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Everything posted by displayjokes

  1. I did it, same output ? 13 succeed, 3 failed Full output with warnings: [Hidden Content]
  2. Anyone knows why this happens? [Hidden Content] (Can't post directly a image..)
  3. Huh, ir night vê the system that came incomplete, that's out of my range xb
  4. That's what i was thinking ^^ Glad to hear you solve it, maybe you can post the solution if someone falls into the same bug.
  5. I can't upload files or images, i don't know why, but here's my function: if you need the whole code from the file i'll put it on pastebin Hope this helps
  6. Do you have made any changes on void CItem::ModifyPoints(bool bAdd) function in item.cpp? I'm not sure if it is from here the problem but.. xD
  7. Problem solved, forgot to add transmutation in list of values to save on DB, so i was trying to save 6 values, but only declared 5, this on cache.cpp
  8. Check in cmd.cpp if you have the user command: [Hidden Content] If you do have it like that, try to use /user instead of /u
  9. This is mine if it helps: I don't know what that is supost to do but here it is
  10. Doest this happen to every item? Or just some? Can you see any tooltips? Like in swords/armors/etc?
  11. Hey, so has the title says, i do something like: /i 1009, and the item is not saved if i shut down the server, even after 30 minutes (already had time to refresh the cache and saved it on db), even with /shutdown in game. The character position is saved, same has the yang, but the items, they all disapear.. i've repaired the table, and still.. Check if it was permissions error but it doesn't seem so.. Any help is appreciated, even if just the place where things are inserted into db, can't find it either to debug ? Thanks in advance
  12. syserr of client and syserr of db? Try to create a new character and check if does the same behavior
  13. I don't know if this is what you want, but here's the original quest, let me know if it works, if not, tell me the problem and if i can i will fix it: [Hidden Content]
  14. if you comment this line and absorb a weapon, does the sash gain attributtes or no? comment this and try: pkWeaponToAbsorb->CopyAttributeTo(pShowItem); If it does not gain any atribute we can do a workaround, setting the attributes by ourselves
  15. Oh okay, that's different, now we need to look for that message, you can try to copy the message to notepad, search for it on translate or locale.lua, i do not remember what file, and check what's the key phrase that's giving you that message, than we can look for that key phrase in this file, because i'm not sure where it tells you the player is not offline, other options is that you can send chatpacket to see where it stops, like this: ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT(" Test 1 ")); than ahead in the functions add a couple more and add +1 to the number after Test, this is how i usually debug
  16. The part you edited that is giving you errors, i don't see a missing ";" there, so it must be something else
  17. You are missing parentesis, but show me that part of the function complete, with the number of the lines please
  18. I believe what you want to do can be done easier, you are only returning true in that function, on ACMD(do_emotion), find this: if (!victim->IsPC() || victim == ch) Change it to: if ( (!victim->IsPC() && victim->GetRaceNum() != 30122 ) || victim == ch) I believe it work, if not you can play around that if, this is not tested, plus what MrQuin said, you will need the animations for the NPCs.
  19. You did not declared ch, you have it rch, change the ch-> to rch-> has it is declared on the begining
  20. Show me the functions where the absorptions happens and we can see where's the problem
  21. With only that i grabed a pet system from other source i had and inserted it on mine, pet is now working fine, thanks! I might do a comparsion in the files to understand but problem was solved
  22. Where do you have the sash functions? It's not on item.cpp that you posted if i'm not blind xD
  23. Watchout for the bumping rules, @Raylee will slap you On topic, i belive you are doing this: IF character is NPC equals to 30122, do something, so try to spell it out, you will see the error, you verify if it's an NPC and you want a true or false to be a vnum/id.. I believe you must do GetRaceNum() to get a comparsion to npc vnum/id Something like: ch->IsNPC() && ch->GetRaceNum() == 30122
  24. I believe you are trying to say that your shining does not appear if the item is +9 for example? The effects of mini fireflies? xb If so, problem can be on your binary adding the effect or on python when you are declaring the effect
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