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[40250] Reference Serverfile + Client + Src [15 Available Languages]


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2 hours ago, 4peppe said:

Hi, first of all thanks for this release, it all looks really good! Could you tell me how to disable both clientside and serverside the costume system, the energy system and the alchemy?

update: trying to compile the source without touching anything with vs2019, it gives me 4 errors and does not create the file in .exe; can you help me?

You can comment some lines in client source.. Open UserInterface/locale_inc.h


Second problém post here error log from vs.. But I think you need only update studio.. I'm not 100% sure but if I remember you need v142 toolset + some updates..

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12 minutes ago, Cunoo said:

You can comment some lines in client source.. Open UserInterface/locale_inc.h


Second problém post here error log from vs.. But I think you need only update studio.. I'm not 100% sure but if I remember you need v142 toolset + some updates..

almost certainly the problem is that I am missing some updates

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2 hours ago, 4peppe said:

almost certainly the problem is that I am missing some updates

So VS automatically touch you with updates.. But you need oldest update.. Because I think Mali make this source and never more update it for newest vs updates.. (if you install vs just new clean install.. You dont have oldest updates, because microsoft cant/dont know include old packages) You can solve this with build log.. Read messages and install missing package.. I dont remember this, because I dont have this project and I only look into Mali knows too many months ago but I remember, I have same problem with actualization of vs.. This is not hard and if I remember sure package you nedeed is something 1.4.2 idk I'm not 100% sure, but this is 100% easy solve it. If you want some help send me PM, because I can't help more if I dont have more informations and I flly don't want download project for help us.. 

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3 hours ago, Cunoo said:

So VS automatically touch you with updates.. But you need oldest update.. Because I think Mali make this source and never more update it for newest vs updates.. (if you install vs just new clean install.. You dont have oldest updates, because microsoft cant/dont know include old packages) You can solve this with build log.. Read messages and install missing package.. I dont remember this, because I dont have this project and I only look into Mali knows too many months ago but I remember, I have same problem with actualization of vs.. This is not hard and if I remember sure package you nedeed is something 1.4.2 idk I'm not 100% sure, but this is 100% easy solve it. If you want some help send me PM, because I can't help more if I dont have more informations and I flly don't want download project for help us.. 

I have installed the updates and now I can work on them! If you need a hand with the translations (I'm Italian), with the files, to test or for some server I make myself available! I love Metin2 and I don't want it to die as a game

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13 hours ago, Cunoo said:

So VS automatically touch you with updates.. But you need oldest update.. Because I think Mali make this source and never more update it for newest vs updates.. (if you install vs just new clean install.. You dont have oldest updates, because microsoft cant/dont know include old packages) You can solve this with build log.. Read messages and install missing package.. I dont remember this, because I dont have this project and I only look into Mali knows too many months ago but I remember, I have same problem with actualization of vs.. This is not hard and if I remember sure package you nedeed is something 1.4.2 idk I'm not 100% sure, but this is 100% easy solve it. If you want some help send me PM, because I can't help more if I dont have more informations and I flly don't want download project for help us.. 

Thats actually not true with the "oldest update". Yesterday I installed VS 19 on a laptop what did not have any VS yet and the client source compiled just fine. Most people who contacted me missing the afxres.h file but thats external. They missed the C++ MFC for latest latest v142 build tools because that is not selected by default.



Edited by TMP4
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2 hours ago, TMP4 said:

Thats actually not true with the "oldest update". Yesterday I installed VS 19 on a laptop what did not have any VS yet and the client source compiled just fine. Most people who contacted me missing the afxres.h file but thats external. They missed the C++ MFC for latest latest v142 build tools because that is not selected by default.



I don't know how deep is this possible, but I have this problem on pc with c2d series q6xxx... With newest cpu is all okey.. So he too solved problems with update.. I think doesn't exist one manual for all..

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2 hours ago, 4peppe said:

hello, I found an error: CLAW and SPLASH must be removed from the skilldesc of the various locale inside the eternexus folder

Hello, thank you. I'm on it. Yes I left some claw on some skilldesc in locale (not all, like EN/HU/DE/FR doesn't have them because I made them in v1.0 ?)

Splash why tho? That is just on "139    HORSE" and I believe that should be there.

139	HORSE	Power Wave			Attack all enemies from your horse. (from lv.55)	Riding Skill				ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL	splash	123	1							


Gonna reupload the client with the CLAWs removed from skilldesc soon.

