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Everything posted by displayjokes

  1. If you may, do you know exactly in which file is "writen" "Use costum instead of armor"? :\ i could use some variable from player to control that, or even a vnum for a costum invisible, would be easier that way i guess?
  2. Maybe something like when you want to give the first items right when you enter the server, something like this: when login begin if pc.getqf("default_bravery_value")== 0 then pc.setqf("default_bravery_value", 1) give 25 points for the bravery cape here end end
  3. In which file can i do that change/add to the code? I'm searching, if i find i'll edit this comment hehe
  4. I did not understand, how can the vnum affect the costume visibility? Edit: if possible, do you know where in the source is a function that says "show this costume instead of the armor" ?
  5. Hi! I was wondering, is it possible to make an invisible costume or make them not appear? Please don't answer only Yes if it is Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
  6. For those who also want, just search Schwarz Stahl on google. Thank you!
  7. Hi! I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but i'm looking for a very specific set of weapons, i've been looking for hours and i can't find it.. Here are some prints i could find on google/youtube: Daggers: [Hidden Content] Sword: [Hidden Content] If anyone knows where can i get it or who made and how can i contact or even the name of the weapons/pack, that'd be awesome! Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
  8. clean xb You are a godman genious! Love You! <3 It worked!
  9. Hi! I'm in a phase of trying to implement new things, i can implement new items, as resources or only items with "icons", not appearence, didn't try armors yet but still, can't implement new weapons.. I did a query to mysql, added the item correctly there, added on item proto/item names, added icon successfuly but when it comes to show the weapon, here's the result: It should be something like this.. But it's like i have no weapon.. i placed the GR2 files on item/ymir work/item/weapon as it is to do (right?) Here's my item_list: Any help is appreciated! Thank you! Edit: I've tried a lot of weapons (something like 10 weapons i believe, all the same result..) this was the last one..
  10. Hey! So i've created a new map and when i'm going to the phase of adding new monster they all came on double. That means, with one line on regen.txt, that mob comes 2 times on the map. The same for boss.txt. This is my regen.txt: [Hidden Content] this is my boss.txt: [Hidden Content] Any hhelp is appreciated! Thank you!
  11. Hi! So i've created a map on world editor and on implement, everything is fine, no errors, i can teleport to the map without any problem, but, the problem is when i teleport to the map i've added this is ALWAYS the position that i go: 0, 0 and this is the problem: [Hidden Content] it was suppost to go here: [Hidden Content] instead of behind this "mountain":[Hidden Content] here's my atlasinfo: [Hidden Content] my setting.txt on serverside: [Hidden Content] my town.txt: [Hidden Content] my server side folder contents: [Hidden Content] my client side folder contents: [Hidden Content] Would really love some help! Thank you!
  12. I implemented a new map and whenever i'm on it it keeps writing on syserr this: 1005 16:40:45413 :: IndexError 1005 16:40:45413 :: : 1005 16:40:45413 :: list index out of range 1005 16:40:45413 :: any idea on how to fix? Thank you!
  13. You my friend, are the real MVP! I'll thank you for life! Thank you!
  14. When i open still like this: [Hidden Content] Errors: [Hidden Content] Or if i open trough other executable file: [Hidden Content] Edit: World Map Structure: [Hidden Content]
  15. I'm not home atm, but will try that tomorrow and give feedback! Thanks!
  16. I just unpack everything and paste ir on world editor folder? (Ymir work?)
  17. Hi! I was going to try to edit an existent map, i installed world editor on Ymir Work on D Drive, copied and pasted map folder and tried to open the map on world editor, this is the error: Print of the error And when i press ok, this is how it comes: [Hidden Content] Here's my pack folder if it is needed to get some components from there: pack print Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
  18. I solved it by decreasing to version 1.5, all bugs that had problems are fixed there, i'm keeping my changes, as it doesn't affect the rest of the server! Thank you for your help! really!
  19. I've done ALL Again, installed files, source, and cliente from the downloaded folder. Changed the source as it was so the source code is the same, now i got: Client syserr: Clean Channel Syserr: Core 1: [Hidden Content] Core 2: Still the same, need to fix mobs spawn nothing special.. [Hidden Content] Channel 99: [Hidden Content] Auth: [Hidden Content] db: [Hidden Content] i believe i know where the db errors come from but the group invite still unknown .. It is from Nirvana Files V3 ~ 1.8 if that helps >.< I'll give you my kidney to solve this hehe
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