anyone that wants "more features" in general? Why should he lose his time (a price as you called it)?

If you want that, either implement them by yourself, either hire him (if he accepts of course).

Edited by Clairmont
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14 minutes ago, Clairmont said:



Sorry, but why would he work for you? Or for anyone that wants "more features" in general? Why should he lose his time (a price as you called it)?

If you want that, either implement them by yourself, either hire him (if he accepts of course).

You are right. But then the new version could be priced as like 100€. Then people could choose over the basic free and the advanced version. It would be good for him.

4 minutes ago, Jxxkub said:

Its not suppose to compete with anything
its a free release

What the fuck are you on?

Why are you attacking me over several posts? I just wrote my opinion and suggestions, nothing more.

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27 minutes ago, Mahtox said:


You are right. But then the new version could be priced as like 100€. Then people could choose over the basic free and the advanced version. It would be good for him.

Why are you attacking me over several posts? I just wrote my opinion and suggestions, nothing more.

Won't happen. Not because of the fear of Gameforge (that's the smaller part) but my country's rules with self employed activities. You cannot do anything, we have a list of activities what you can take as self employed. Selling Metin2 files certainly not in that list ? Some folks choose a similar activity like it engineering work or so but that does not make it legal (not to mention copyright infringement) and the black work is not an option for me, I like sleeping safe at nights ?

A quick explaination to you why did I choose this reference concept: I just wanted to give people a solid base on which to build your "own house". 
While the idea of creating a new branch for an improved version sounds good, that is totally out of scope with my concept. Hope you can understand it.

Merry christmas guys ?

Edited by TMP4
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2 hours ago, TMP4 said:

Won't happen. Not because of the fear of Gameforge (that's the smaller part) but my country's rules with self employed activities. You cannot do anything, we have a list of activities what you can take as self employed. Selling Metin2 files certainly not in that list ? Some folks choose a similar activity like it engineering work or so but that does not make it legal (not to mention copyright infringement) and the black work is not an option for me, I like sleeping safe at nights ?

A quick explaination to you why did I choose this reference concept: I just wanted to give people a solid base on which to build your "own house". 
While the idea of creating a new branch for an improved version sounds good, that is totally out of scope with my concept. Hope you can understand it.

Merry christmas guys ?

That sucks. By the way people not really builds their home but buy one ? But I got what you wanted to express.
I sent you a message please read it.

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I installed the 6th skill, and for some reason the warrior mental doesn't have icon and doesn't work, and the ninja bow skill doesn't exist, I can run the command to set skill but it does nothing, any idea what it can be? 

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17 hours ago, TheLionIK said:

«By the way people not really builds their home but buy one»

Weird, i could swear i bought the terrain, paid architect, construction license, built it exactly how i wanted and still saved money instead of buying an overpriced already built house.

But hey, what do i know of.

You still paid for everything and you did not built it with your hands....

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3 minutes ago, Arvydas said:

Can you recommend a good anti cheat protection what works with this serverfile?
Every single cheat works and it is a problem for us ?

No I can't. But every protection should work since it is a basic serverfile. Consult with the seller. But it can be a problem that you will host several server as I remember, so 1 license will probably not enough but one per server. Not to mention they usually cost monthly more than an avarage vps. Maybe better if you look for a developer who can make you a little protection what you can include with each server.

3 hours ago, LethalArms said:

I installed the 6th skill, and for some reason the warrior mental doesn't have icon and doesn't work, and the ninja bow skill doesn't exist, I can run the command to set skill but it does nothing, any idea what it can be? 

So I just tested it quickly by installing it from my tutorial but it really works, please try to install it again. Don't forget to repack everything.



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46 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

No I can't. But every protection should work since it is a basic serverfile. Consult with the seller. But it can be a problem that you will host several server as I remember, so 1 license will probably not enough but one per server. Not to mention they usually cost monthly more than an avarage vps. Maybe better if you look for a developer who can make you a little protection what you can include with each server.

So I just tested it quickly by installing it from my tutorial but it really works, please try to install it again. Don't forget to repack everything.



Yap, i had an error on skilldesc.txt, the warrior mental skill was incomplete, and the one from ninja was missing, thks, btw how to set items to be tradable or not and how why i can't do damage to other players on city? Also 2 days ago i spawned a desert yongbi portal, and the account got disconnected and i had to change the coordinates of the account to the city for it to unbug, do u know why?

