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Everything posted by blaxis

  1. I am already using directx 9. I tried Reshade but it has a problem. Whenever the Windows UAC screen comes up, the directx device resets itself and reshade also resets itself. Visual pollution occurs.
  2. You are a rare flower sent to this world. Thank you very much.
  3. How exactly should we implement this? When I try it, the animation of the character breaks. I think I'm doing something wrong with the import and export operations. I would be very happy if you could give me brief information.
  4. How do we do this? Can you give information?
  5. I didn't fully understand. What exactly does this post do?
  6. locale_game.txt: search(x2): %, change: %.
  7. Hi everyone, How can I use SetUpdateEvent call for EditLine object in Python? Examp: self.item_editline.SetUpdateEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnUpdateItemEditLine)) self.item_editline.OnIMEReturn = ui.__mem_func__(self.SearchItensFunc) self.item_editline.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressEscapeKey)) So when I type a character, I want it to automatically run the OnUpdateItemEditLine function. (The required function is available in the ui.py file, but it still doesn't work.)
  8. How do we enable this? I activate and save via the world editor, but it doesn't show up in-game. And when I reopen the map with the world editor, it is "disabled".
  9. As you said, I activate it through the World Editor. But it doesn't show up in game. And when I open the map again with the World Editor, the "Mainflare" option is disabled. Why is this happening?
  10. Hello, I save after activating the "Lens Flare" and "Wind" options on the World Editor, but then when I open the map again from the "Load" section, they are disabled. I wonder why? "Lens Flare" does not appear in-game either. Syserr: -CMapOutdoor :: RenderBeforeLensFlare mc_pEnvironmentData is NULL
  11. My messages had nothing to do with the discussion, but rather informative. It doesn't make sense for them to be deleted.
  12. I use the FOV system and it has long camera support. I'm navigating in remote camera mode, maybe that has an effect. More monsters appear in a wider perspective.
  13. Frankly, I'm not sure either. However, in the 1st village, I walk around the environments where there are plenty of monsters. (no horse or mount) When I control the exe file before making this edit, there is no problem.
  14. It seems to work fine at first. However, after a bit of wandering and weapon switching, a new bug appears. The specular effect is also applied to NPCs(private_shop, teachers etc..). and monsters. There is no specific time for this, it can happen suddenly. In fact, the client closes completely without any errors.
  15. It doesn't work well. It creates other problems. I do not recommend using it this way.
  16. I understand Thank you. So is there any way to solve this?
  17. Hello, the client has been completely shutting down while teleporting in the game for a few days. No syserr and debug logs. I've been trying to detect the error since yesterday, finally when I got to the bottom of it, I caught the error from: The game crashes at this point. There is no source for this anywhere, and it's probably a problem with every server files. I looked at some shared memory leak fixes, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. If you want to test it, teleport the character several times without giving up. Sometimes the game crashes in the first 5-10 tries, sometimes in 30-40 attempts. So you know, it can happen suddenly. Does anyone have any information on the subject?
  18. Download VirusTotal → Link Hello, as you know, many people have had difficulties because of "Sequence", which is one of the most disgusting codes of Metin2. Not many people use it, so I removed it completely. Finally, I share with you what needs to be done. So what do we gain by removing it? In fact, systems that should work correctly most of the time give errors due to the sequence. That's why things get more difficult. Even when there is no error, it creates a problem as if there is an error. They won't be anymore. After removing the sequence and if it's not your fault, these problems will no longer exist and you will never get a syserr like this: Process: SEQUENCE 74309000 mismatch 0x72 != 0x0 header 55 SYSERR: Nov 17 07:52:57 :: Process: SEQUENCE 65febc00 mismatch 0xe2 != 0xe header 57 SYSERR: Nov 17 07:52:57 :: Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [Nick]------------- [007 : 0x72] [007 : 0xf7] [007 : 0x6f] NOTE: Do not confuse this syserr with UNKNOWN PACKET HEADER error. Sorry for bad english. Source: me
  19. Hello, first of all, I would like to state that I do not have any system related to trade. (Cheque etc.) My problem is: When two characters open a trade, the game crashes into the login screen (or the client is completely closed.) Client syserr: 0204 11:15:59853 :: Unknown packet header: 245, last: 63 42 Only the number 42 is fixed here. Other numbers change each time. Ch1 syslog & syserr: SYSERR: Feb 4 11:14:59 :: Handshake: Invalid Handshake on 17 The number 17 can also change. He may be 19 What should I look into regarding this issue? If I can find that, I'll do a comparison from solid files.
  20. in PythonApplication.cpp: float fAspect=m_kWndMgr.GetAspect(); (x2) There are two of these. You probably added in the wrong place. Solution:
  21. Hello. I added the premium system, everything works fine on the server side, it appears and works in the top left corner of the screen in-game. But it is not readable by the client and does not work. Therefore, it only returns "false" on the client side. What could be the reason for this? AFF_PREMIUM works fine on the server and is appended to the character, but not on the client side. There isn't any syserr. Example(InstanceBase.cpp): BOOL CInstanceBase::IsPremium() { if (m_kAffectFlagContainer.IsSet(AFF_PREMIUM) || m_kAffectFlagContainer.IsSet(AFFECT_PREMIUM)) return 1; return 0; } This code only return 0. But AFF_PREMIUM and AFFECT_PREMIUM is enabled in-game and on the server. And it appears and works in the top left corner of the screen in-game. It also shows up as "AddAffect 724" in the syslog logs when entering the game. (724 = premium affect)
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