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Everything posted by displayjokes

  1. That is not working for you either, for what i got, you are placing the costume on your ymir work folder on D partition right? That's where you are getting it from, maybe you are doing something wrong on the paths, i once did this same bug and that was the problem ? If you need help on checking if the costume has the right path just post sreenshots of it ?
  2. On the map you want to make it work, open the Setting.txt (client side), and make sure your environment variable is diferent than nothing. Example: Wrong: [Hidden Content] Right: [Hidden Content]
  3. Okay, i do not know what really did it, but the problem is solved, was able to add the new costume item without any problems after 5/6 tries, always the same process, i changed the height from costumewindow.py on uiscript and it worked, i do not know if it was really that, because the other items were working on the same y value.. Anyways, problem solved
  4. This worked without that system? in this function: def RecvQuest(self, index, name): you're calling this function right? (BINARY_RecvQuest)
  5. Hey, so i was creating a new costume type for smokes (like a smoke system, i couldn't find a system like that so i was trying to do my own) Here's my bug: (Sorry i can't post images don't know why, the upload fails always, so here's the link) [Hidden Content] That's on inventory, the item works fine, and i can use it, but when i equip it, it does the right behavior, goes into the right slot and gives me the bónus HP, but i do not have tooltip and i can not unequip it, what have i done wrong or where can i fix this? This is bothering me for hours now >.< Here's one item in inventory and the other one equiped: [Hidden Content] If i use the one in inventory they switch, so i don't understand what's going on Any help is appreciated! Thank you Edit: It seems like it's not beeing recognized has a costume slot, if i drag the item over and drop it, the item wont equip, if i start clicking on it with the item dragged, it won't equip.. Only equips with a right click on mouse.. Is there any limitation that can be making this?
  6. You might be adding twice the code, check the "ifs"
  7. Root > interfacemodule.py > show us this function: BINARY_RecvQuest
  8. I read somewhere that you made a fix, i tried to find it for almost an hour, next time i will stalk your profile first ? Thank you
  9. Thank you! I had tried with EUC-KR, but it did not work. Problem solved! I was in this for hours >.<
  10. Same thing hapened, i used sublime and visual studio code to try it >.<
  11. Hey, I was editing my client when i got to the part of editing the localeinfo.py on root folder, i compile and i get this error: This is the only thing i edited: I believe the problem can be somewhere around the characters set (codification), because if i change it to my codification, the errors stop but the game bugs when i select character. If i do not touch the file, or leave it right has it was BUT, i save the file (with my codification/charset (UTF-8 or ANSI)) the error still come out.. I need to restore it from the default folder in order to have the same codification.. I'm using some clean files from other forum(turkey) if that helps somehow OBS: I'm using python 2.7 Any help is appreciated! Thank you! EDIT: it's not runtime error, it's runmain <.<
  12. Did you add the files to userinterface on visual studio? Like this? [Hidden Content]
  13. Thanks! Will check it in a few minutes and give feedback
  14. i cannot see it ? Seems like i do not have permissions to do so >.< " Sorry, there is a problem This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location. "
  15. I don't really care where the button goes, but i wanted to make a button where i did the red marks that was "Refine all", and instead of you going to do 1 by 1, it automaticly did that for you while you had dragon souls stones to refine
  16. Hey, i was wondering and i was trying but i cannot figure it out yet: What i want is a button on the dragon soul window to refine every alchemy stone of that type/level. What i've tried is trought quest, with an item, count every stones you have in inventory but it always cames has 0 and remove_item does not work either ? How can i access to the items that are in dragou soul inventory? Any help on this is appreciated Thank you
  17. Temporary fix: On computepoints function in char.cpp file: search: SetPoint(POINT_MOV_SPEED, 100); change to: SetPoint(POINT_MOV_SPEED, 200); That "lag" disapears when moving and when mounting and unmounting any type of mount, the refresh still hapens and no need to remove affects
  18. Still working to figure this out, i got some update, i've done a rollback to when i had the bug and started the debug on source, i've figured out that this particular bug is from the "computepoints" function in char.cpp, now need to fix it ?
  19. Thanks, here's why i find it odd: [Hidden Content] That is a fresh new character, no problems no bugs, do you think it can be due to some affect the character has? EDIT: this happens to me when i'm in a ninja and use ambush with the stealth skill activated, when i clear the affects table, the bug is gone >.<
  20. Can you explain me the packets limitation and if it is possible/how can i come over this limitation? '-'
  21. I'm not an expert but take a look at this function: bool CHARACTER::UseItemEx(LPITEM item, TItemPos DestCell) it's on char_item.cpp, i believe it's in that function that the magic hapens when you use an item (any item), you can have some problems on some function of unequip and equip item. I'm not entirely sure but, i think it's somewhere around here:
  22. This is a common bug i'm trying to figure out why, for example, this bug hapened when i was attacking and increasing my status, my attacks would becanceled over and over again until i stoped increasing my stats. That is fixed, but it still has some effect on other functions like this one, and while walking/running, mount and unmount
  23. Me too, i will be searching on source tomorrow, if i find anything i'll let you know!
  24. Yes, any type of costume for what i can see there's no solution yet? xD I've found when you hit and increase status the bug kinda happens, but that solution is not applied on either of our cases ?
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