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Everything posted by blaxis

  1. Hi. I am using Volvox's render target system. I noticed a problem. For example, if the character has a weapon with +9 in his hand, when the mouse is on the same weapon (+0) in the inventory, the glow effect of the weapon in the character's hand disappears. GIF:
  2. Hello. I adapted the weapon evolution system to the offline shop system. There is no problem when I put an evolved weapon in the store. It can be viewed and purchased by other players without any problems. However, when I restart the server, the evolution feature of the weapon in the store is deleted. What do I need to check for this? No syserr and cores etc.
  3. Yes, maybe it's like you said. However, I think there is a solution. I will provide the attributes via item_proto.
  4. I did what you said but it didn't work because the counter is not 0. So I made the following edit: if(mountSystem->CountSummoned() == 0) { mountSystem->Summon(mobVnum, mountItem, false); } else if(mountSystem->CountSummoned() == 1) { mountSystem->Mount(mobVnum, mountItem); return; } I've tried this before. But a problem occurs: I also tried to stop the code with "return" by trying this way, but nothing changes as in GIF. if(mountSystem->CountSummoned() == 1) { mountSystem->Mount(mobVnum, mountItem); return; } if(mountSystem->CountSummoned() == 0) { mountSystem->Summon(mobVnum, mountItem, false); }
  5. Yes, I did as I was told in the explanation files. Now I have manually added a group called 10300 and mounted 71128(lion). However, nothing changed. At first it was working thanks to the quest, but this time it was 2 mounts. That's why I deleted the quest. I'm trying to solve this problem by C++.
  6. Hi, i installed costume mount system but i have a problem. When I log into the game or teleport, it gets off the mount. (But it's standing next to it) I want it to keep driving. How can I do that? I deleted ride.quest and special_item_group.txt(mount vnum's)
  7. Hello guys. When I teleport anywhere with the ring I get these errors: 0108 15:09:32523 :: File "uiPhaseCurtain.py", line 61, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32523 :: File "networkModule.py", line 148, in __ChangePhaseWindow 0108 15:09:32524 :: File "game.py", line 310, in Close 0108 15:09:32524 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 539, in Close 0108 15:09:32524 :: File "uiOfflineShop.py", line 586, in Destroy 0108 15:09:32525 :: File "uiOfflineShop.py", line 844, in Close 0108 15:09:32525 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 1988, in RefreshMarkInventoryBag 0108 15:09:32525 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 539, in RefreshBagSlotWindow 0108 15:09:32526 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32526 :: : 0108 15:09:32526 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'SetItemSlot' 0108 15:09:32526 :: 0108 15:09:32527 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32527 :: File "uiMiniMap.py", line 406, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32527 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32528 :: : 0108 15:09:32528 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'SetText' 0108 15:09:32528 :: 0108 15:09:32528 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32528 :: File "uiTaskBar.py", line 176, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32528 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32528 :: : 0108 15:09:32528 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'IsIn' 0108 15:09:32528 :: 0108 15:09:32528 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32528 :: File "uiTaskBar.py", line 980, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32528 :: File "uiTaskBar.py", line 749, in RefreshQuickSlot 0108 15:09:32529 :: TypeError 0108 15:09:32529 :: : 0108 15:09:32529 :: 'int' object is not iterable 0108 15:09:32529 :: 0108 15:09:32529 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32529 :: File "uiMiniMap.py", line 406, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32529 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32529 :: : 0108 15:09:32529 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'SetText' 0108 15:09:32529 :: 0108 15:09:32529 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32529 :: File "uiTaskBar.py", line 176, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32529 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32529 :: : 0108 15:09:32529 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'IsIn' 0108 15:09:32529 :: 0108 15:09:32530 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32530 :: File "uiTaskBar.py", line 982, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32530 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32530 :: : 0108 15:09:32530 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'IsIn' 0108 15:09:32530 :: 0108 15:09:32530 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32530 :: File "uiMiniMap.py", line 406, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32530 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32530 :: : 0108 15:09:32530 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'SetText' 0108 15:09:32530 :: 0108 15:09:32530 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32530 :: File "uiTaskBar.py", line 176, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32531 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32531 :: : 0108 15:09:32531 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'IsIn' 0108 15:09:32531 :: 0108 15:09:32531 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32531 :: File "uiTaskBar.py", line 982, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32531 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32531 :: : 0108 15:09:32531 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'IsIn' 0108 15:09:32531 :: 0108 15:09:32542 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32542 :: File "uiMiniMap.py", line 406, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32543 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32543 :: : 0108 15:09:32543 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'SetText' 0108 15:09:32543 :: 0108 15:09:32543 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32543 :: File "uiTaskBar.py", line 176, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32543 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32543 :: : 0108 15:09:32543 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'IsIn' 0108 15:09:32543 :: 0108 15:09:32543 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0108 15:09:32543 :: File "uiTaskBar.py", line 982, in OnUpdate 0108 15:09:32544 :: AttributeError 0108 15:09:32544 :: : 0108 15:09:32544 :: 'int' object has no attribute 'IsIn' 0108 15:09:32544 :: But when I teleport with "/warp Nick" there is no problem. Help me please?