Edit: Done, version stays V1.1, I mentioned the change in Changelog.txt.

Edited by TMP4
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Sorry, it was my mistake: I forgot to remove | between CLAW and BELL

1 hour ago, TMP4 said:

Hello, thank you. I'm on it. Yes I left some claw on some skilldesc in locale (not all, like EN/HU/DE/FR doesn't have them because I made them in v1.0 ?)

Splash why tho? That is just on "139    HORSE" and I believe that should be there.

139	HORSE	Power Wave			Attack all enemies from your horse. (from lv.55)	Riding Skill				ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL	splash	123	1							


Gonna reupload the client with the CLAWs removed from skilldesc soon.

Edit: Done, version stays V1.1, I mentioned the change in Changelog.txt.

yeah, just remove CLAW

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20 minutes ago, 4peppe said:

hello, I found another problem (I use the Italian version): in the value of the weapon 3194 (lama solare +4) there is an extra space between lama and solare (both on the server side "item_names" and on the client side)

The item_names should be 100% original (even with little mistakes like this) because I dumped it with reverse dump_proto. It is a reference serverfile so I leave it as is but feel free to remove the space. I believe there are some extra spaces in somewhere translate.lua (at least the hungarian one) too. If someone is bothered by the spaces, I hope everyone have the skills to remove it ?

But please report bugs furthermore, the CLAW one was good catch, thank you again ?

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8 hours ago, TMP4 said:

Gli item_names dovrebbero essere originali al 100% (anche con piccoli errori come questo) perché l'ho scaricato con reverse dump_proto. È un file del server di riferimento, quindi lo lascio così com'è ma mi sento libero di rimuovere lo spazio. Credo che ci siano anche degli spazi extra da qualche parte in translate.lua (almeno quello ungherese). Se qualcuno è infastidito dagli spazi, spero che tutti abbiano le competenze per rimuoverlo  <font style=?">

Ma per favore segnala anche i bug, quello CLAW è stata una buona cattura, grazie ancora <font style=?">

This is my way of trying to thank you for making your work public on which you have surely wasted time. Most likely I will open my first public retroserver with your files! Some time ago I used the franzi 2011 to do the server with hamachi and no-ip, now we go to dedicated ?

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Hello everyone here,
I might have a stupid question and especially just a theoretical one. 
The game is designed in C ++ and python. When a lot of objects are displayed in the game, he has problems with FPS. The graphics are not very editable. I mean the resolution in the game (when the game is running), the distances of the objects, the quality of the objects, etc ... (example. My friends don't want to play the game just because it looks like.)

My main question is.
Has anyone tried to remake the client under a "Game Engine"?
I mean Unity engine or Unreal engine.

I understand that in this forum and especially here we talk about the client and server so that it comes as close as possible to the original without bugs and other things.
But from the original client, it might be better to start reworking the client into another "Engine".

Currently, I consider the possibility of redesigning the client under the "Unity" engine only as a theoretical question whether someone tried it or whether it would be at all.
I will be happy for any advice, and especially if someone has already tried this, so for the problems that have arisen or could arise.

PS: I apologize for my bad English.

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14 minutes ago, asanae123 said:

when i change the language to czech, it says in the virutalbox locale/czech/translate.lua:2060 unexpected symbol near ´not´ .. and then i cannot connect, where am I making a mistake? Thanks

If you change the language you must (as it is written in the file languages.txt): 


Default Language: EN
May be extended in the future! -- DONE in V1.1
Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/gzo6JK8_K9Y?t=487

Every language related file have it's other variants too, you just need to swap file names.

1. /usr/metin2/server/share/conf/item_names_xy.txt
2. /usr/metin2/server/share/conf/mob_names_xy.txt
3. /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english/translate_xy.lua
4. /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english/locale_string_xy.txt

You have to rename the files listed above for example item_names.txt to item_names_en.txt,
then item_names_de.txt to item_names.txt, then you'll have german item names. Do the same with the others!

1. locale_xy.cfg

You have to rename locale.cfg to locale_en.cfg, and rename locale_de.cfg to locale.cfg, then you'll have german language at clientside.

Optional but recommended:
1: /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english <-- rename english to your locale like germany/hungary/france.
2: Open database common/locale table and rename LOCALE's mValue to your locale like germany/hungary/france.
3: Edit root/.cshrc file's questcompile command ..locale/english/quest/make.py to the correct folder name if you are using the vdi.
EN: english
DE: germany
HU: hungary
FR: france
CZ: czech
DK: denmark
ES: spain
GR: greek
IT: italy
NL: netherlands
PL: poland
PT: portugal
RO: romania
RU: russia
TR: turkey

You can delete unused language files as you wish.

