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Everything posted by Remix

  1. ive seen youre using "when x.kill" bad practice bad service
  2. why dont you make a git repo (github/bitbucket) for the source? easier to get updates
  3. Who cares about random servers?
  4. Not correctly. Test it today. Friday would be 5 so the function would return true even if it isn't weekend.
  5. Try this: local query = mysql_query("SELECT key_testsv FROM account.account WHERE login = '"..pc.get_account().."' LIMIT 1")[1][1]
  6. For german people a funny thing ;P Does ie work in other countries?
  7. $userId = isset($_GET['uid']) ? $_GET['uid'] : null; $credits = isset($_GET['currency']) ? $_GET['currency'] : null; $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : null; $refId = isset($_GET['ref']) ? $_GET['ref'] : null; $signature = isset($_GET['sig']) ? $_GET['sig'] : null; $sign_version = isset($_GET['sign_version']) ? $_GET['sign_version'] : null; At this part better use empty instead of isset. Then you dont have to check it later. Furthermore you should escape it or use prepared statements to prevent sqli.
  8. I care ;3 And why do you care?
  9. Common guys... 95% of the features are already public. And why are you discussing why vanilla disappeared or if it's a girl or not? First: Vanilla is a boy and the same person like Alessa. Why do i say it? Some friends which worked with vanilla for years said it too and he said it himself in a skype chat. But who cares?
  10. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1023111/?ref_=nv_sr_1 My favorite movie
  11. How? pre_qc just replaces the defines Any other solution? Is this the full quest or are there any defines at the beginning?
  12. Isn't that the system of CryPrime & Yoshi?
  13. I dont understant server timer, altough, its easy and the same, but im costumed to quest with timer only. It's almost the same. You're just unable to use functions for just one player. With a servertimer you could use if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then inside of the servertimer trigger that the instance of the dungeon is selected then it should work.
  14. That's why you should always use a 32bit OS to debug it.
  15. You don't have to run the game in gdb again. Just backtrace it.
  16. But it doesn't solve the problem. I can't believe that he changed the index and forgot it.
  17. What do you mean with verifying map index?
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