  8. Hello. I find items but cannot click on them. I've been struggling with this for days but couldn't figure it out. Anyone have knowledge on this? No syserr. Code: # search result screen code self.icon_image = ui.MakeExpandedImageBox(self.slot_base_image, MAIN_PATH + "right_side/{}_slot.tga".format(itemSize), 0, 0) self.icon_image.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.OnHover) self.icon_image.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_OUT", self.OnOut) self.icon_image.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_CLICK", self.OnMouseLeftButtonDown) self.icon_image.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_RCLICK", self.OnMouseRightButtonDown) self.icon_image.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.icon_image.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() ##ui.py MakeExpandedImageBox(): def MakeExpandedImageBox(parent, name, x, y): image = ExpandedImageBox() image.SetParent(parent) image.LoadImage(name) image.SetPosition(x, y) image.Show() return image class ImageBox: class ExpandedImageBox: class ExpandedImageBox(ImageBox): def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): ImageBox.__init__(self, layer) def __del__(self): ImageBox.__del__(self) def RegisterWindow(self, layer): self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterExpandedImageBox(self, layer) def SetScale(self, xScale, yScale): wndMgr.SetScale(self.hWnd, xScale, yScale) def SetOrigin(self, x, y): wndMgr.SetOrigin(self.hWnd, x, y) def SetRotation(self, rotation): wndMgr.SetRotation(self.hWnd, rotation) def SetRenderingMode(self, mode): wndMgr.SetRenderingMode(self.hWnd, mode) # [0.0, 1.0] ??? ??? ???? ??? ???. def SetRenderingRect(self, left, top, right, bottom): wndMgr.SetRenderingRect(self.hWnd, left, top, right, bottom) def SetPercentage(self, curValue, maxValue): if maxValue: self.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, -1.0 + float(curValue) / float(maxValue), 0.0) else: self.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) def GetWidth(self): return wndMgr.GetWindowWidth(self.hWnd) def GetHeight(self): return wndMgr.GetWindowHeight(self.hWnd) def SetCoolTime(self, time, elapsedTime = 0.0): wndMgr.SetCoolTimeImageBox(self.hWnd, time, elapsedTime) def IsInCoolTime(self): return wndMgr.IsInCoolTime(self.hWnd) def SetStartCoolTime(self, time): wndMgr.SetStartCoolTimeImageBox(self.hWnd, time)
  9. Hello. I'm considering removing Cryptopp from my source files. But I have no idea what the consequences will be. Will it do any harm?
  10. Thank you. However, it has a problem. The following part in EterBase/Stl.h: template <typename T> void DeleteListItem(std::list<T> * pList, T pItem) { auto itor = pList->begin(); for (; itor != pList->end(); ++itor) { if (pItem == *itor) { if (1 == pList->size()) { pList->clear(); } else { pList->erase(itor); } break; } } } After doing this I get this error:
  11. Hello, I upgraded to c++17 first, no problem. Then I tried c++20 but I am getting this error. Can you help?
  12. What I am talking about has nothing to do with the server, and there is no situation that will create any security weakness. There is already WJ_TRADABLE_ICON system and it does what it should. I just want it to appear as the lock of the slots as an image.
  13. No I want to lock the slots with "SetCoverButton", not the item. (As in the picture) But for some reason it shows the slot where the item is in as locked. I just want to lock slots that are empty except for the item.
  14. The screen in the image is the offline shop screen. What I want to do is lock all slots if offline store is not in edit mode and item count is 0. Can you show me how to do it through the code I gave? The shop screen has 80 slots and the initial value is 0. But when I first open the shop, no matter how many conditions I put, the item on the store screen looks like this.
  15. Hi. I'm working on a small edit, but I couldn't solve the problem you see. No syserr. My code: def SlotKontrol(self): if IsEditingOfflineShop(): return getItemID = shop.GetOfflineShopItemID for i in xrange(shop.OFFLINE_SHOP_SLOT_COUNT): if (getItemID(i) <= 0): # only empty slot self.itemSlotWindow.SetCoverButton(i, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/belt_inventory/slot_disabled.tga",\ "d:/ymir work/ui/game/belt_inventory/slot_disabled.tga",\ "d:/ymir work/ui/game/belt_inventory/slot_disabled.tga",\ "d:/ymir work/ui/game/belt_inventory/slot_disabled.tga", False, False) self.itemSlotWindow.SetAlwaysRenderCoverButton(i)
  16. This code unlocks the market 5 seconds after editing is finished. When I remove the code, the market is not unlocked and cannot be viewed, even if the edit is finished.
  17. I noticed this in debug mode. When I create the shop, it disappears after a few seconds. What is the problem? CActorInstance::InterceptMotion(iLoopType=1, wMotionMode=1, wMotion=25, fBlendTime=0.100000) - GetMotionKey(m_wcurMotionMode=1, wMotion=25, &MotionKey) ERROR
  18. Hello, I'm not sure if it's just me, whatever you call this bug/problem, but it's very strange. Let me summarize the event as follows, computer and Virtual Box etc. When I first open and start the game, the offline shop's edit mode works without any problems. It continues to work smoothly in this way until I close the game and open it. But after this stage, for any reason, when I close the game with sh stop.sh and open it again with start.sh, this time the editing mode enters the bug and during the editing process, it says "The market has been updated, it will be active in 5 seconds" from the bottom as if the self-editing is finished. unlocking the market. (Meanwhile the edit mode is still on) Syserr vs nothing. I think it comes from this line in char.cpp: if(ch->GetShopEditMode() && get_global_time() - ch->GetShopEditModeTick() > 5) ch->SetShopEditMode(false); But I couldn't see a problem here, because it's the same everywhere. I think there is a problem with get_global_time() but unfortunately I couldn't solve it. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience the same? GREAT OFFLINE SHOP
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