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19 minutes ago, LethalArms said:

Yap, i had an error on skilldesc.txt, the warrior mental skill was incomplete, and the one from ninja was missing, thks, btw how to set items to be tradable or not and how why i can't do damage to other players on city? Also 2 days ago i spawned a desert yongbi portal, and the account got disconnected and i had to change the coordinates of the account to the city for it to unbug, do u know why?

I think every 6th skill included in the skilldesc and complete ?

21	WARRIOR	Schwertzirkel	Schwertnimbus	Glorreiches Schwert	Du schlägst mit dem Schwert auf den Boden und eine Aura breitet sich aus, die umstehenden Gegnern Schaden zufügt.	Angriff von deiner Position aus, auf mehrere Gegner				ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	noegeom	21	4			Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f	(2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1	(2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1		
36	ASSASSIN	Schleichendes Gift	Heimliches Gift	Unsichtbares Gift	Du bewegst dich so schnell, dass du einen kurzen Moment verschwindest, um den Gegner anzugreifen.	Teleportationsangriff	Andauernder Giftangriff			ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD	seomjeon	6	4			Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f	(lv*2 + (MinATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1	(lv*2 + (MaxATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1	Vergiftungschance %.0f%%	40*k
51	ASSASSIN	Funkenschlag	Lichtwurf	Blitzknall	Du verletzt den Gegner schwer, indem du ein plötzliches Licht ausstrahlst.	Angriff, den du von deiner Position aus machst	Anhaltender Giftangriff			ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL		seomgwang	21	4			Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f	(MinATK + (1.2*MinATK + 100 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1	(MaxATK + (1.2*MaxATK + 200 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1	Vergiftungschance %.0f%%	80*k
6	WARRIOR	Lebenswille	Lebenslicht	Lebensfieber	Du sammelst all deine inneren Kräfte und lässt sie nach Außen explodieren, um einen starken Hieb auszuführen.	Frontaler Angriff				ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	gihyeol	6	4			Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f	(3*MinATK + (MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07	(3*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07		

To make an item tradeable, remove ANTI_GIVE in the item_proto.txt's line antiflag column.

I'm not sure what portal did you spawn but that problem only happen if the mob_proto's cord for the portal is wrong or the core what the map in not running. Maybe u tried an unused leftover portal from old times.

Edited by TMP4
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15 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

I think every 6th skill included in the skilldesc and complete ?

21	WARRIOR	Schwertzirkel	Schwertnimbus	Glorreiches Schwert	Du schlägst mit dem Schwert auf den Boden und eine Aura breitet sich aus, die umstehenden Gegnern Schaden zufügt.	Angriff von deiner Position aus, auf mehrere Gegner				ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	noegeom	21	4			Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f	(2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1	(2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1		
36	ASSASSIN	Schleichendes Gift	Heimliches Gift	Unsichtbares Gift	Du bewegst dich so schnell, dass du einen kurzen Moment verschwindest, um den Gegner anzugreifen.	Teleportationsangriff	Andauernder Giftangriff			ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD	seomjeon	6	4			Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f	(lv*2 + (MinATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1	(lv*2 + (MaxATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1	Vergiftungschance %.0f%%	40*k
51	ASSASSIN	Funkenschlag	Lichtwurf	Blitzknall	Du verletzt den Gegner schwer, indem du ein plötzliches Licht ausstrahlst.	Angriff, den du von deiner Position aus machst	Anhaltender Giftangriff			ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL		seomgwang	21	4			Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f	(MinATK + (1.2*MinATK + 100 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1	(MaxATK + (1.2*MaxATK + 200 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1	Vergiftungschance %.0f%%	80*k
6	WARRIOR	Lebenswille	Lebenslicht	Lebensfieber	Du sammelst all deine inneren Kräfte und lässt sie nach Außen explodieren, um einen starken Hieb auszuführen.	Frontaler Angriff				ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	gihyeol	6	4			Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f	(3*MinATK + (MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07	(3*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07		

To make an item tradeable, remove ANTI_GIVE in the item_proto.txt's line antiflag column.

I'm not sure what portal did you spawn but that problem only happen if the mob_proto's cord for the portal is wrong or the core what the map in not running. Maybe u tried an unused leftover portal from old times.

I also don't know which portal i spawned, with the name Desert_Yongbi there's like 3/4 of them btw, how do i know if the core of the map is running or not?

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1 hour ago, TMP4 said:

No I can't. But every protection should work since it is a basic serverfile. Consult with the seller. But it can be a problem that you will host several server as I remember, so 1 license will probably not enough but one per server. Not to mention they usually cost monthly more than an avarage vps. Maybe better if you look for a developer who can make you a little protection what you can include with each server.

