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Everything posted by Remix

  1. What's the sense of the quest? And why do you use setskin(NOWINDOW)? That won't change anything.
  2. Example: d.set_unique("door", d.spawn_mob(101, pc.get_local_x(), pc.get_local_y())) With that you set an "id" for a monster. You can "manage" the monster and for example you can purge it with: d.purge_unique("door")
  3. For the voodoo armband you should use local variables. Imagine two players use it at the same time, they would have for example the same random number. It's a low chance but even possible
  4. I had the same idea.. But i was too lazy to create it
  5. Basicly i just wanted to tell him that everything works if he knows how to use mysql. However. 5.5 or 5.6.. Both systems use the same language (SQL) so there couldn't be much problems with changing the mysql version. But the struct of the .frm files have some differents between the systems so it's possibles that the tables are marked as crashed but you just need to repair the tables with navicat.
  6. Sorry, darling. I just released the files, not the databases. Nothing special, your server had a security like a gameboy. If you can handle mysql, it will work
  7. I'm using 5.6 on every server and everything works fine.
  8. 5.7.3 is released too (since 3 months)
  9. Hey, because i'm very bored and i don't know what i should do till i'll go to bed i decided to publish a lua guide about short if statements. Maybe you know the short if statements from other languages like C++. Example: cout << (a == true ? "1" : "2"); At this example the console would write "1" if a would be true. If a would be false it will write "2". In lua the short if statements are a little bit different but basicly they are very easy. Imagine you want to give a information about a event. For example if it's running or something else. There are many ways to show the current status of a event. You can use the long version with a text output two different if/else blocks. Another way is to use a table. Example: say("The event is ".. ({"inactive","active"})[game.get_event_flag("event")]) But it's also to much text if you don't use a special function. So the shortest version for something like this is a short if statement. The construction is very simple. The short if version of the shown table method is: say("The event is ".. (game.get_event_flag("event") == 1 and "active" or "inactive")) On the first view it's maybe a little bit longer but if you'll use it everytime you will see it's shorter to use this method. Construction: You have a variable to check the value. (game.get_event_flag("event")) Now you use the datatype boolean to get true or false (game.get_event_flag("event") == 1). The datatype boolean includes nothing else as a normal if statement. Now you must set two possibilities ("active" and "inactive") If the boolean statement returns true the possibility which was set to "and" will be used. ("active") But if it returns false the other possibility will be used. ("inactive") I hope i helped somebody with this tutorial. If you have any questions just ask me. Sincerely, iRemix P.S: Please don't publish this tutorial on elitepvpers. They don't deserve it.
  10. Use MySQL 5.6, not 5.5 It's faster, it includes bug fixes and more. If you use the 5.6 version of MySQL you should use the 5.5 query version in this function.
  11. when 27987.use begin if pc.get_empty_inventory_count() < 1 then return syschat("You don't have enough inventory space") end local rnd = math.random(27992,28022) if rnd <= 27994 then pc.give_item2(rnd) else pc.give_item2(27990) end end
  12. when login begin local tab = { [mapindex] = level, } if tab[pc.get_map_index()] ~= nil then if tab[pc.get_map_index()] > pc.level then warp_to_village() end end end
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