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Everything posted by displayjokes

  1. try to apply the value 1 on your item_proto to the mount you desire
  2. Try this: 52000 mount_name ITEM_COSTUME COSTUME_MOUNT 1 ANTI_STACK NONE NONE NONE 0 0 0 0 0 REAL_TIME_FIRST_USE 259200 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 5 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 1 52000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 and replace the 52000 with the mob that belongs to the mount
  3. i believe you took it from here maybe @.ZeNu can help you, since there's a dead link in there from him
  4. Summon: [CMountActor::Summon] Failed to summon the mount. (vnum: 0) can you show the line on item_proto (the seal/item)?
  5. What WeedHEx said is right, it's like your map doesn't exist and that specific character ended up in a black hole where you cannot take it out. If you wish to unbug the character go to database and copy coordinates from a character that is fine and paste it on the bugged one
  6. Hi! As the title says, i have a bug where i'm running and attacking at the same time, here's a gif of the bug, i'm running against one npc that's why i'm not moving, but if it was not an npc there i'd go around attacking and moving. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance
  7. Problem solved, as always i tend to fix my own problems after asking here, this one took me a while, but i managed to get it, a lot of search on source files and i found out this lines of code: (file: input_main on: case GUILD_SUBHEADER_CG_ADD_MEMBER:) #ifdef ENABLE_LONCA_NPCYE_ATMA_FIX { if (!ch->IsPC() || !newmember->IsPC()) ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Lutfen sadece karakterlere istek gonderin.!"); return SubPacketLen; } #endif I believe that this piece of code is kinda wrong, since we are already checking what it needs to be checked, if character that is invited exists and if the character sending the invite exists. I believe that this code is trying to test if both of them are the same person, if this makes sense. Anyways if anyone has this problem it can be a solution.
  8. Hi, as the title says, i'm getting a bug where the guild invite is not showing on the character i want to invite. Here's a quick video of the bug: [Hidden Content] Any help is appreciated. (solution, where the invite is made, where the invite is sent to the invited player and where it is received) I had similiar bug with party invite a few months ago and someone told me that it could be from python part. Thanks in advance EDIT: On debug mode in client shows the packed beeing sent on the client that i'm sending the invite, and the other client (supost to receive the invite) nothing happens
  9. Seems like you either done something wrong or missing a lot of resources
  10. Yeah i noticed after i posted this, that's why i went back to the code and found that, but since it was only from editing for example on " in the includes (delete and write it again) i didnt though it was from the actual code. My bad, Thanks for answer
  11. Hi, i was trying to change the negative HP when i teleport, but when i change the char.cpp file this error comes out: This error comes even if i delete one character and add it right after and save the file. If i do any modifications, even if the file stays the same, no changes at all, this error comes out. Any ideas why this happens? ? Thanks in advance EDIT: Yes, i know, a few minutes after i find the solution, one of the "{" was commented i believe it was because character enncode that changed something, not sure what or why caused that, but i just found it, after 2 hours looking at this. Sorry for the spam, but everytime i ask something i seem to figure it out alone a few minutes after..
  12. I did not found that link so i remember you posted for me You can do the disk partition, i used to do it, now i have 2 ssd so i don't need to create a partition, but it is a safe method i can assure.
  13. Hi! As the title says, i'd like to remove/reposition some of the Guild Land NPC(the NPC you talk to buy a land to your guild). Since i'm using my own maps and index/coordinates, they are all over the maps i don't want to and in blocked zones. Someone knows where i can change/delete this? I've tried on both sources, removing the line where NPC is spawned, it works on removing the NPC from the map, but on client side, it still comes in the map. I tried removing those too, but it clears all the map, even from the "normal" NPC, myself, monster, etc.. (the map stays empty) So i'd like to solve this in the best way, if possible where the info where this NPCs coordinates/location is. I've tried to find the file, seems like it's invisible. Thanks in advance. EDIT: Yeah, sometimes i feel dumb. After reading what i wrote again, i was looking for a file but the solution is in player database > land don't remove all the lines or you will get an error starting the server, just change what you want from "YES" to "NO". I always answer the things i post. I should post earlier so i don't waste a lot of time on this >.< Topic can be closed.
  14. Tutorial with everything on world editor by @Raylee : [Hidden Content] To add effects, waterfalls etc you need to explore the program like everyone, you might have different objects/effects depending on the client you are using. Anyways, after following the tutorial the objects are on the second "V" on the top left menu, you'll need to search and find what you are looking for. As i said, it can be different from person to person, so noone can give a 100% correct answer on that. Hope it helps.
  15. The easy and lazy way could be: uiinventory.py: search for: self.attachMetinDialog.Open(metinSlotPos, targetSlotPos) change with: self.attachMetinDialog.Accept(metinSlotPos, targetSlotPos) Then on uiAttachMetin.py: search for: def Accept(self): change the function with: def Accept(self, metinItemPos, targetItemPos): net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(metinItemPos, targetItemPos) snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/metinstone_insert.wav") self.Close() Not sure if it works, but it should. (i did not test) Good luck ^^
  16. the script is right, can you check if a pid file is created on your cores folder? this is my kill script, seems the same to me, except if does not exist i'll get a warning #!/bin/sh if [ -r ./pid ]; then touch .killscript kill -1 `cat ./pid` else echo 'server is not running.'; fi
  17. You are setting the level to 62 here: d.setf("level", 62) Don't know if you still have the problem but yeah ? if does not work, post full quest, can't download your file.
  18. please show us the sh shut.sh script from one of your cores
  19. root > ui.py search for: class ThinBoard(Window): inside this class search for: BOARD_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor it will have numbers inside () something like: BOARD_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(80,80,80,0.51) the default is: BOARD_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.51) Change however you would like ^^
  20. If i understand right, what you are looking for is MAGIC_PCT on item_proto, that percentage will determin the chance for an item to have bonuses, 0 = no bonus on item drop
  21. Check in the script of the window, python if you are not making two slot in the same position, i've had this issue and that was the fix, not sure if it the case, if not, post uitooltip.py on pastebin
  22. Fixed problem was in packets, had: typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; UINT pos; BYTE change_pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotSwap; was needed: typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; UINT pos; UINT change_pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotSwap; Thanks for your help even if you didnt do much @MrQuin
  23. Thanks for the reply, uh yeah, syserrs are this: Client > Clean syserr from db > Clean syserr from the core: This is when i drag the item And game.core i do not know how to check it..
  24. Hey, so when i try to move items that are already in the taskbar, i get disconnected to the login page.. If i try to insert something in taskbar, it works fine, only moving items that are already there, skills, items etc.. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
  25. Bug Fixed.. Solution: Empty space before JEUNGRYEOK in skill_proto table.
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