So I just tested it quickly by installing it from my tutorial but it really works, please try to install it again. Don't forget to repack everything.



Oh yes ? Any chance you do some client anti cheat?

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1 minute ago, LethalArms said:

I also don't know which portal i spawned, with the name Desert_Yongbi there's like 3/4 of them btw, how do i know if the core of the map is running or not?

As I said you probably used a leftover portal from old times. Just ignore it until the active portal works. There were a second map for desert-snow-fireland like 12 years ago. I'm not really sure why Ymir did that tho. (Like metin2_map_n_desert_02 you can still find the serverside folder for them)

2 minutes ago, Arvydas said:

Oh yes ? Any chance you do some client anti cheat?

I'm not planning it. It is a reference serverfile after all and I'm not even that skilled regarding anti cheats, I can only do basic stuffs.

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9 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

As I said you probably used a leftover portal from old times. Just ignore it until the active portal works. There were a second map for desert-snow-fireland like 12 years ago. I'm not really sure why Ymir did that tho. (Like metin2_map_n_desert_02 you can still find the serverside folder for them)

I'm not planning it. It is a reference serverfile after all and I'm not even that skilled regarding anti cheats, I can only do basic stuffs.

Ok, and why i can't do duels with other players? The duel starts but i can't do damage to the other player or the other player to me

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2 minutes ago, LethalArms said:

Ok, and why i can't do duels with other players? The duel starts but i can't do damage to the other player or the other player to me

Because you are GM? Set yourself to free/hostile mode or try with 2 normal players.

Edited by TMP4
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Do you know how to make this so stacked skill books are not used all in the stack? This is char_item.cpp

if (item->GetVnum() == 50300)
                    dwVnum = item->GetSocket(0);
                    // »ő·Îżî Ľö·ĂĽ­´Â value 0 żˇ ˝şĹł ąřČŁ°ˇ ŔÖŔ¸ąÇ·Î ±×°ÍŔ» »çżë.
                    dwVnum = item->GetValue(0);

                if (0 == dwVnum)

                    return false;

                if (true == LearnSkillByBook(dwVnum))

                    int iReadDelay = number(SKILLBOOK_DELAY_MIN, SKILLBOOK_DELAY_MAX);

                    if (distribution_test_server)
                        iReadDelay /= 3;

                    //Çѱą ş»Ľ·ŔÇ °ćżěżˇ´Â ˝Ă°ŁŔ» 24˝Ă°Ł °íÁ¤
                    if (LC_IsKorea())
                        iReadDelay = 86400;

                    SetSkillNextReadTime(dwVnum, get_global_time() + iReadDelay);

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9 hours ago, avatarjorn said:

Do you know how to make this so stacked skill books are not used all in the stack? This is char_item.cpp

                if (true == LearnSkillByBook(dwVnum))


                if (true == LearnSkillByBook(dwVnum))
                    item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);

But please keep such questions in the Questions & Answers because it is not related to this serverfile.

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I applied the translation and almost everything is translated, i've rewatched the video where u apply the translation and for some reason, the itens are translated,mobs translated, etc but when i try to drop something, trade, add bonus,switch bonus,etc it isn't translated do u know why?


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4 minutes ago, LethalArms said:

I applied the translation and almost everything is translated, i've rewatched the video where u apply the translation and for some reason, the itens are translated,mobs translated, etc but when i try to drop something, trade, add bonus,switch bonus,etc it isn't translated do u know why?


You missed locale_string.txt. But that same asian chars are weird, it shouldn't be the same each time but maybe just your lang's encoding do that.

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Just now, TMP4 said:

You missed locale_string.txt. But that same asian chars are weird, it shouldn't be the same each time but maybe just your lang's encoding do that.

I changed locale_string, if i view it directly from the server its in portuguese (my language)

1 minute ago, LethalArms said:

I changed locale_string, if i view it directly from the server its in portuguese (my language)


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19 minutes ago, LethalArms said:

I changed locale_string, if i view it directly from the server its in portuguese (my language)

I'm not sure what you did there because it is working for me.


Edit: I see you missed to change the english locale (folder) to portugal in your last gif.
It is important for character encoding if the other language using other character encoding than english.



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9 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

I'm not sure what you did there because it is working for me.


Edit: I see you missed to change the english locale to portugal in your last gif.

still the same, even after changing that




Really dont know what its wrong

Edited by Metin2 Dev
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