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Fully untouched 34083 server files & DB


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Try wheel as login group.


The reason it doesn't run as root is that doing this is a security risk and the author of the scripts (Tim) is quite strict in not taking security risks. These files come from a live and populated server they aren't "test files" like the ones you are used to see.

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Try wheel as login group.


The reason it doesn't run as root is that doing this is a security risk and the author of the scripts (Tim) is quite strict in not taking security risks. These files come from a live and populated server they aren't "test files" like the ones you are used to see.




Edit: now its work. But if i try to connect with the right username and password it say error. If i try to connect with wrong username or password it say "wrong username or password". If i try to connect with Navicat it say "to many connections"


Can anyone help me by Teamviewer? :(

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, i'm having a problem. i run the "run.sh" and dont get any error, but i cant connect, then i check the syserr and i get this.
syserr db
SYSERR: May 19 03:25:13 :: pid_init: 
Start of pid: 6397

SYSERR: May 19 03:25:13 :: Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default
SYSERR: May 19 03:25:18 :: Load:  DirectQuery failed(SELECT login FROM block_exception)
SYSERR: May 19 03:25:19 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost)
SYSERR: May 19 03:25:19 :: __GetAdminInfo: __GetAdminInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mID,mAccount,mName,mContactIP,mServerIP,mAuthority FROM gmlist WHERE mServerIP='ALL' or mServerIP='XXXXX')
SYSERR: May 19 03:25:24 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
SYSERR: May 19 03:25:29 :: __GetHostInfo: __GetHostInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mIP FROM gmhost)
SYSERR: May 19 03:25:29 :: __GetAdminInfo: __GetAdminInfo() ==> DirectQuery failed(SELECT mID,mAccount,mName,mContactIP,mServerIP,mAuthority FROM gmlist WHERE mServerIP='ALL' or mServerIP='XXXX')
SYSERR: May 19 03:25:33 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21


Alrdy put this QUERY

Navicat MySQL Data Transfer
Source Server         : Metin2Nirvana@CloudCom
Source Server Version : 50616
Source Host           : 
Source Database       : common
Target Server Type    : MYSQL
Target Server Version : 50616
File Encoding         : 65001
Date: 2014-02-17 13:13:50
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `gmlist`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `gmlist` (
  `mID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `mAccount` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET big5 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `mName` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET big5 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `mContactIP` varchar(16) CHARACTER SET big5 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `mServerIP` varchar(16) CHARACTER SET big5 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ALL',
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of gmlist
-- ----------------------------
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the serverfiles was german or english ? :)


Hi Ossiix, its in English.






Hi, i'm having this problem when i try start the files.


Syserr DB:

SYSERR: May 19 15:38:41 :: pid_init: 
Start of pid: 2778

SYSERR: May 19 15:38:41 :: Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default
SYSERR: May 19 15:38:46 :: Load:  DirectQuery failed(SELECT login FROM block_exception)
SYSERR: May 19 15:38:53 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
SYSERR: May 19 15:39:02 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
SYSERR: May 19 15:39:11 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
SYSERR: May 19 15:39:20 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
SYSERR: May 19 15:39:29 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
SYSERR: May 19 15:39:38 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
SYSERR: May 19 15:39:47 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
SYSERR: May 19 15:39:56 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
SYSERR: May 19 15:40:05 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
SYSERR: May 19 15:40:14 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21

Syserr AUTH

SYSERR: May 19 15:38:43 :: pid_init: 
Start of pid: 2782

SYSERR: May 19 15:38:43 :: socket_connect: HOST, could not connect.
SYSERR: May 19 15:38:46 :: socket_connect: HOST, could not connect.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, my problem.


//btw. I know that, I've to create the table string, but I doesn't know how to do this..

SYSERR: Jun 10 17:52:42 :: socket_bind: bind: Can't assign requested address
SYSERR: Jun 10 17:52:42 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Table 'account.string' doesn't exist (query: SELECT name, text FROM string errno: 1146)
SYSERR: Jun 10 17:52:47 :: pid_init: 
Start of pid: 33346

So far,

- Daniiel'

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1. Upload and untar the database and server files. "untouched_34083_db.tar.gz" goes in "/var/db".
2. Navigate with PuTTy to the game folder as a root user and run this command: "chown -R metin2 .".
3. Navigate to the game folder as the metin2 user and run install.sh. This will setup all the permissions and symlinks correctly.
4. Restart your database with the command "service mysql-server restart".


