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Everything posted by blaxis

  1. Hello, I want to create NPCs using the characters from the game. How can I make an NPC like in the photo? (char+armor+hair+weapon etc.) I tried but failed. Can you give an example?
  2. Thank you. So last question; What exactly does the granny2_static.lib file do? (not granny2.lib)
  3. Hi, I need granny2 2.9 or 2.11 .lib file sources. I couldn't find it anywhere. I have ideas on making some changes to the lib files. Where can I find?
  4. uiscript/chatsettingwindow.py change for button .sub line with: "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "middle_button_01.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "middle_button_02.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "middle_button_03.sub",
  5. Firstly, thank you. But as you showed me the motlist.txt(client and server); GENERAL SPAWN metinstone_drop.msa 100 GENERAL WAIT metinstone_loop.msa 100 GENERAL RUN metinstone_loop.msa 100 GENERAL NORMAL_ATTACK metinstone_attack.msa 100 GENERAL FRONT_DAMAGE metinstone_loop.msa 100 GENERAL FRONT_DEAD metinstone_blow.msa 100 GENERAL FRONT_KNOCKDOWN metinstone_loop.msa 100 GENERAL FRONT_STANDUP metinstone_loop.msa 100 GENERAL BACK_DAMAGE metinstone_loop.msa 100 GENERAL BACK_KNOCKDOWN metinstone_loop.msa 100 GENERAL BACK_STANDUP metinstone_loop.msa 100 GENERAL BACK_DEAD metinstone_blow.msa 100 .msa files are also available. But it still doesn't happen. I think there is a problem with the source files, but I still haven't been able to solve the problem.
  6. I wasn't sure which "string" lines to edit There are a lot of them.
  7. Hello there. When I attack stones, the rocking (shake) effect of the stone does not work and remains fixed. How can I solve this? That is, it does not vibrate when I hit the stone. No syserr. Sorry for my bad english, I using Google Translate.
  8. Hello, search results are listed in the search system, but when I click "Mark" or "Buy", "No ItemIndex!" I'm getting the warning. Does anyone have an idea? def BuySelectedItem(self): if self.selectedItemIndex == -1: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "No ItemIndex!") return shopVid = self.searchResultItems[self.selectedItemIndex].GetShopVid() shopItemPos = self.searchResultItems[self.selectedItemIndex].GetShopItemPos() net.SendPrivateShopSerchBuyItem(shopVid, shopItemPos)
  9. Hello, where exactly is the effect file used in the bell weapons of the shaman character? I couldn't find which .mse file it depends on. (+7 , +8 , +9 effects)
  10. @ V0lvox I found what the problem is. But I couldn't solve it. The problem is caused by this code. How can I edit this? Please help. Removing this code fixes the problem, but the hair costume is not displayed with other items. That's how I described the weapon costume. It works flawlessly. However, when I make the hair costume this way and add hair to the costume, it says "Remaining Time: 0 Minutes" under all weapons. When I remove the costume hair, the text disappears. if test != 1: #costume hair sac = player.GetItemIndex(player.INVENTORY, item.COSTUME_SLOT_START + 1) if sac != 0: item.SelectItem(sac) renderTarget.SetHair(RENDER_TARGET_INDEX, item.GetValue(3)) I also tried like this but it doesn't work. if test != 1: # hair sac = player.GetItemIndex(player.INVENTORY, item.COSTUME_SLOT_START + 1) if sac != 0: renderTarget.SetHair(RENDER_TARGET_INDEX, sac)
  11. Hello, I have a problem with the ui tooltip file. def AddItemData(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot = 0, evolution = 0, flags = 0, unbindTime = 0, window_type = player.INVENTORY, slotIndex = -1, preview = 0): and in def SetInventoryItem func: self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, player.GetItemEvolution(window_type, slotIndex), 0, 0, window_type, slotIndex, 1) its normal. but It says "Remaining Time: 0 Minutes" under all weapons belonging to the warrior character. Here: self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, player.GetItemEvolution(window_type, slotIndex), 0, 0, window_type, slotIndex, 1) It fixes itself when I delete one argument. But why should I delete it? What do you think could be the problem?
  12. No armor and no weapon but... How can I fix this glare issue? I solved the problem. I edited the PSM system..
  13. Hello there. How do we use the def AddItemData function in Python? When calling this function elsewhere, do we have to call all the arguments in it? examp func: def AddItemData(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot = 0, evolution = 0, flags = 0, unbindTime = 0, window_type = player.INVENTORY, slotIndex = -1, preview = 0): and in the def SetInventoryItem: self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, player.GetItemEvolution(window_type, slotIndex), window_type, slotIndex, 1) Can we call it?
  14. @ V0lvox bro I discovered something. I change this self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, player.GetItemEvolution(window_type, slotIndex), 0, 0, window_type, slotIndex, 1) with(I deleted one 0); self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, player.GetItemEvolution(window_type, slotIndex), 0, window_type, slotIndex, 1) Problem solved. But I'm not sure I'm doing anything right. AddItemData func: def AddItemData(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot = 0, evolution = 0, flags = 0, unbindTime = 0, window_type = player.INVENTORY, slotIndex = -1, preview = 0): The 0 I deleted corresponds to the 'flags' argument. Do you have an idea?
  15. Hello friends. "Remaining Time: 0 Minutes" is written on all warrior weapons (single-handed - double-handed) and "30 days" in some. Where can I fix this? I think the problem is with the source codes but I'm not sure. uitooltip: [Hidden Content]
  16. I change this: self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, 1) with: self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, 0,0,0,player.INVENTORY,-1,1) But not solved It still says "Time Remaining : 0 Minutes".
  17. Thanks. I try this but didn't work.. It was solid before. But I don't remember what I did afterwards. I guess it's because of the source code "And for those sold in NPC; "You Can't Use It." It has a reminder." this solved but "Time left" issue persists. Hair problem solved, costume body and weapon is not solved. I added or item.COSTUME_TYPE_WEAPON == item.GetItemSubType() but didn't work. Edit2: Hair's rigth click after same problem
  18. Hello. I'm having a time issue with all elements of the costume type. Hair, mount, costume weapon, etc. For all time: It shows "Time left: 18910 days 14 hours 7 minutes". How can I fix this? I set the hours correctly in the item_proto file, but the problem persists. And for those sold in NPC; "You Can't Use It." It has a reminder. This warning comes: def AppendTimerBasedOnWearLastTime(self, metinSlot): if 0 == metinSlot[0]: self.AppendSpace(5) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.CANNOT_USE, self.DISABLE_COLOR) else: endTime = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() + metinSlot[0] self.AppendMallItemLastTime(endTime) No syserr.
  19. @ V0lvox Hello, when I hover over the items in the inventory, it says Time Remaining: 0 Minutes. (Guns only) When I delete "1" from the AddItemData list, it fixes itself, but this time the render target is not working. How can I fix this? No sysrr.
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