Locale_string for GR (greek) is currently missing, I will update it if I find a greek one.


As soon as I start the server, without touching your files I have these errors:


SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadSkillMotion: Motion: Skill exist but no motion data for index 0 mob 3596 skill 257
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadSkillMotion: Motion: Skill exist but no motion data for index 1 mob 3596 skill 258
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum(6091) folder(yamachun)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum(6091) folder(yamachun)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum(6091) folder(yamachun)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum(6091) folder(yamachun)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun have not motlist.txt vnum(6091) folder(yamachun)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/boar/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/boar/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/boar/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30101) folder(zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30101) folder(zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_key_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30101) folder(zombie_key_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30102) folder(zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30102) folder(zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_god_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30102) folder(zombie_god_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30103) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30103) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30103) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30104) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30104) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_security_stone have not motlist.txt vnum(30104) folder(zombie_security_stone)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34009) folder(pwahuang1_2)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34009) folder(pwahuang1_2)
SYSERR: Jul 31 01:29:55 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: pwahuang1_2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34009) folder(pwahuang1_2)

These are all things that anyone can fix with a bit of commitment but it is right that you point them out!

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I renamed all of the files written in language.txt, even in Navicat in "locale" from "english" to czech, even in client, I did it with me video YouTube manual, but after doing these things, after I made quest reload, when I start the server, it write this error: 

locale/czech/translate.lua:2060 unexpected symbol near ´not´


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3 hours ago, asanae123 said:

I renamed all of the files written in language.txt, even in Navicat in "locale" from "english" to czech, even in client, I did it with me video YouTube manual, but after doing these things, after I made quest reload, when I start the server, it write this error: 

locale/czech/translate.lua:2060 unexpected symbol near ´not´


Czech translate.lua line 2060 contains chars like this: \"

My guess is that it not supports escaping. Remove it or change it to: '

Tomorrow I'll have a look to it and fix czech translate.lua.







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It gives a connection error when the language is changed to Turkish. 

I am getting the same error as the friend named "asanae123". 

Edit: This is missing on line 1150 of the translate_TR.lua file but I still keep getting the error. 

TR -> gameforge.flame_dungeon._640_notice = "%s grubundan [ENTER], Razador'u öldürdü! "

ENG -> gameforge.flame_dungeon._640_notice = "The group from %s has killed the Razador [ENTER]! "

When I fix this, I see that it gives an error on line 1.

1st Line -> exportTestForCharset = "üöäÜÖÄß "

Edit 2: The problem was simply solved.


This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

Good day. 

Edit 3: There is a new problem. When 4 CH is activated, 3 CH is activated. 4. CH does not appear to be active. Example: 4CH "..." 

Edited by kaynanas
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7 hours ago, kaynanas said:

It gives a connection error when the language is changed to Turkish. 

I am getting the same error as the friend named "asanae123". 

Edit: This is missing on line 1150 of the translate_TR.lua file but I still keep getting the error. 

TR -> gameforge.flame_dungeon._640_notice = "%s grubundan [ENTER], Razador'u öldürdü! "

ENG -> gameforge.flame_dungeon._640_notice = "The group from %s has killed the Razador [ENTER]! "

When I fix this, I see that it gives an error on line 1.

1st Line -> exportTestForCharset = "üöäÜÖÄß "

Edit 2: The problem was simply solved.


This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

Good day. 

Edit 3: There is a new problem. When 4 CH is activated, 3 CH is activated. 4. CH does not appear to be active. Example: 4CH "..." 

Thanks for pointing out. Looks like there are small mistakes in some translate.lua files. I only tested with EN, HU so soon I'll test them all and fix thing like this.

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11 hours ago, TMP4 said:

Czech translate.lua line 2060 contains chars like this: \"

My guess is that it not supports escaping. Remove it or change it to: '

Tomorrow I'll have a look to it and fix czech translate.lua.







Nice, thanks! I deleted \" in lines 2060 - 2068 (i think, just all the lines about fortune) and changed it to ' and it's working. Thanks! ?


But I have another bug, I don't know if it's only on my side, or not, but I can't trade with other players, if I try to trade, the trading window doesn't appear.

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