Can anyone simplify this?

"Navigate with PuTTy to the game folder as a root user and run this command: "chown -R metin2 .".
3. Navigate to the game folder as the metin2 user and run install.sh. This will setup all the permissions and symlinks correctly."


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  • 2 weeks later...

To fix the password issue with MySQL, just type in those commands:




cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql55-server && make reinstall

When that's done do this:



service mysql-server stop


mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables

Then log yourself in again in another PuTTy window and type in the following commands:



mysql --user=root mysql
update user set Password=PASSWORD('PUT YOUR NEW PASSWORD IN THIS BRACKETS') where user='root';
flush privileges;


After that just do 



service mysql-server restart


and everything should work fine with your new password.

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I have installed game & db perfectly and the server is running

but when I try to log in the game I get error :

did I do something wrong with serverinfo.py


here is mine :

import os
import app
import locale
import debugInfo

CHINA_PORT = 50000

if locale.IsEUROPE():
		0 : "....",
		1 : "normal",
		2 : "belebt",
		3 : "voll"

	Zeros_serverinfo = {
		1:{"key":11,"name":"Channel 1","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,},
		2:{"key":12,"name":"Channel 2","ip":"","tcp_port":13010,"udp_port":13010,"state":STATE_NONE,},
		3:{"key":13,"name":"Channel 3","ip":"","tcp_port":13020,"udp_port":13020,"state":STATE_NONE,},
		0 : "GERMANY",		

		0 : {
			1 : { "ip":"", "port":11002, },

		0 : {
			1 : { "name" :"Invoice-Client", "channel" : Zeros_serverinfo, },						

		10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13000, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", },

	TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, }
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  • 4 weeks later...

1. Upload and untar the database and server files. "untouched_34083_db.tar.gz" goes in "/var/db".

2. Navigate with PuTTy to the game folder as a root user and run this command: "chown -R metin2 .".

3. Navigate to the game folder as the metin2 user and run install.sh. This will setup all the permissions and symlinks correctly.

4. Restart your database with the command "service mysql-server restart".


Can anyone simplify this?

"Navigate with PuTTy to the game folder as a root user and run this command: "chown -R metin2 .".

3. Navigate to the game folder as the metin2 user and run install.sh. This will setup all the permissions and symlinks correctly."

2. With the user "root", do the following (you should already have another user account named metin2):

cd /usr/game
chown -R metin2 .

3. Change over to the metin2 userr and do this:




Man, i got a question. Where do i find the original TABLE item_proto? Is it there? Cuz i want to use mysql instead of this fukkin txt. Thanks!


In these files the original is the txt files, but there's a dif somewhere to change the system into the old style.


hello, i got one stupid question,


what does mean "first" "game1" and "game2" in each channel, in some other files i saw "core1" "core2" till "core5" coz client use just port from "first" folder



For some reason in these files, first is used only as a connection channel. This is the channel in the client that users will connect to. game1 and game2 are used for dividing the maps among different cores. When players go to another map in the same channel, if the map exists in core2 but they are in one of the maps from core1, they will be transferred to another "virtual channel" in a way. It's a real channel but the player doesn't really know that he's changing channels. 


what is the pass for the navicat ??


 It depends on what you set your mysql password to be, this isn't a virtualbox image.


Can someone just post the serverfiles in tar.gz whitout instaling please :D


No, if you want to extract simply download and install 7zip and right click the file and extract it. To extract it on FreeBSD just type:

tar zxvf filename.tar.gz 

Sorry, but if you can't even deal with a .tar.gz you shouldn't be working on servers yet! It requires alot of dedication, and .tar.gz is actually a very useful thing to have when running a Metin2 server.


Does this server files have any backdoors? Is it suitable for 32bit?


No, this stuff is straight from YMIR quality. I think it may work on 32-bit, but there's no reason you should run Metin2 on 32-bit.


Hi guys, nice work. Please can you help me?I start this serverfiles with VirtualBox and Hamachi.I follow the passages and is ok but i have one error : qz5av8.png


Looks like the mysql password is wrong.


2. Navigate with PuTTy to the game folder as a root user and run this command: "chown -R metin2 .".


says illegal user name, please help!


You need to add the user called metin2 on your FreeBSD operating system.


how to configure the adduser command please!!!


Learn to fish here: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?adduser(8)

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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